Looking for MFP friends!


I need motivation and support! I only have about 2 friends on MFP and am looking to have a few more just to motivate me! Please friend me if you are in the same situation xx


  • Im USAF and MFP is a great help. It keeps me on track and i need others to help me with that also.
  • SouthernCountryGirl
    SouthernCountryGirl Posts: 195 Member
    I'm two weeks in. Looking to lose 40-45 pounds. Just started adding friends a couple of days. Feel free to add me if interested. I log daily (several times a day in fact) and do gym 5 days a week, if I can't do gym I walk. Adding friends has already helped me stay motivated!
  • wolfehound22
    wolfehound22 Posts: 859 Member
    Feel free to add me, always up for handing out support. Glad to see you've completed the hardest part, which is starting.