Is Zumba easy or hard? I want honest opinions .

I have never done zumba but I hear so Many great things about it. I'm a little nervous about it because( whisper )* I can not dance*. Any advice on the class? The people who says its easy and fun or good dancers. Is it worth my time signing up and giving it a shot?


  • htmlgirl
    htmlgirl Posts: 314 Member
    I always tell people that as long as you are trying and moving, you'll get a good workout. It might take a few weeks to pickup on the moves, but you'll get it eventually. I did zumba at my old duty station and before that I was uncoordinated and couldn't dance at all. After a while, I picked up on it and could do it. I would give it a couple times before you make a decision on whether you like it. You should definitely try it though. It's a lot of fun and you don't realize you are exercising.
  • lizzue
    lizzue Posts: 276 Member
    My feet and body didnt seem to want to do what everyone else was... lol bit embarrassing but it was sooo much fun and i find if I am having fun then I am more likely to keep doing it! x
  • kirstypoos
    kirstypoos Posts: 9 Member
    The joy of Zumba is that it's as easy or hard as you make it! If you copy the instructor exactly then it's really hard on your quads and bum and core, but everybody sorta does their own take on it, and you all just bounce around doing vaguely similar moves at your own pace.

    Personally, the first few weeks I went it was exhausting every time as I was mega unfit and had water breaks after every song (not the only one!); now I try to keep moving whilst everyone else is having their drinks!
  • I have been going to zumba for about 6 months now. I am not the best when it comes to coordinated moves. It feels like you cannot do it in the beginning. You don't need to be a dancer to do zumba. In a few weeks, you get the hang of the moves. Like our instructor says, try to keep moving as much as you can. You don't have to look graceful or be conscious.... just enjoy it. It is a lot of fun. I really look forward to it every week. So my advice would be go for it... you will have a blast of a time :)
  • MissYatta
    MissYatta Posts: 57 Member
    I'm not a good dancer either, but it is a great workout. When I first started, I was out of breath in about 10 minutes, but gradually I've been building up. It took me a while to like it because it took me out of my comfort zone, but eventually I grew to love it. Have some water and a towel near by because you will sweat!
  • meerkat70
    meerkat70 Posts: 4,605 Member
    My daughter wants to do this, and we're going for our first class today. I have the coordination of a very uncoordinated thing (I stomp on my *own* toes when I dance).. So I'm kind of dreading it. But hey, the things we do for our children...
  • foxyhotgal
    foxyhotgal Posts: 79 Member
    i loveeee zumba :) and i have managed to get a load of my friends to come and they are of all different fitness abilities, some have never been to the gym before and they loved it too. The thing with zumba is its not like other dance classes as such, you dont really need to learn a routine and if there is a move that your brain just doesnt understand you wil soon be on to the next one anyway! there are soo many people in my class ranging up to like 6o year old ladies and none of us have much coordination!! half the time we are all moving the wrong way! if it gets too hard then just stop and take a breather or slow down, it is only as hard as you make it!

    i think you should go and try it and see, if u find its not for u then you dont have to go back, but its sooo much fun and doesnt feel like exercise, maybe you can drag a friend along too xx
  • Zumba is a kick in the pants like any other exercise, even maybe more depending on your instructor but its fun as hell. I am lazy and fat but a Zumba class is the only thing I will voluntarily walk in for without kicking and screaming.
  • elexichoccyeater
    elexichoccyeater Posts: 310 Member
    Zumba is the best exercise ever!!!!!!!!!!!!
    It makes me laugh so much! I have been doing it now for 5 months and I am still absolutely useless!
    When yo first start it will seem a bit difficult to keep up, but very soon after you will realise most of the dances have similar steps and it will get easier and easier! however the easier it becomes the harder you work and the more cals you will lose!
    The first time I thought I was going to self combust as I was so unfit... now it is relativity easy and I go 3-4 times a week :)
    If you want some support... feel free to add me xxxx
    (ps for the first few times concentrate on your legs and worry about what your arms are doing later )
  • Jenjaz1910
    Jenjaz1910 Posts: 433 Member
    I am a rubbish dancer but I like to try lol I ALWAYS break into a ridiculous sweat doing Zumba! I do it on the WII and I would say it is pretty hard especially to start with. There is a websit zumbacalories I think it is called where you enter your data and it works out approx how many cals you burn doing it! I burn between 179 to 402 cals depending on how long I do it for x

    EDIT: on the WII you can chose the level you want to do begginner/easy, intermediate or expert
  • Why not get the games on the Wii or PS3 before giving classes a shot? I am the most un-coordinated person going, my brain cannot process some of the moves and sometimes I am moving my feet too much when the on screen instructor is not!

    I bet I look a right idiot but as long as the curtains are firmly closed and I am actually doing it, I feel great!

    I have never been to classes, but I bet they will start people off at the same level, not having people who don't know what they're doing with experienced people pushing and shoving them out the way as the novice is dancing in their space!! That would put me off completely!!

    Just give it your best! If you think you look silly, well you could always get drunk first!! lol
  • Malaika946
    Malaika946 Posts: 107 Member
    I do mine at home and love it!
  • Debbe2
    Debbe2 Posts: 2,071 Member
    Try it and see for yourself! If you love music you will probably like or love Zumba!
  • It's easy if you have great knees! You will sweat more than any other exercise. It pretty much ruined my knees with so much lateral movement.. It's also a LOT of fun!
  • I do it at home... so I dont care if I miss a move or struggle with one!! it was hard at first, especially when you are unfit, now I enjoy it, sweat buckets and burn calories!!

    Good luck and give it a go x
  • mischa_12
    mischa_12 Posts: 126 Member
    It's not easy but it is a lot of fun and you feel great afterwards. I looked ridiculous because I have no rhythm at all, no one cares though! you just have to keep moving and it's a fantastic workout.
  • Bding123
    Bding123 Posts: 19 Member
    I LOVE zumba! I find that those who have natural rhythm are the best at it as i suppose it is a form of dance - But i think everyone could do it. At my gym there are beginners, intermediate and hard core classes, so perhaps find a beginners class first to see how you get on.
  • It definitely helps to have some dance experience. It can be a little intimidating at first, but one you practice it is so much fun! I would recommend it for anyone wanting to burn calories in a fun way :)
  • ElizaRoche
    ElizaRoche Posts: 2,005 Member
    Depends on the instructor.. Some classes are high impact, another ones are ´easier´. I was also scared about starting doing zumba. The first classes i was like .. what the hell im doing here, i cant even follow the steps!!. But you just gotta get used to it, and learn the steps, aaaaand know what the instructor expects from you.
    Try it, its addicting I can tell you that. I never really liked dancing, but now im always waiting for the moment I start to move!
  • Anastazia36
    Anastazia36 Posts: 27 Member
    Is it working?
    Have you seen a difference on your bobies?
    I am thinking to start too but it seems too much fun to work!!