Would like to run a marathon!

I'm considering running in the London Marathon next year (if I can get a place!). The thing is, I am pretty much at the bottom of the fitness chain!
I am doing Couch to 5k, and I'm on week 3 at the moment which I am finding fine, but don't want to move up to week 4 too soon.

My question is, how long roughly do you think it would take to train for a marathon? Is couch to 26.2miles in 1 year feasible?!

Oh and I go running 4 or 5 times per week, and am prepared to put the work in!

EDIT: forgot to say, don't know if it means much but I am 20, and will be 21 by the time I run the marathon, so also hopefully I am at a prime age to be building up my fitness.


  • BarefootBrendan
    Totally possible. Good Luck.
  • sawyerlm
    sawyerlm Posts: 3 Member
    Very doable! Go get 'em!
  • AWME
    AWME Posts: 12
    I think that's a bit ambitious, if your truly started at "couch." You could do it, but be prepared to walk some during long training runs and during the race. Work a 10K and half marathon into your training.

    Take a look at the training plans on Hal Higdon's site. That might give you a better assessment of how possible it will be for you, based on your current fitness level.
  • jfcarlson713
    jfcarlson713 Posts: 108 Member
    I started running in late October (1 mile) and now am training for a half-marathon (May 6th). I didn't use any programs but have several friends that run so they supported and advised me. I would think if you're committed to a rigid training schedule you can do it. Probably do a couple of 10K's and half-marathons before hand so you get the whole "race" experience befre a full. Good Luck & keep putting one foot in front of the other!!
  • Bull2707
    Bull2707 Posts: 106
    Doable!! I am running in a half marathon before i go for the big one. good luck!
  • ItsMeRebekah
    ItsMeRebekah Posts: 910 Member
    i think you can do it. if i were you i would do a 1/2 mid way thru training so you know what you are getting into and what your body needs for races. IMO a race, and training are two different things and you will learn where your body will need to train more and target at (miles and stuff) by doing the 1/2
  • silkysly
    silkysly Posts: 701 Member
    Make it your goal & do it. Period. I’m running my first marathon on May 5th & never thought I could. You got this.., so go for it!
  • Swanson83
    Swanson83 Posts: 226 Member
    That is plenty of time! I started as a couch potato! and I am training for a 1/2 marathon that is in 5 weeks and I started reallly running in February. So I am only 11 weeks in and I can run 10 miles now! Just take it slow don't over do it. Once you are done with the C25K just keep up with your running. There are a lot of training programs out there for what you are looking for!

  • neverstray
    neverstray Posts: 3,845 Member
    Google, "how to run a marathon". There are some great training programs. Just follow one of them.

    I'm training for a half right now. I thought it would be hard, but it's kind of easy. If it goes well, I'll be running a full marathon in November.
  • 51powerski
    51powerski Posts: 66 Member
    I'm considering running in the London Marathon next year (if I can get a place!). The thing is, I am pretty much at the bottom of the fitness chain!
    I am doing Couch to 5k, and I'm on week 3 at the moment which I am finding fine, but don't want to move up to week 4 too soon.

    My question is, how long roughly do you think it would take to train for a marathon? Is couch to 26.2miles in 1 year feasible?!

    Oh and I go running 4 or 5 times per week, and am prepared to put the work in!

    Yes you can do it. Odds are you wont get a place though (unless you go for a charity one), so you might have even longer than you think. ;)
  • Chagama
    Chagama Posts: 543 Member
    Absolutely. After the 5K, follow a 10 K plan,, then a 1/2 marathon plan, and then the full marathon plan. It's less than 52 weeks total, so there is no reason why you can't do it.

    Good luck
  • lilyjay_
    lilyjay_ Posts: 86
    I'm considering running in the London Marathon next year (if I can get a place!). The thing is, I am pretty much at the bottom of the fitness chain!
    I am doing Couch to 5k, and I'm on week 3 at the moment which I am finding fine, but don't want to move up to week 4 too soon.

    My question is, how long roughly do you think it would take to train for a marathon? Is couch to 26.2miles in 1 year feasible?!

    Oh and I go running 4 or 5 times per week, and am prepared to put the work in!

