
i would assume that detoxing your body before getting into a routine of dieting and exersise would be a good idea... Lord knows what kinda chemicals and crap i've been puting into my body with all these sodas and processed foods... anyone know a good way of detoxing your body without drinking a gallon of warm lemon salt water?


  • TomTommietje
    I start the day with matcha tea (a Japanese green tea where you drink the whole leaf). They say any green tea (or white tea) helps detoxing AND another nice side effect, if you drink a couple of glasses a day, scientists even claim it boosts your metabolism with up to 4%.
  • rcrippenjr
    the metabolism thing is a definate plus... i've held between 225 and 240 for about 6 years while eating whatever i want... guess that means i have a pretty high metabolism..idk
  • BrianSharpe
    BrianSharpe Posts: 9,248 Member
    Detox, as a nutritional concept, is pretty much meaningless and is used largely by companies trying to sell you the next miracle product.

    Your liver and kidneys do an admirable job of removing toxins (with the exception of heavy metals and poisons - and then you need medical treatment not a diet supplement).

    Eat a balanced, nutritious diet (lean proteins, lots of fruits & veg), avoid processed foods and drink lots of water & you're good to go!
  • BrianSharpe
    BrianSharpe Posts: 9,248 Member
    I start the day with matcha tea (a Japanese green tea where you drink the whole leaf). They say any green tea (or white tea) helps detoxing AND another nice side effect, if you drink a couple of glasses a day, scientists even claim it boosts your metabolism with up to 4%.

    Which scientists? Most of these claims are made by companies selling supplements and have never been subjected to scientific testing.
  • glpennington
    There are lots of detox treatments listed on the web for cleaning up the liver, kidneys, gut, heavy minerals and other toxins. I'm sure that some are safer than others. Taking chlorella, citrus pectin or activated charcoal are good ways to clear out toxins. Just watch your diet. If your workout diet tends to make you constipated, charcoal will make it worse and will strip your food of minerals that you would have otherwise absorbed. It may be worth your time to examine what is putting the toxins in your body in the first place. Switch to foods that are more natural and unprocessed. Take a break from that those Aluminum based antiperspirants and sun screens. Tell your dentist that you are concerned about heavy metals when getting fillings. Get a good water filter and avoid plastic water bottles.