Looking for New Friends



  • emmaluh
    emmaluh Posts: 3
    I'm up for some friends. Anyone can add me please.
  • MsWhite31
    MsWhite31 Posts: 6 Member
    Hello, Welcome back to MFP & Congrats on your new bundle of Joy! I am looking for more Strong Supporters also The Ladies that I have added or have added me to there page always show support. Add me.
  • goofyrick24
    goofyrick24 Posts: 125 Member
    I just quit smoking and the doctor says I need to lose 40 lbs before she will consider taking me off blood pressure and cholesteral meds.... I definately need friends and support in this ..(as my co-workers are eating donuts outside my office and talking about which fast food joint to hit for lunch..)
  • Good job on shedding the pounds.My name is Shikia and im trying this year to lose 30 pounds and a slimmer waist line.
  • my3cmc
    my3cmc Posts: 1 Member
    I'm also looking for friends! I log my food using my phone so haven't been frequent visitors of the boards, but I plan to change that due to my lack of success. I'm up and down with the same 5-7 lbs. I need strong support and together maybe we can learn a thing or two! I
  • Kennkaru
    Kennkaru Posts: 210 Member
    Rick, I totally understand this frustration.
    I've never been a smoker, but a few years ago when I was losing weight with Weight Watchers, the people in my office were always bringing in McDonalds breakfast and donuts. I was able to avoid joining them 99% of the time by reminding myself that what they were doing was unhealthy. I know it sounds bad, but I guess I kind of just had to make myself feel superior in order to avoid the bad habits! I recall THE ONE TIME when a coworker was running an errand and offered to bring us all back a breakfast sandwich from McDonalds and I actually accepted one (when I had lost 25 pounds already) and the others were making cracks about how I had finally come down off my high horse. It's very hard to make healthy choices when everyone around you is not only making unhealthy ones, but putting social and emotional pressure on you to join them. If anything, your choices should make you feel like you know something they don't :)
  • I have just joined MFP after not having much success with WeightWatchers and I need a network of wonderful positive supportive friends - I have 70lb to ditch :/ Please get in touch!
  • ladyt314
    ladyt314 Posts: 28
    im just the same im trying to get over the 10lb mark its hard
  • Errica32
    Errica32 Posts: 40
    Hello and congrats! My name is Errica, and I've lost 20 lbs in 4 weeks and 2 days. Since I've been here on mfp, I have lost 9 of those lbs. I wish you much SUCCESS!
  • Mstubbs26
    Mstubbs26 Posts: 11
    Congrats & please add me as a friend..we can motivate each other.
  • deniselynn13
    deniselynn13 Posts: 120 Member
    Welcome back to MFP and congrats on your new little one!!

    Anyone is free to add me so we can motivate each other!!!