Need some help

Hi Everyone, I am new to all of this and must say that it is really helping. I have never been this committed but I have run into a problem. I haven't lost any weight in a week and have been eating healthy, exercising and staying either right at or under my caloric intake suggested amount. It is very frustrating and I don't know what I am doing wrong. HELP! As I am ready to throw my hands up and say I QUIT.


  • childofbodom123
    childofbodom123 Posts: 175 Member
    There could be a number of reasons for not losing weight. Water weight perhaps, time of day when weighing yourself, food consumed the previous day, your weight loss goal..the more weight you have to lose the easier it is to get the numbers in the beginning etc.

    However, most likely is that you have been dieting for a week and I'd put good money on a great majority of people do not lose weight in the first week. Give it another couple of weeks and if you are still not losing weight, maybe look at your diet and see if it is as healthy as it can be or if you are not eating enough of certain foods.

    But give it at least a week and see if things improve. If you are comfortable to do it, I would put your diary as public or for friends so they can see what foods you are eating so they can help even more.

    Hope this helps :smile:
  • masterofktulu
    masterofktulu Posts: 151 Member
    Seriously, do NOT rely on the scale. It will never be accurate. Weight fluctuates way too often. I would pay much more attention to measurements as those are much more satisfying. I weighed myself today six times. I was between 219-227. So I could really care less about the scale, even though I still use it for curiosity.
  • ladyraven68
    ladyraven68 Posts: 2,003 Member
    Hi Everyone, I am new to all of this and must say that it is really helping. I have never been this committed but I have run into a problem. I haven't lost any weight in a week and have been eating healthy, exercising and staying either right at or under my caloric intake suggested amount. It is very frustrating and I don't know what I am doing wrong. HELP! As I am ready to throw my hands up and say I QUIT.

    Can't see your diary so can't really say much.

    What is your BMR?
    What is your TDEE?
    What are your calories set at?
  • masterofktulu
    masterofktulu Posts: 151 Member
    Also are you drinking 8-10 cups of water a day?
  • CEOqueen
    CEOqueen Posts: 12
    Thanks for the suggestions and support!
  • CEOqueen
    CEOqueen Posts: 12
    I am.....sometimes more.
  • CEOqueen
    CEOqueen Posts: 12
    I will look into this and get back to you as I'm not sure. New to this!
  • CEOqueen
    CEOqueen Posts: 12
    I agree but it is still very frustrating.
  • ForeverIrish
    ForeverIrish Posts: 227 Member
    Don't quit! One poster suggested drinking water--my first trainer recommended drinking half your body weight. If a person weighs 200 pounds, drink 100 ounces of water. I work with a guy that started out drinking 200 ounces of water!

    The scale is a liar. Your clothing and how it fits will be a better help in seeing how well you're doing. One week isn't enough time to see what you can do.

    The person posting below is right. Opening your diary so your friends can see your food intake and your exercise will help. I've gotten some really good suggestions doing this.

    Please, please, please don't quit!
  • BellaB7810
    BellaB7810 Posts: 18 Member
    Plateaus will happen throughout your fitness lifetime, even after you have achieved your goal weight and are simply maintaining health. My piece of advice is not to rely on the scale for your feedback. As your body adjusts to a new diet and to exercise, you will see fluctuations in weight that can be attributed to water weight gain or loss, gains in muscle and simply the time of day you may be weighing yourself.
    As frustrating as it may feel, you can't really get a sense of your progress after one week but you WILL start to feel the changes. How has your energy been affected? Do you feel more alert? Less stressed? More focused? How do your clothes fit? Do you notice any difference? How about your appetite and your cravings? Paying attention to little things like this will help to keep you motivated because you will notice changes beginning to occur before you see the result of those changes outwardly.

    Never stop trying. Remember, this is not just a one time destination you're trying to reach. Once you get to your goal weight, you won't just quit. No way! After working for it, you will want to keep it so this is a lifestyle. It's something you do every day and it's simply a habit. It gets easier every day you do it and before long, you won't be thinking about it so much or struggling to keep going. You absolutely CAN do this. Our bodies have an amazing ability to adapt and it will reward you for taking care of it properly. I promise you that it's worth the effort. I've been to both extremes of this diet and fitness roller coaster and I'm very proud to say I finally found balance. So can you. You already are or you wouldn't be here posting. Keep going!
  • GoldspursX3
    GoldspursX3 Posts: 516 Member
    Stick with it. You will go through ups and downs in your journey but in the end your hard work will be worth it. Remember you didn't gain that weigh in one week and you sure as hell won't lose it in one week!