Too much protein?

I recently joined MFP. I am meeting my calorie goal each day and also am eating under the carb and fat goals for each day. However, I am far exceeding my protein portion each day. Is this a problem?


  • Pandorian
    Pandorian Posts: 2,055 MFP Moderator
    are you exceeding the default MFP numbers for protein of 15% of your daily calories? I had to change mine to 35% to get closer to my "goal" of 1 gram per pound of body weight...

    my home >goals > change goals > custom to change your percentages.

    Barring underlying health issues such as kidney stones you should be able to increase the protein intake without problem.
  • Thanks for your reply!

    I haven't changed any of the default settings, so I suppose it is currently 15% and I could change it. MFP says I should only get 47 (grams?) per day (this is before I've entered my workout, so I expect it will go up), but after entering some fish for lunch and chicken for dinner, I'm at 118, which is 71 over! I never thought too much protein could be a bad thing and I don't have any kidney problems. I think I will focus mostly on calories anyway.
  • Di3012
    Di3012 Posts: 2,247 Member
    Thanks for your reply!

    I haven't changed any of the default settings, so I suppose it is currently 15% and I could change it. MFP says I should only get 47 (grams?) per day (this is before I've entered my workout, so I expect it will go up), but after entering some fish for lunch and chicken for dinner, I'm at 118, which is 71 over! I never thought too much protein could be a bad thing and I don't have any kidney problems. I think I will focus mostly on calories anyway.

    Protein levels on MFP are low, I am over mine daily, everyday.

    As you said, you do not have kidney problems, so personally, I wouldn't worry about it x
  • shylam
    shylam Posts: 2 Member
    I am currently seeing a nutricienist and the protein amounts that she wants me to eat are double what are allowed here. I think as long as you are eating lean protein and limiting red meat, you are fine.
  • Testosterone
    Testosterone Posts: 236 Member
    unless youre getting kidney stones it is almost impossible to eat too much protein. 40%p 40%f 20% carbs is the way to go.
  • I have read several different articles on this but I just double my weight in kg so 45x2=90. So I try to consume between 80-100 grams of protein everyday.
  • MrsSassyPants
    MrsSassyPants Posts: 223 Member
    Good question. Thanks for the information.
  • Thanks for the feedback, everyone. Very helpful!

    I have now lost 7 lbs. in just over 1 month using MFP. Yay!