Does anyone feel like this after a binge?!



  • sunshinesonata
    sunshinesonata Posts: 241 Member
    Hi all,

    So i had zero sleep the night before last (ill other half) therefore i was craving sugar so badly yesterday (normally follow a low sugar plan) and i just felt constantly hungry so i eat LOADS....and i mean loads. i didn't even bother trying to track it. Good thing is i am back on track today...all food planned out and ready to go.

    Bad news is i feel TERRIBLE. I feel tummy aches, my chest aches, i have zero energy and i just generally feel terrible.

    Does anyone else feel like this?

    Sure sign that it is true - you are what you eat and when i eat good stuff i feel goooood!

    Yes. I do.

    After I binge, I always feel absolutely TERRIBLE. Normally to the point of tears, but I'm getting better. I try not to keep any 'trigger' foods in my cabinet, and that way I just eliminate the temptation completely.
  • slim_photographer
    slim_photographer Posts: 310 Member
    I see a trend here. Many, including myself, know that will feel like crap after a binge but that doesn't stop us. Which proves the point that knowledge is power but other safeguards are needed to stop us from falling into traps.
    Mine is to plan the day carefully and leave my money at home. Whenever I say this people remind me of the so called 'unexpected emergency' many of us spend years waiting for it and it never happens. So it's a little extreme but that's what works for me. I can't be trusted and I always indulge. So I prevent myself from going to the nearest fast food joint but not having money with me.
    And to answer the question I feel horrible: bloated, headaches, constipation, low self-esteem, low energy, more cravings (ala crack addiction), disappointed to waste money on garbage, and more...
  • strunkm4
    strunkm4 Posts: 266
    I might not get a junk food hangover, but I find that, ever since I started taking more control of what I eat, when I eat foods that are fried or full of cream/fats/etc.. I get the serious number 2's and serious belly aches!
  • rlwinton
    rlwinton Posts: 101
    I had one last night, where I ate nothing for dinner but the Easter candy that my coworker got for us. I felt terrible, my stomach hurt, etc. At first I thought "I'm still under my calorie intake" but I still felt horrible. My mind rationalizes that kinda stuff saying "well if the candy is all you ate for dinner its ok", but I still think that eating the sugar affects my weight loss, even if I am under calorie intake. I don't want to become a calorie nazi (lol) and hate on myself for eating ****ty on some days, but I also don't want to eat that way. So I understand, and we all have our eating pitfalls, and I'm so glad I saw this thread!

  • ashreynolds09
    ashreynolds09 Posts: 257 Member
    Yes! I let myself go a few weeks back. Had a diet coke for the first time since October and over ate on sweets and Mexican food (my two favorites) I was MISERABLE that night and the next day! I literally felt hungover!
  • janepotter23
    Yes, I have done the same and felt awful the next day. Almost like I'm coming down with something. Definitely going to behave! Think it might be worth writing a list of symptoms and sticking it on my fridge to remind me next time I feel like bingeing. The " back off fatty" fridge magnet obviously isn't warning enough!
  • scardone
    scardone Posts: 40
    Definitley a sugar crash. Whenever I eat too much sugar I get sleepy, bad headaches, and my muscles ache the next day in the gym. As said before, it's excellent that you are back on track nutritionally and getting some really hard workouts in will help as well.
  • AeolianHarp
    AeolianHarp Posts: 463 Member
    If you know restricting yourself leads to binges then why do you restrict yourself? MFP seems to be notorious for this nonsensical type of eating classified as "healthy" that restricts what you eat considerably and forces you to eat (what I perceive and many people seem to think) is just bland, boring food. This often leads to big cheat days, meals, or random binges. Eat something everyday that you crave and recognize it's okay to eat chocolate when you want. Just make sure it fits your calories and macronutrients and you're eating a pretty diverse diet. That's it.

    You don't have to make yourself suffer through a boring diet. Make your diet fit you, not you fit your diet. The different between cutting and maintaining is that you're eating less calories. That's it. There should be no other difference.