Ummm I dont know if I should continue with 30 Day Shred



  • kbmnurse
    kbmnurse Posts: 2,484 Member
    Don't stop. Take some Motrin and suck it up. It will get easier. I will complete day 30 tomorrow.
  • glittermouse
    glittermouse Posts: 590 Member
    I agree with the stretching and taking some Aleve (or whatever your pleasure is) before bed. Add more hot showers, heating pads, or whatever you need to keep going. The program is awesome.

    I found out (Thanks MFP message boards!!) that the soreness I was feeling in my knees was because I wasn't stretching my quads enough. I find that the stretches Jillian does after her workouts and Shaun T does after his Insanity workouts don't have enough stretching in general and, specifically for me, the quads and hip flexors.


    Once you notice an area is giving you grief, search for stretches and moves that will relieve the pain. I tend to head to Youtube first and search for "stretches for _____" and start there.

    Of course, 30 DS is not meant to be done for 30 consecutive days, so be sure to take a rest day and give your body a chance to recover.

    Best of Luck!!!
  • 388gigi
    388gigi Posts: 485 Member
    That is completely normal and won't last long.

    Any time you start a new workout or doing something harder than what you were previously doing, it is going to hurt. Keep pushing through and don't give up.

    I personally would do 30 day shred 3 days a week with rest days. Otherwise the muscles won't have time to recover. Maybe 30DS on Mon, Wed and Fri. Some other activity on Tues and Sat (maybe a class or spin bike etc) and have Thurs and Sun as complete rest days. If you don't want to have complete rest days, you could do an easy paced walk or something not too strenuous. Just a suggestion :-)
  • Brianabomb
    Brianabomb Posts: 87 Member
    The 1st time I tried it, I barley got through it and was sore. Then I let about 2 wks go by and tried it again. I couldn't even get through half of it. Last night I tried it and made it all the way through. I did have to stop a couple of times to catch my breath but I made it. You will too! Don't give up. I have read so much about it here on MFP and It encourages me.

    I will say that last night after I did the workout, my thighs felt like they were shaking all over the place and my arms were just as bad. I am going to FORCE myself to get to it again tonight. I know it's got to be worth it.
  • leslieleet
    leslieleet Posts: 41 Member
    can someone tell me what the 30 day shred is and how i find it on the website?
  • SkettiGurl
    SkettiGurl Posts: 186 Member
    keep going! I found by day 3 I wasn't really sore anymore. However...if you just can't bear it, reduce your intensity. If you are using weights, reduce the amount or none at all, your arms may be heavy enough for some of those moves! Don't sit quite so far down in your squats or your lunges. And STRETCH! I stretch for twice as long as she does and I add a whole load like triceps and my forarms, calf stretches, glut twists and most definitely hip flexors (as I tend to get these WAY too tight and then end up with a bad back).

    Try and have some protien (believe it or not chocolate milk is supposed to be the best thing for you after a work out) within twenty minutes of your work out. And HYDRATE, HYDRATE, HYDRATE.

    oh...and don't forget to move between your workouts, it may be sore at first but go for a 10 minute walk or something will just help loosen the lactic acid in your muscles.

    Good luck!
  • Kandygirl
    Kandygirl Posts: 249 Member
    i have never done the 30 day shred but i have felt like that before. it gets easier. you are working new parts of your body. it will get easier.
  • USMCConditioning
    "pain is weakness leaving the body"

    - i say keep going.
  • SkettiGurl
    SkettiGurl Posts: 186 Member
    can someone tell me what the 30 day shred is and how i find it on the website?

    Jillian Michaels 30 Day Shred. It's an exercise DVD. I bought mine from Walmart for $5. You can find samples on youtube.
  • KrazyAsianNic
    KrazyAsianNic Posts: 1,227 Member
    I would keep pushing through. You may be able to start off every other day to allow your body some rest, but by doing it every day, you can only endure yourself to get stronger. It will eventually go away.
  • Kagard11
    Kagard11 Posts: 396 Member
    Keep doing it! You'll be thankful in a few days! Absolutely stretch, drink fluids and eat some healthy fats (I actually drink a Lowfat chocolate milk after my workout), you won't regret it!
  • kimsciolino
    kimsciolino Posts: 240 Member
    It is normal to be a little sore, If you are in a lot of pain, don't quit you may just need to stretch more. For me my hamstrings tighten up some so I always do extra stretching. This should help you out. I am currently on my second round of TurboFire and Chalene Johnson is awesome and always has a stretch session before and after each workout. I have not had any problems of soreness with this program. I hope this helped. Good Luck and remember do not give up, or one year from today you will be saying to yourself " I wish I continued a year ago"..
    Take Care,
  • Becca_007
    Becca_007 Posts: 596 Member
    "pain is weakness leaving the body"

    - i say keep going.
    Suggesting someone work through pain without knowing enough info doesn't seem wise or safe. Pain and muscle soreness are 2 VERY different things!
    OK so today is day 2 and I seriously CAN NOT WALK. I am in sooooooo much pain. Does anyone know what I can do to make the pain go away. Should I stop doing it? I have never done a workout like this and I think it is scaring me any one with advice please let me know Sorry to put so many post on here but I am in pain and dont know what to do. Mayb you guys who have done this can tell me to keep going or what I dont know
    Is it PAIN or muscle soreness? Major difference between the two and of course pain being very different than soreness shouldn't really be responded to by others by 'Keep doing it!"

