I'm new!

Hi! I'm new here. I was looking around I saw all the support between members that I decided to join. I'm a 30 YO married woman, I live in Texas and I started to work out with Jillian Michaels 30 Day Shred. I'm currently at day 4 of level 1 and I love it. I feel lighter, I got less tired just from walking from my front door to the mailbox, etc.
Before moving to Texas, I visited a nutritionist and she gave me a 1400 cal diet, which I follow, I'm very strict with my diet, I don't have a problem taking care of what I eat, it wasn't easy to stop eating junk food, but I did it, and I feel awesome. My problem is not food anymore, my problem is/was to get up and move, my life is/was very sedentary until last week, when I decided to defeat the demon of procrastination for once and forever. I bought the JM DVD at my local wal mart and the next day went back for killer buns and things, and I'll be getting 6 week six pack tomorrow. I'm very motivated right now. My plan in to start working out with one of those two at some point before finish 30DS, when I hope, I can have more stamina. I been lazy for many years, and now I just have enough. I'm tired of being tired, unhealthy, out of shape and demotivated. This is my time to be in the best shape of my life, to be more healthy and to change my lifestyle.

In January I was 206 pounds. I weighted myself last week, before starting 30DS and I was 201, but now I don't want to weight myself because I have read that you get a little bloated and I don't want to be demotivated. I know I can take that as an excuse to stop working out and I don't want that.

I guess that is it. I hope I can come and share some results. Thanks.


  • darcie81
    darcie81 Posts: 69 Member
    Hello i'm new to this too! my life is very sedentary as well i'm a caregiver for my great grandmother so there isn't much moving about but i'm trying to get out of that habit before it destroys me and back on the road to happier, healthier me! you can join me if you like. i wish you the best!
  • LReneeWalker
    LReneeWalker Posts: 213 Member
    I am new also. I have been exercising and eating right all week. No weight loss but I am feeling good!
  • nomayo
    nomayo Posts: 228
    Thank you very much! I feel the support, and I like we are not alone in this. Let's keep up the good work. many hugs.
  • jennifer783
    jennifer783 Posts: 86 Member
    How awesome for you to decide to do something about it! This is an amazing place full of inspiring and encouraging people! Good for you! You can add me if you like! :)
  • ElizaRoche
    ElizaRoche Posts: 2,005 Member
    welcome to the site!
  • saraann4
    saraann4 Posts: 1,296 Member
    Welcome! I'm new also, and just lost 4lbs. You CAN do it! Add me as a friend and we can motivate each other!. :)
  • tabithap07
    tabithap07 Posts: 39 Member
    feel free to add me this is a great place for support!!
  • cwielk
    cwielk Posts: 36
    Welcome! I'm starting 30 DS tomorrow! Add me if you like!

  • mainebabe
    mainebabe Posts: 32
    Hello. I am also new here. I am 30 yrs old going through a divorce and need to lose 50lbs. Feel free to add me if you want
  • dellashanks
    dellashanks Posts: 207 Member
    I'm new here as well. I love it! Feel free to add me I would be glad to have more friends to support and have support along this journey!
  • thinmg
    thinmg Posts: 13 Member
    I have just started 2 . Support on here is great, very motivating.
    :blushing: I need friends !!!
  • Hey guys! Im new to this site and i need motivation! Add me if youd like..
  • Hi all!! Welcome i have been here for a while and you can do this if you put your mind to it!! i'm a 37 yo SAHM and doing everything i can to lose this weight!!! If your serious about this journey feel free to add me this is a great tool if you use it!
  • i am new 2 i have like no friends and i need some motivation! please add me if you want
  • NE_Girl
    NE_Girl Posts: 9
    Hello everyone. I am new too. I just creaetd my account today. I would love to have some friends on this site.
  • misslariss84
    misslariss84 Posts: 20 Member
    27 y/o female here! I also recently started the 30 day shred (in late March). I do it first thing in the morning with my man, and it's a great way to get some energy for start of the day!

    I have a short term goal of losing weight for my September wedding, but I'm also hoping to make a real life change this time around--to make a healthy diet and exercise a regular part of my life.

    Feel free to add me!

    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Calorie Counter
  • tinaslosingit
    tinaslosingit Posts: 45 Member
    Hey newbies! Welcome to all of you! Please feel free to add me. I am 32 years old and WILL be losing 40 pounds this year! Good luck to all! :-)
  • Gumbie7
    Gumbie7 Posts: 45 Member
    I am new as well! i know there is like 10 of us saying that, but I thought I'd add to it. I just started yesterday. Was really sad when I went to the doctors today and weighed in at 243...I've gained about 60lbs in a year and a half. The weight just kind of came on after I got sick. It happens, but now I'm looking for support on here too! So feel free to add me:) Great job on being motivated by the way!