under 1000 calories

Hello :)

Right so i've been taking my diet seriously for the last month or so really and started exercising in the last 2 weeks, but only just started to log it again on this. I feel better and alot brighter and more alert and have defiantly started to lose a bit of weight here and there. However i've recently noticed that i very rarely eat over 1000 calories a day. I just barely do it. I snack on fruit and make sure i eat proper meals so why is this? I never let myself feel hungry so i dont see its possible for me to eat more just for the sake of making up numbers? That just seems counter productive? Or am i missing something, i dont want to eat more just because im meant to when im really not hungry.

Any help would be good? Am i doing ok, or something wrong?


  • DawnMarieMomofTwo
    DawnMarieMomofTwo Posts: 186 Member
    I also have days like that not all the time but days. i would say its ok as long as your still losing weight and your not starving... but im sure others will dissagree
  • dg09
    dg09 Posts: 754
    Under 1,000 calories isn't enough, especially if you're exercising. Try and add some more calorie dense foods to your meals (a quick google search should bring up some healthy selections). It sounds counterproductive that you might need to eat more to lose, but it's certainly the case with most people.
  • tkfinley12
    Your body needs 1200 calories. You may not feel like you are starving.....but your body will think it is which will cause you
    To stop losing and even start to gain. Missing the 1200 mark sometimes is ok but make sure it doesn't happen everyday.
    Good luck!
  • freckledrats
    freckledrats Posts: 251 Member
    If you feel good and not hungry, it's probably not that big of a deal. Keep an eye on it though, and make sure you know why you're going that low. Are you getting enough protein to support muscle repair after work outs? The lower you go, the harder that is. 1200 is a pretty arbitrary number, and I often eat 1000 myself on days when I *don't* work out, because hell I'm short and my BMR is in the 1300's so if I don't work out, 1200 is not a 500 calorie deficit for the day. I have a desk job.

    It's safer just to try to stay near 1200, especially if you're reasonably average height or taller.
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,411 MFP Moderator
    Your body needs 1200 calories. You may not feel like you are starving.....but your body will think it is which will cause you
    To stop losing and even start to gain. Missing the 1200 mark sometimes is ok but make sure it doesn't happen everyday.
    Good luck!

    Your body needs more than 1200 calories. If your BMR (metabolic rate) is 1500, then you should be aiming to hit at least your metabolic rate. When you eat 1000 calories, you will slow down your metabolism as well as increase the chances of losing lean muscle mass instead of cutting fat.

    OP, when you need to do is estimate your TDEE and then cut 20% and start eating higher calorie foods. High calories does NOT equal eating crap. I eat 3000 clean calories but I eat bigger portions and when I struggle to get enough, I eat peanut butter.