    If it's actual pain, no you should NOT keep doing it!! If it's simple muscle soreness where you feel extremely sore all over, then you might want to take a day in between before the next workout. Also get in plenty of water, stretch but only after warming up your muscles up a wee bit.

    If you're not used to doing a certain type of class or workout than it's not unusual to feel very sore after and even for a couple day after. As your body gets more used to working out the soreness level will diminish.:heart:

    Ask me how I know? I took a class yesterday morning and I could barely move last night. OMG! Sitting, driving, laying in bed, getting up offa the floor, you name it, I thought I was dying.:laugh: I can laugh a teeny bit now since the body is feeling a bit better but only a teeny bit.:tongue:

    Lots and lots of water is helping me out plus not stopping workouts completely otherwise your body won't get used to the new moves and each time you start up again you'll feel like this all over again.

    Trust me, you WILL get back to normal and the soreness will go away! That's why I asked if it's actual pain or extreme muscles soreness.. you never want to work through pain, no matter what anyone on this site or any place else suggests, you could really cause some damage.

    Try a warm bath, Epsom salts, a short walk, ice etc., getting in a good nights sleep (if you can, my body could only last for a couple hours before I needed to get up and stretch a bit again:ohwell: )

    Many here suggested keep going but only YOU know the level of soreness, if you workout again before you're mentally ready you may end up quitting the program. Do what YOU feel your body is ready to do, starting out there's absolutely NO reason not to break the workout up a bit, starting up with something new often causes lots of sore muscles.

    Feel better soon Hon and I'll do the same!:wink::flowerforyou: We'll get through this together... I loved the class and will definitely go back but sure glad I didn't have it again this morning.:sad: :bigsmile: :wink:
  • CMmrsfloyd
    CMmrsfloyd Posts: 2,383 Member
    To me there is a difference between a little muscle soreness and PAIN. if you're just a little sore, then yes it might be good to go ahead and workout, might even make you feel better. But PAIN is different. If you are in real pain, your form on the exercises may not be right and you could risk actual injury from doing the moves poorly.

    The first day I did it, I was in PAIN for 3 days. I took those 3 days off. I mean I could barely sit on the toilet or walk down the stairs (had to go sideways, slowly, holding the rail and the wall). If you are in PAIN take a day to rest, do some stretching or walk to get your muscles moving. After I came back from my 3 day break, I never had to take another break for PAIN. I had a little muscle soreness here and there, but never to the extent that it prevented me from working out again. Your muscles may really need a rest to recover. Do not injure yourself in the name of doing 30 days straight, you don't have to do it every single day if you are feeling real pain and need to recover. I can say this with certainty b/c it took me 37 days to do all 30 workouts and I still lost 2" off my waist, 2" off my hips, and additional inches off every other part of my body. Taking a day or two for rest/recovery will not negate the work you are doing, so long as you actually get back to working out as soon as you are able. And be sure you are paying careful attention to your form especially on things like squats and lunges so that you don't mess up your knees.
  • Circa1964
    Circa1964 Posts: 225 Member
    I was so sore in the calves doing level I that I walked funny for three days. I only did walking on those days, it hurt too bad to do anything else. I figured I need to exercise with proper form and I wouldn't have had that the way I was feeling. When I started back I alternated a couple of exerises to give the calves a little break as not to get that sore again. I think Jillian should have selected a couple of different exercises as to not overdo the calves. No real way to relieve the pain other than time. I tried everything.
  • NWdreaming
    NWdreaming Posts: 95 Member
    If I am super sore from any Jillian DVD, I take the next day off from her and do another form of exercise that is lower impact to rest my muscles a bit. If you need to, take a whole day off from exercise. Take a hot bath and make sure you are eating lots of protein and drinking lots of water! (This really helps me!)

    Good luck!

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  • Elibasia
    Elibasia Posts: 211 Member
    I finished 10 days of level 1 today. I am sore, but not as bad as I was the first 3 days. I'm goinig into level 2 tomorrow and even though it hurts I'm not giving up. If I could do this I know you can too. Best of luck:flowerforyou:
  • shaymo10
    shaymo10 Posts: 134 Member
    The pain will subside. The first two days are like being in hell, but as time progresses, you start to feel like an athlete. This is my schedule:

    Monday: 30 DS
    Tuesday: 30 DS
    Wednesday: Cardio (Walking, Aerobics, etc...)
    Thursday: 30 DS
    Friday: 30 DS
    Saturday: Cardio (Walking, Aerobics, etc...)
    Sunday: Rest

    Believe me, it is gets easier.
  • Keeta83
    Keeta83 Posts: 427 Member
    Keep it up...unless you feel like you have actually injured yourself. The first 2 or 3 days I was crazy stiff but it eases up after that! I'm on day 24 and have found that the first day or 2 of level 2 and level 3 I felt a little sore also! Finding new muscles I haven't been working as hard before!
  • austindog2
    austindog2 Posts: 128
    Stretch, take some tylenol, and keep moving! In my opinion, one of the worst things you can do if you're sore is just sit around, then the muscles aren't getting any action. Jillian Michaels has actually said that the program wasn't originally designed to do 30 days in a row - the name was just catchy; so if you want to take a day or two off, do it! Keep eating healthy and take a walk or something, then get back into the 30DS. You can do it!