    I decided a few weeks ago that I am going to run a marathon, am on week 7 of c25k now... I wasn't going to do it for a few years yet but this is tempting me to try next year too!
  • LM297
    LM297 Posts: 45 Member
    Quite possible. 4 years ago I never ran & started C25K once I finished that I signed up for a half marathon with Team in Training. I highly recommend seeing if there is a chapter near you. You raise money for the leukemia & lymphoma society & they will train you. It is an incredible experience! By the way I am still running today love it!
  • lilyjay_
    lilyjay_ Posts: 86
    Absolutely. After the 5K, follow a 10 K plan,, then a 1/2 marathon plan, and then the full marathon plan. It's less than 52 weeks total, so there is no reason why you can't do it.

    Good luck

    Ooh this is what I was going to do but hadn't worked out timeframes... I want to do this too!
  • msmith2020
    msmith2020 Posts: 365 Member
    Its a dream for me as well. But let me give you some couch to 5k advice from my experiences- I did the couch to 5k program and it was great- I signed up for a 2 mile race here in my town and the hills killed me! I love running on a treadmill, but put me on the road and its like I have no endurance, I would say keep 70% of your training runs outside to build up to the natural turane of the earth, the roads and especially the hills!!

    Good luck! I hope to one day run the Disney Princess Marathon!!

    I'm about to start training for a 10k so that way when I do a 5k in October I'll be able to KNOW I can hit 6.2 miles so 3.1 wont be so bad lol..
  • sufikitkat
    sufikitkat Posts: 596 Member
    Absolutely doable! Just train smart. I started training for distance January 2011 (half marathon) and am running my first marathon this May. I could have done it sooner but money held me back from signing up. Just remember to up your long runs by 10% each week, run a 5k, 10k, 15k, half marathon in the time between for that race experience too. Once you have your weekly mileage up to 25, add in a speedwork or tempo run day to help with pace. You can definitely do this!!
  • ashreynolds09
    ashreynolds09 Posts: 257 Member
    I agree, you can totally do it! Get off your rear and get movin now! :)

    Good luck! keep us posted on it!
  • KahuNZ
    KahuNZ Posts: 401 Member
    Its a dream for me as well. But let me give you some couch to 5k advice from my experiences- I did the couch to 5k program and it was great- I signed up for a 2 mile race here in my town and the hills killed me! I love running on a treadmill, but put me on the road and its like I have no endurance, I would say keep 70% of your training runs outside to build up to the natural turane of the earth, the roads and especially the hills!!

    Good luck! I hope to one day run the Disney Princess Marathon!!

    I'm about to start training for a 10k so that way when I do a 5k in October I'll be able to KNOW I can hit 6.2 miles so 3.1 wont be so bad lol..
    Totally agree MsSmith - I am 51 yrs so loads older than you. I have completed the C25K and now on B210K. I have been doing this all on the treadmill except for my final day on C25K when I ran outside on the road. Totally different! When I ran a 1/2 marathon at 48yrs, I only ran outside to train - think this is the best way. I use the treadmill for fitness rather than doing training for a fun run or marathon.
  • siobhabutler
    siobhabutler Posts: 8 Member
    Definately can be done 30-40 weeks training should do it if you just want to do and don't worry about times and all that jazz. Doing one in October fingers and toes crossed!
  • lottie_28
    lottie_28 Posts: 26
    Thank you for the replies!

    I'm going to try my hardest to get a place, and once that happens.... argh! I'm going to try for a charity place, I want to run it for Beat (the UK eating disorder charity) so fingers crossed I get it :)

    I'm going to finish couch to 5k, and then do the 'boost to 10k' option. Then I will trawl the app store for the next step up!

    I honestly used to HATE running. I mean, it hurt. It made me feel like I was going to die! My lungs would hurt, I'd feel sick, I'd lose vision, bla bla blaaa... unpleasant experience! But since doing the couch to 5k, I've learnt that if you actually keep your training at a reasonable level, it's really quite fun! I don't feel like I'm going to die, I feel a lot more invigorated and I actually enjoy it! (What is this madness?!).

    I actually live in London, and I do all my running outside as it is (can't afford the gym and enjoy the scenery!). The area I live in is slightly hilly, not too steep - but yep it's central london so not too different from the marathon!

    Ah damn you for being so motivational... what have I got myself into?!