Help!! please

Hey! So I would like to upload a pic of my dinner and EXPLAIN what the hCG diet is and how its been to me so far (this is a trial run for me) no one believes I can eat such HEARTY meals and manage to stay under my calories. Please tell me how to post!


  • slong19642002
    slong19642002 Posts: 2 Member
    HCG diet is not a healthy way to loss weight. Just another gimmick for a quick few pound loss. You need to eat more then HCG suggests and exercise to lose weight. I went off birth control pills in April at age 47 and gained 25 pds, even though I exercised 30 mins a day. I finally started losing 1/2 pd a week since mid February. I just started my fitness pal 2 weeks ago and lost another 3 pds. My Doctor who I saw today is recommending it to her patients.Good luck!
  • Laurej
    Laurej Posts: 227
    Very interested in what the hcg diet is! :) I'm not sure how to post pics yet, maybe on the blog part? and I think whatever works for you and your weight loss, as long as it's not starving yourself, is all good!
  • Scott
    Scott Posts: 204 MFP Staff
    Dear Posters,

    MyFitnessPal strongly recommends that our users follow the calorie guidelines automatically assigned by our site, unless they are under the direct supervision of a doctor. We are currently reviewing the medical literature on the HCG/500 calorie diet and reserve the right to moderate against discussions of this diet at any time in the future.

    For the time being, HCG discussions remain an option for members in private Groups. Please remember that even in Groups, all site wide rules must be correctly moderated, or the Group runs the risk of deletion. Specifically, endorsement of purchasing prescription supplements or medications without a prescription is in violation of the MyFitnessPal posting guidelines, which can be reviewed here:

    Thank you all for your concern. We're definitely looking closely at this issue.
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