Points Plus?



  • I did ww points plus and it does work but there was a bit too much flexability for me.You have something like 49 extra points to use if you go over your allowance.There was no "if" for me, if those extra points were there I felt obliged to use them.Ive only been doing MFP for 2 days but I know it will suit me.I have 1200 cals to use and thats it, no extra and Ive been out and about today and still found it really easy to keep track of my cals.x
  • stephie4111
    stephie4111 Posts: 118
    Im a lifetime member using the points plus i made lifetime in10 monthgoal in 9. I love the program
  • LisaGaimadi
    LisaGaimadi Posts: 41 Member
    The new WW plan has been very de-motivational for me.

    My brain just can't make a logical correlation between Fat/Carbs/Protein/Fiber and "points" like it could with just Calories/Fat/Fiber on the old plan.

    Tracking f/c/p/f (and also subconsciously considering calories, because calories are so familiar) was just way too much for me.

    Now I am just counting calories. Calories are simple. I need simple. This is working much better for me than P+ was.

    This is exactly what I found frustrating with WW. I love simple...and FREE.
    Basically it's a matter of finding what works for you and sticking with it.
    So far, for me, that's MFP!
  • escloflowneCHANGED
    escloflowneCHANGED Posts: 3,038 Member
    My mom's coworkers started WW when my mom and I changed our eating habits and started counting calories, she has lost more weight and eats a lot more then them. My mom eats 1400-1500 calories a day without working out and has lost 25 lbs in 2 months.
  • Zylayna
    Zylayna Posts: 728 Member
    I just cancelled my WW subscription. After joining MFP I quickly discovered I was an 'under-eater'. WW did not even remotely help me address that or even bring it to my attention. I would eat my 'points' but never eat back workout points. I was netting around 800 calories/day...no wonder I was suffering exhaustion, depression, constantly being sick, etc, etc, etc AND I wasn't losing weight!!

    Since joining MFP (which being free is a total bonus as far as I'm concerned), I've been slowly upping my calories, ditched all medications for the above 'issues' and feel 100% better. I have lost a few pounds (not a lot yet since I'm trying to fix my metabolism) but I have also not gained any weight (which I feared because I was increasing my net calories by 700/day min!) so obviously the extra calories for me is a GOOD thing.

    I feel more in control of what I eat, how I eat and understanding my body with MFP than I ever did with WW (especially WWplus).

    All that being said...that's just my experience. I know some people do very well on it. :) But I always wonder if they are 'healthy' in their WW diet or if they are actually slowly destroying their metabolism like I did.