Does anyone feel like this after a binge?!

Hi all,

So i had zero sleep the night before last (ill other half) therefore i was craving sugar so badly yesterday (normally follow a low sugar plan) and i just felt constantly hungry so i eat LOADS....and i mean loads. i didn't even bother trying to track it. Good thing is i am back on track today...all food planned out and ready to go.

Bad news is i feel TERRIBLE. I feel tummy aches, my chest aches, i have zero energy and i just generally feel terrible.

Does anyone else feel like this?

Sure sign that it is true - you are what you eat and when i eat good stuff i feel goooood!


  • explorerwish
  • Maldivesbeachbodplease
    bump for more replies/input
  • katy84o
    katy84o Posts: 744 Member
    If I eat a lot of unhealthy foods, I don't sleep as well, which usually puts me in such a miserable mood the next day or so.. I know that it does this to me, but that doesn't always stop me. But I agree you are what you eat. When I'm eating my calorie goal and filling it with whole foods, and not a lot of processed junk I feel great!
  • Danpellizzari
    I lost my mind and ate a burger and fries at 5 guys last night. I had 2000 calories available to me going in but I felt horrible all night. I ached and my body actually hurt. So the answer would be yes. Come to think of it I woke up with a headache also. Ugh!
  • katiej122
    katiej122 Posts: 125 Member
    If I binge I feel horrible for days. I mean really, really horrible, mentally and physically. That and how good I feel even after one day of eating right and exercising is motivation enough not to do it...not that I've figured out a way to stop myself, but the thought of the day after helps keep the big binges at bay for a little while. Its pretty amazing how food can affect your mood and how you see yourself in the mirror. Definitely know what you mean...
  • Maldivesbeachbodplease
    If I binge I feel horrible for days. I mean really, really horrible, mentally and physically. That and how good I feel even after one day of eating right and exercising is motivation enough not to do it...not that I've figured out a way to stop myself, but the thought of the day after helps keep the big binges at bay for a little while. Its pretty amazing how food can affect your mood and how you see yourself in the mirror. Definitely know what you mean...

    Yep i totally agree hun. It is sooo weird. My whole body ACHES. I am hoping this time i will actually learn. I really do just feel awful and I know i feel amazing when i eat well so i am hoping after a few days back on track i will feel better. Urgh. Glad i'm not going mad though and others feel the same :) thank u!
  • Maldivesbeachbodplease
    I lost my mind and ate a burger and fries at 5 guys last night. I had 2000 calories available to me going in but I felt horrible all night. I ached and my body actually hurt. So the answer would be yes. Come to think of it I woke up with a headache also. Ugh!

    Yep i hear ya. My body hurts too. I cannot believe it. I have thought this before but after being back on track with my healthy eating for a while and then just binging so bad yesterday I now realise how badly i react to it.

    Back on track today, menus planned for the next 3 days. bring it on!
  • Maldivesbeachbodplease
    If I eat a lot of unhealthy foods, I don't sleep as well, which usually puts me in such a miserable mood the next day or so.. I know that it does this to me, but that doesn't always stop me. But I agree you are what you eat. When I'm eating my calorie goal and filling it with whole foods, and not a lot of processed junk I feel great!

    Same as!! hopefully this time will teach me and i will stop doing it. It SO isn't worth the "good" feeling of eating all the junk at the time. Back on track today and will make sure i don't do this again anytime soon! urgh!
  • da_sammit
    da_sammit Posts: 238 Member
    im still suffering the easter monday (its wed here in australia) binge of 800cal of nothing but chocolate. im bloated, sore, gassy and generally really grumpy and frustrated.

    glad to know what im feeling isnt just me, its everyone who breaks out!!!
  • fishndad
    fishndad Posts: 102 Member
    I weaked one Sunday nite & ate to much pizza. It wasn't until Wednesday afternoon til I felt better. Lots of water & fiber & other good food to get there though. Funny how I ate pizza 2-3 times a week before. Guess I got used to the feeling of feeling like heck. Old habits are hard to break, but pizza is one that I don't eat anymore. Still working hard on ice cream, but the urge gets me once in awhile. Don't sleep well at all & feel like heck though when I do.
  • Maldivesbeachbodplease
    I weaked one Sunday nite & ate to much pizza. It wasn't until Wednesday afternoon til I felt better. Lots of water & fiber & other good food to get there though. Funny how I ate pizza 2-3 times a week before. Guess I got used to the feeling of feeling like heck. Old habits are hard to break, but pizza is one that I don't eat anymore. Still working hard on ice cream, but the urge gets me once in awhile. Don't sleep well at all & feel like heck though when I do.

