Personal Hygiene

makeupinmanhatten Posts: 155
edited December 2024 in Chit-Chat
This topic may sound funny but I'm curious! I'm so OCD when it comes to hygiene. What is your hygiene routine like and are you OCD about your hygiene in any way?


  • I just like to be cleaaaaaan! but not freakishly lol just clean n fresh n yummy smelling :)
  • Guruadish
    Guruadish Posts: 18 Member
    Can i move in withyou? lol
    I like clean and nice smelling. I just can't clean everyday i do it once a week or once in two weeks.

    I think its not ok to have OCD. As long as you dont clean the stuff again and again even though it is clean in a single day. :wink:
  • hahah the OCD part was a joke. I do really like to stay clean though! but not sooo clean that i clean everyday nooo way. I have a life to live lol. I just mean like my hygeine routine is a little long because i mean i floss and all that good stuff! :)
  • I am definitely a hygiene-aholic! I'm somewhat OCD in that fact I have to do the same thing every day and if I run out of a certain item or fall asleep early, I get really upset! lol My friends think I'm crazy when we travel, because I CANNOT pack light. I have to bring ALL my items with me!! And I cannot stand someone using my products. Not because of the actual usage, but because I'm a clean freak/organize freak, and I want to know that I'm the only who has touched my items. Am I weird? yes ;)
  • lol no you are not weird i am like that too! people will be like "hey do you have chap stick?" and i do but ill be like" no sorry!" lol i dont like sharing stuff like that! and sharing makeup is just germy! lol
  • well, showering and dental hygiene stuff is everyday xD and if you do serious work, like I help my dad with construction stuff so sometimes two showers in a day?

    And teeth get the full rounds twice a day and brushing with toothpaste after every meal and brushing just with water every time I walk through or near the bathroom. (I am deathly afraid of cavities D:)

    Is that OCD? because I'm not a germaphobe, like I DO share my chapstick, just cause I'd rather be exposed to some germs and gain some immunity, but like, never touch railings those are disgusting and the air blowing things in bathrooms just blows germs on you so eww. but. yeah.
  • lol no i wouldnt say its ocd i would just say we each have our own little quirks about germs! i am also a freak about clean teeth! i floss everyday hahah and i am also really working on clearing up my skin lately
  • zinok
    zinok Posts: 185
    My only "weird" one is that I HAVE to cut my nails every one to two days. Any longer than that an I start to obsess over dirt under my nails.
    Aside from that, I follow a fairly ordinary hygiene routine. Showers, wash my face in the morning/before bed, brush teeth, etc.
  • ToEKnee213
    ToEKnee213 Posts: 1,031 Member
    I'm a little OCD about my hair & skin. I only use a certain shampoo & products that will leave my hair crunchy or flaky.

    Only use certain skin care products and I wash with cleanser in the shower, then use cleanser pads after I brush my teeth. Then moisturizer. Under eye serum (I work thirds, makes them less puffy). When I wear makeup (very rare) I wash my eye shadow brush after I use it. I only keep mascara for 3 months. I use a cleanser pad when I get home from work, then moisturize again before I go to bed.

    I must be doing something right - Ive never had any skin issues :smile:
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