Working Mom needing to lose weight



  • Carolk145
    Carolk145 Posts: 10 Member
    Ok. here's my normal day, I'm sure someone here can relate!
    Wake 5:30am (shower right away dressed by 6am)
    Wake up 13 yr old twins by 6am
    Leave house 6:30; arrive at work by 7:30 M-F
    Leave work 4:30p
    Home by around 5pm unless a stop at the store is needed.
    Clean up house a little, get dinner started, around 6:30.
    Eat by no later than 7pm; clean up after dinner until 8ish
    Several days a week I work on computer doing my side business with husband, Ebay. Usually done by 9ish depending.
    I try several days a week to get in our garage to ride the stationary bike for 30 minutes but some days it just doesn't happen.
    I also LOVE LOVE my sports! I should work out during my beloved Blackhawks (in the playoffs!! Go Hawks!), Bulls or Michigan Wolverines football, but I'm usually trying to finish laundry or something during the games.

    For work....I'm in large office (square foot wise not people wise) of only 3-4 people on any given day. My office is pretty big fortunately. So in order to get some kind of exercise in I try for the following;
    (fyi we have no stairs here otherwise I would walk them always!)
    Desk push ups try to get in at least 10-15 twice a day
    Squats Still trying to accomplish at least 10 without keeling over! I'm short, you would think it's easier!!
    **I keep a set of 1# hand weights in my drawer and pick them up to do curls, triceps, presses.

    *********MIND YOU....I've tried to keep doing these things but somehow always fall off the chart! So I trying all over again...I like doing them but sometimes I forget!

    If you are lucky enough to have an office with a door, just close it to get a 10 minute something in! You can can even log on the computer (if you're allowed to, if not use your own electronics) to youtube quick desk/office excercises!
    Working out doesn't have to be done all at once. But think of this....if you do 10 minutes 3 times in your workday, that's 30 minutes. Then always, always include the work you do at home! I move so much when I'm cleaning I never considered it working out!
    Hope I can help!
    Good luck!
  • I find it hard too, I work in a large hospital and at lunch I powerwalk around the whole building. When I get home I have to walk the dog so I combine that with exercising by powerwalking and throwing his ball and running around with him. At the weekends I use the EA Active 30 day workout on the wii, I compete with the old man so its good fun.x
  • hadesflame
    hadesflame Posts: 93 Member
    I, too, have a desk job. I bought a set of pedals from Walmart that I keep under my desk. I also have a couple of resistence bands and a 5lb weight that I keep on my desk to do arm exercises. Every little bit of extra movement helps!
  • MB_Positif
    MB_Positif Posts: 8,897 Member
    You can add me if you'd like! When I joined MFP I was working full time and driving two hours a day as well so I can relate! My son was 4 then and I hated taking the time away from him. The best advice I can give you is do what you can. Don't let anyone tell you have you work out 5 or 6 days a week. I lost most of my weight by sticking to my calorie goals and running about 3 miles 3 times a week. Occasionally after a Saturday run if my son was still asleep I'd do a DVD workout when I got home. Good luck!
  • mywissa01
    mywissa01 Posts: 1 Member
    Hi! I am new to this sight too, but in the 2 weeks I have started, I have been taking my kids for walks every evening after dinner. its done some good. But this past weekend Ive doubled my calories burned but playing bad minton in my front yard with my kids and a friend! its the best work out and the kids get to run out energy at the same time! Badminton to me doesnt even feel like a workout!
  • TKHappy
    TKHappy Posts: 659 Member
    I have three kids and also a desk job 40hrs a week...I get up 2 hours before anyone else to workout, sometimes when the kids are at the table doing homework I will hop on our eliptical, that way I'm getting extra workout time in and if they have a question I can answer. :) We also like to take long walks at the park together and hiking...even a hike around the zoo is fun! :). When I walk the dog I do walking lunges...I just try to fit it in anywhere I can. :)
  • fitnessgoalie
    fitnessgoalie Posts: 23 Member
    Leslie Sansone and workouts that are 20-30 minutes long that include circuit training for toning. I REALLY like Leslie Sansone walking..its easy and quick..15 minute mile..gets your heartrate up. Also stick to workouts you like doing. I have been doing a dance workout..I have so much fun with the music that I dont even realize how much time has passed. Hope you get what you need from your post/MFP supports. Best wishes!!
  • CRSE1214
    CRSE1214 Posts: 196 Member
    I'm a mother of two young ones as well (4 and 2). Have worked the same desk job since '95. My mother normally watches my boys during the day while I work so I don't expect her to watch them so I can hit the gym. I pick them up and go home and after we've eaten dinner is normally when I take the 30-45 minutes "me time" and hit my treadmill while they play with Daddy and/or watch their evening shows. There are some great exercise videos that you can buy and work out at home. Or find some outdoor activities that they can be included in...walking, hiking, biking, etc.
  • msudaisy28
    msudaisy28 Posts: 267 Member
    I'm able to work out consistently on Tuesdays and Thursdays because my little one stays the night at Grandma's house those nights. On weekends I try to get a workout in during her nap time on at least one of the days. I also wear a pedometer to track my steps taken during a day and set weekly goals for myself. I try to sneak a walk in at lunch time if it's nice enough out. Otherwise I pace around my house after my daughter is in bed to get up to my goal steps.

    In a couple of weeks our daycare arrangement will change and I'll probably have to give up my Tues/Thurs nights while my hubby studies for the bar exam. I'm thinking about buying 30DS and doing that in the mornings.

    I have a problem with people saying that they get up early in the morning to work out because it doesn't take away from their familly time. If I'm getting up an hour earlier that means I either lose and hour of sleep or I have to go to bed an hour earlier. I've learned I need sleep so losing sleep is a dealbreaker for me. That means that I'll have to start going to bed earlier. That won't take away from my time with my daughter directly, but it will mean that I'll have less time to get things done after she goes to bed. So I will likely spend a little less time playing with her and more time doing dishes, etc between work and her bedtime. Also, that cuts into quality time with the hubby. So it absolutely still takes time away from my family....

    BTW, anyone feel free to add me if you'd like!
  • jnh17
    jnh17 Posts: 838 Member
    I am right there with you. Even in my profile it says that I refuse to give up my evenings with my kids. I have 4 hours with them -- even an hour a day is too much (for me). I also sit at a desk everyday but luckily I can workout during lunch. I can get a great, GREAT workout out in in 50 minutes. If I didn't have that option, I'd get a locker at the gym, suck it up, and come before work (not an option for all moms either).

    Good luck!
  • bellygoaway
    bellygoaway Posts: 441 Member
    I have a desk job as well. I try to spend at least 20 minutes of my lunch hour walking outside. This combined with better eating choices (I should by stock in whatever company makes Progresso soups) is helping me to drop some pounds.
    Do you have a chance to play with your kids in an active way?
  • mae1020
    mae1020 Posts: 234 Member
    I work 4 10hrs days. By the time I get home, cook dinner, i'm tired and just want to relax. At work I try and get out and walk when I can. I just started the C25K as well. I'm on W1, D3. Feel free to add me.