    Im the same hun. I literally must have just gotten used to eating good stuff and now my body is punishing me for eating like a pig!!! the feeling is starting to ease off where i am eating so well today so i am hoping by the weekend i will feel properly better. very early night for me tonight too so i can try and feel a bit more energised tomorrow!! i used to do weight watchers and eat rubbish on it (loads of sugar - if i put what i used to eat in MFP my sugar levels are WAY over)...sure i used to sometimes lose weight but i felt like rubbish!!!). Now i just feel so much better. Hopefully one day i will learn to quit with the bingeing as the after feeling is sooo not worth it!
  • secretlobster
    secretlobster Posts: 3,566 Member
    That sounds like a particularly bad sugar crash. And yeah I have done that and felt similarly. We went out for wings one night with friends, and since my body is not used to fried food anymore, I felt like absolute death the whole next day.
  • Emancipated_Tai
    Emancipated_Tai Posts: 756 Member
    I can agree! However, your back on track and that is what counts!
  • MeliciousGibson
    Yesterday was my birthday. Normally I don't eat a lot of sugar at all, but people brought things for me, and I felt "obligated" (and secretly grateful). I didn't overdo it, but I did have 2 donuts before noon, a cupcake after lunch, and a deep fried tortilla with chocolate sauce and sprinkles after dinner.

    I also taught my first official Zumba class before dinner.

    I've been working on the same routine for the past month now. Sure, once I was teaching I gave it a little more "oomph" than I usually do - but this morning I woke up SORE! Just about as sore as I was the day after I took my first Zumba class ever!

    I think I'm more sore than just the Zumba could account for - and once I found your thread it sort of put it together for me why. I ate all that sugar yesterday!!! So, thanks for posting!
  • VeganInTraining
    VeganInTraining Posts: 1,321 Member
    yep, I get a junk food hangover. I did that on Monday and was miserable by the evening and even worse by the next day. It's good to be back on track!
  • kelleybelly35
    kelleybelly35 Posts: 73 Member
    i agree if i go overboard on food i am miserable for at least the next 2 days.....i no longer have my gall bladder so i try not to over indulge because i get extremely sick if i do
  • deadstarsunburn
    deadstarsunburn Posts: 1,337 Member
    Unhealthy foods late at night give me bad dreams and than I feel super sick the next day.
  • ElHombre23
    ElHombre23 Posts: 126 Member
    If I binge I feel horrible for days. I mean really, really horrible, mentally and physically. That and how good I feel even after one day of eating right and exercising is motivation enough not to do it...not that I've figured out a way to stop myself, but the thought of the day after helps keep the big binges at bay for a little while. Its pretty amazing how food can affect your mood and how you see yourself in the mirror. Definitely know what you mean...

  • Maldivesbeachbodplease
    Thanks all!!! firmly back on track today and feeling better already. Hoping after an early night and another few days back on track i will feel much better!!! xxx
  • Maldivesbeachbodplease
    Yesterday was my birthday. Normally I don't eat a lot of sugar at all, but people brought things for me, and I felt "obligated" (and secretly grateful). I didn't overdo it, but I did have 2 donuts before noon, a cupcake after lunch, and a deep fried tortilla with chocolate sauce and sprinkles after dinner.

    I also taught my first official Zumba class before dinner.

    I've been working on the same routine for the past month now. Sure, once I was teaching I gave it a little more "oomph" than I usually do - but this morning I woke up SORE! Just about as sore as I was the day after I took my first Zumba class ever!

    I think I'm more sore than just the Zumba could account for - and once I found your thread it sort of put it together for me why. I ate all that sugar yesterday!!! So, thanks for posting!

    You're welcome :) and HAPPY BIRTHDAY for yesterday! Hope you had a lovely day :)