Logging couch to 5k

hesn92 Posts: 5,966 Member
I don't have a HRM so the only way I know how to log couch to 5k is to figure my speed according to how long I was out there and the distance I ran/walked. I'm on week 3 and I went 2.29 miles (according to a map I looked at online) and I was out for 25 minutes. So that equals about 5.496 miles per hour?? I didn't run the whole way, I was walking half the time, so that just doesn't seem right or accurate. How should I log it?


  • Nopedotjpeg
    Nopedotjpeg Posts: 1,805 Member
    Do you go by distance or time?
  • hesn92
    hesn92 Posts: 5,966 Member
    Time. Today was 90 seconds running 90 seconds walking 3 minutes running 3 minutes walking. Repeat.
  • Nopedotjpeg
    Nopedotjpeg Posts: 1,805 Member
    That makes it a little bit easier. One other thing. Is the warm-up + cooldown included in your time?

    EDIT: Dumb question. However, according to C25K week 5, the time should be 28 minutes /w warm-up and cooldown. 19 minutes walking, 9 minutes jogging.
  • Nopedotjpeg
    Nopedotjpeg Posts: 1,805 Member
    Crap. I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong here. I screwed up a step somewhere because I think the way I'm doing this is assuming your min/mile for walking and running are the same because that's what it comes to when I try to check that.

    I'll try to get back to you. This is going to bug me now until I can figure it out. lol
  • hesn92
    hesn92 Posts: 5,966 Member
    Lol thanks! Yes the 25 included the warmup and cooldown. I'm on week 3. I walked for 5 minutes to warm up and then it took me 2 minutes afterwards to get home.


    5 minute warm up
    18 minute workout (9 minutes each of walking and running overall)
    2 minutes walking to get home

    = 25 minutes.
  • Nopedotjpeg
    Nopedotjpeg Posts: 1,805 Member
    Ahh ok. Well just disregard the post you saw before. lol.
  • Nopedotjpeg
    Nopedotjpeg Posts: 1,805 Member
    So I'm stupid, and just realized without distance of the walking and jogging portions, it's not really possible to accurately figure out the speed. Sorry. >_<
  • Jentheoriginal
    Jentheoriginal Posts: 18 Member
    I don't have a HRM so the only way I know how to log couch to 5k is to figure my speed according to how long I was out there and the distance I ran/walked. I'm on week 3 and I went 2.29 miles (according to a map I looked at online) and I was out for 25 minutes. So that equals about 5.496 miles per hour?? I didn't run the whole way, I was walking half the time, so that just doesn't seem right or accurate. How should I log it?

    If your true total distance was 2.29 miles total, and your total true time was 25 minutes, then you are correct that your average was 5.496 miles per hour or 10.9 min miles. To log it you just want to find the one closest to what you did, so 11 min miles. While your run is faster than this and your walk is slower, this still takes into consideration your entire workout, so logging will be accurate... You run faster (burn more) and walk slower (burn less) but the total accounts for that. I personally always round down for exercise and round up for calories because generally speaking those are people's two largest problem areas in logging.

    Good luck and keep it up!!! I loved c25k when I did it two plus years ago. It really helped me, and I later took it farther to start doing half's. Running is addictive!!!
  • immeagain
    immeagain Posts: 16
    If you have a phone or ipod that you can download apps on, I use one called Cardio Trainer. It keeps track of the calories for you. Seems pretty accurate and I just keep my phone in my pocket. Might look into that to see if it would work for you. I haven't done the C25k yet.
  • Jentheoriginal
    Jentheoriginal Posts: 18 Member
    If you have a phone or ipod that you can download apps on, I use one called Cardio Trainer. It keeps track of the calories for you. Seems pretty accurate and I just keep my phone in my pocket. Might look into that to see if it would work for you. I haven't done the C25k yet.

    does this program log the same way that treadmills do, or d o you type your actual weight in? I'm not familiar with it. I use Nike plus, and it's goes by both my weight and my stride pace, but it's way different from my treadmill that uses one persons weight preset from the factory...
  • DannieElise
    DannieElise Posts: 23 Member
    I just started C25K and I use the C25K app on my phone to track how long and how far I've run. The app is FREE and very easy to use! I love it! It also has great cues that tell you exactly when to walk and run. If you have an android phone, definitely check it out!
  • tphughes2008
    tphughes2008 Posts: 4 Member
    Try www.endomondo.com You will be able enter your route in manually and it will figure and track everything for you..
  • immeagain
    immeagain Posts: 16
    If you have a phone or ipod that you can download apps on, I use one called Cardio Trainer. It keeps track of the calories for you. Seems pretty accurate and I just keep my phone in my pocket. Might look into that to see if it would work for you. I haven't done the C25k yet.

    does this program log the same way that treadmills do, or d o you type your actual weight in? I'm not familiar with it. I use Nike plus, and it's goes by both my weight and my stride pace, but it's way different from my treadmill that uses one persons weight preset from the factory...

    You type in your weight
  • cannie55
    cannie55 Posts: 74 Member
    Lol thanks! Yes the 25 included the warmup and cooldown. I'm on week 3. I walked for 5 minutes to warm up and then it took me 2 minutes afterwards to get home.


    5 minute warm up
    18 minute workout (9 minutes each of walking and running overall)
    2 minutes walking to get home

    = 25 minutes.

    When I did C25k, I logged the running and walking segments separately. So for week 3 I would put in:
    Walking @ 3 mph- 16 min (5 min warm up + 9 min walk breaks + 2 min cool down/walk home)
    Running @ 6 mph- 9 min

    Depending what app you're using, you might be able to look at the map for a running segment and get an idea of your speed. I always logged my walking at 3 mph and I run at about 6 mph. When in doubt, I always round down on my speed so that I don't record a higher calorie burn that I actually had.
  • dimples0211
    dimples0211 Posts: 1 Member
    i also started using the app and i loooove it! its a good program and it will cycle thruogh your music for you and tell me exactly how far ive gone which is great since i hate running in a straight line. i like to run a block then turn around and run back then walk. i know weird right! good luck everyone!!!!
  • lilmiss_sunshine29
    lilmiss_sunshine29 Posts: 136 Member
    Hi everyone,
    I'm new to the community and so far i've found the few posts here and there i've read to be helpful..

    I need help please with calculating calories burnt. I'm doing a Couch to 5k program. It mapped me as having achieved the following stats ; Total distance 3.5km at a rate/speed of 8.34min/km.
    1. How do I convert my rate to reflect what's already existing on MFP? Eg 3.5mph or 7mph etc
    2. If I wanted to create my own exercise, how do I go about it? I mean how do I calculate calories burnt?.
    NB: I don't have any lil exercise devices or anything like that...well except my iPhone.. :smile:
  • lilmiss_sunshine29
    lilmiss_sunshine29 Posts: 136 Member
    If you have a phone or ipod that you can download apps on, I use one called Cardio Trainer. It keeps track of the calories for you. Seems pretty accurate and I just keep my phone in my pocket. Might look into that to see if it would work for you. I haven't done the C25k yet.

    I've looked for Cardio Trainer and it's not coming up on my Iphone. There are various different ones coming up...Do you know if it goes by a different name?