

  • ktdid626
    ktdid626 Posts: 185 Member
    Have a chocolate protein shake. I just did, and I find it takes the hunger away after 15 min, and I get my chocolate/sugar fix. (without all the real sugar)
  • JoshuaL86
    JoshuaL86 Posts: 403 Member
    If it were easy, obesity wouldn't be an issue. Don't give up, keep pushing forward!
  • llaurenmarie
    llaurenmarie Posts: 1,260 Member
    giving up and eating a bunch of chips is what got you where you are now -- unhappy with yourself.

    if it's easy it isn't worth doing! :)

    stick with it!
  • SuperSonz
    SuperSonz Posts: 44 Member
    I'm having a bad day and am just feeling really discouraged. I feel like it's so hard for me to lose weight! Frustrated that my friend just had a baby, lost her 40lbs of baby weight and then some without even trying! I know everyone is different I am just feeling so down today and feel like quitting and eating a bunch of chips or something...somebody stop me! Convince me otherwise aaahhh :( does anyone else feel like this right now or periodically? What brings your spirits up? HELP!

    Just because you don't see results doesn't mean nothing is happening! Don't be so focused on weight loss but appreciate your efforts at being healthy and know that more than one thing is happening:
    1. you are getting healthier
    2. you're getting into shape
    3. you're disciplining yourself to make wiser choices

    the fact that you asked for help means that you understand that you have a choice and need help choosing the best one. forget the bag of chips and munch on a comment full of inspiration and support.

    Be motivated!! And keep your focus like a horse in a race!

  • amymrls
    amymrls Posts: 1,673 Member
    I think everyone feels like this at some point. If you mess up tomorrow is a new day start new. You can do it =)
  • Chelle_Davis
    We've all been there!! Keep focused on your goals. You can do this!!
  • grdinagirl
    grdinagirl Posts: 21 Member
    Wow thank you all. I am new to mfp and never expected this many encouraging replies! Thanks so much you guys. Snacking on some veggies :)
  • SuperSonz
    SuperSonz Posts: 44 Member
    Brush your teeth. Most foods don't have the same appeal with minty clean breath. Drink some cold water. You can make it through. There is nothing more discouraging than giving up and being disgusted with yourself later.
    I came across this before and I started doing this especially when I'm at school and it actually does help
  • grdinagirl
    grdinagirl Posts: 21 Member
    Putting away the scale is a good idea too!
  • anolan807
    anolan807 Posts: 273 Member
    I understand.. I am feeling this way right now as well. I am so fed up with the up and down, but I say I'm going to change and then without even thinking go back to my old habits. It's so frustrating.. I'm ready to throw in the towel with the entire process.. So don't feel to bad your not alone.
  • kdcasti
    kdcasti Posts: 4
    I actually feel like that so much but then when I do give in and decide not to care anymore I end up gaining the 10lbs that I don't want. I've lost a total of 67 lbs, but it's been since dec 2009 with a break in between. I am in the Marine Corps and anyone would think it's easy to lose weight when you do as much as we do on a regular basis, but what it comes down to is commitment and determination. Keep your head up, and remember there are a lot of people who have the worst time losing weight. Continue to reach out to those people that have that hard time and have had success. Continue to ask for help, and remember that when you are able to look back and see how much weight you lost you'll feel pride, accomplished, and better about yourself. Don't let yourself get depressed, if you feel like you are, reach out and get more support. If you run into one of "those girls" remember that you have more to show, not because you struggle but you work so much harder than they do. If you ever need anyone to talk to about discouraging feelings, hit me up.
  • grdinagirl
    grdinagirl Posts: 21 Member
    Thank you! Very heart felt.
  • thyara
    thyara Posts: 14 Member
    I'M REAlly sad as well ! i have been working so hard and now weight loss ! is like damn am i ever going to reach my goal !