Weight Lifting/Strength Training resources

cramernh Posts: 3,335 Member
I spent some time this morning searching the web for different sites' information as I venture in to an area of exercise that I am not familiar with.

I am pleased that I have been able to drop over 60lbs thus far with plenty of cardio and major food eliminations (please dont question this - Im under the advice of medical physicians, and refuse to sway to anything else on the subject)... now I definitely need to consider changing things up in my exercise routine...

I have another 60lbs to go - what weight-lifting/strength training would be good for optimal weight-loss in conjunction with alternating with cardio?

There is a three month wait to set up an appt with the trainer at my local Planet Fitness so Im hoping to get a good head start.


  • wellbert
    wellbert Posts: 3,924 Member
    Check out new rules, starting strength, or stronglifts

    There are two major important bits:
    1) Lift progressively heavier
    2) Forget the machines and focus on the compounds: Deadlifts, squats, rows, overhead, bench...

    If you do -nothing else- just deadlift and squat. Start really light, and research good form. Both exercises are very safe done correctly, but you're on a tightrope if you screw them up.
  • therealangd
    therealangd Posts: 1,861 Member
    I like www.gainfitness.com for strength workouts. It gives me workouts for home or at the gym. I don't particularly care for the yoga section though.
  • MzLisa25
    MzLisa25 Posts: 8 Member
    I read the Body for Life book and found it very helpful for basc excercises with weights. He shows which excercise to do for each muscle, some are free weights and some are machine. It gave me a great starting point.
  • christina_theresa
    christina_theresa Posts: 290 Member
  • Squidgeypaws007
    Squidgeypaws007 Posts: 1,012 Member
    I recently found this site: http://www.bodybuilding.com/guides/female-20to39-fat-loss/training

    found it really informative, and they even make up plans etc.

    Someone also linked me another site, which was very interesting. Will have to go back to my mail box to get it - will edit the link in in a sec!!

    Edit: www.beautifullyhardcore.com

    Great read :)
  • smuehlbauer
    smuehlbauer Posts: 1,041 Member
    bodybuilding.com has a bunch of great workouts. I've done LaBrada's and Jamie Easons. Both 12 week programs.
    I am now pretty into shareitfitness.com You'll have to seach for their blog as their website isn't going yet. http://blog.shareitfitness.com/
    I'm on week two of their body blitz workout and I like it so far! That one is pretty advanced so you might want to start with something off of bodybuilding.com
    The good thing about that site is you can click on the exercise in the program and it will take you to some still photos of the exercise, description and also a link to a short video of the exercise to make sure that you're doing it right.
    And forget the light weight high reps. Women need to life heavy weights, just like men. You're not going to get bulky like a man so don't worry. And heavy as in heavy for you. It's all relative to where you're at.
    Do your research on pre and post workout nutrition as well!
    Good luck!
  • naija1983
    naija1983 Posts: 10
    I recently found this site: http://www.bodybuilding.com/guides/female-20to39-fat-loss/training found it really interesting, and they even make up plans etc.

    Someone also linked me another site, which was very interesting. Will have to go back to my mail box to get it - will edit the link in in a sec!!

    Yep. Bodybuilding.com is a great resource especially the forums (female section).

    I'd also check out the New Rules of Lifting for Women as a good beginner's guide.
  • Crazy4Healthy
    Crazy4Healthy Posts: 626 Member
    I have found the New Rules of Lifting for Woman (NROLFW) very helpful, just finished Phase 1 and feel awesome and have lost quite a few inches (not much weight).
  • cramernh
    cramernh Posts: 3,335 Member
    Thankfully I know that I wont bulk up... but I do know that at my halfway mark, I need to get really serious about the last 60 I need to drop.

    Ive got a great team of specialists working with me on the medical side (not just as a patient, but as their fellow employee), I can grab all of the medical information for free thanks to working in healthcare....

    But the one specialty we DONT have where I work is Exercise Physiology (DAMNIT! LOL!)....

    These resources are awesome! Ill be checking them out tonight when I get home and before I go to the gym tonight!

    Thank you so very much!
  • ruggedBear
    ruggedBear Posts: 295

    I was drawn to it by the name, being the "nerd in residence" in my house :laugh: but I confess that it did appeal to my concrete sequential nature!
  • mayralee13
    mayralee13 Posts: 35 Member
    bump for later