bored at work??



  • picassoadagio
    picassoadagio Posts: 407 Member
    What is work?
  • Shelbert79
    Shelbert79 Posts: 510 Member
    :laugh: It's this websites fault! I can't stop 'checking' in
  • Bridget0927
    Bridget0927 Posts: 438 Member
    U find that boredom at work makes u not want to work out after work?
  • awidener86
    awidener86 Posts: 247 Member
    I'm right there with you... LUCKILY I got pretty much everything done already. :)
  • mslack01
    mslack01 Posts: 823 Member
    That would be me everyday. It's why my mfpals get so much support. LOL
  • Kluvztt18
    Kluvztt18 Posts: 6 Member
    anyone else bored at work and not in a working "mood"?

    Absolutely! That's why I'm on here! Trying to get some inspiration from my MFP friends! :)
  • yah kind of
  • mikeyboy
    mikeyboy Posts: 1,057 Member
    What is this work thing you speak of?
  • luv_lea
    luv_lea Posts: 1,094 Member
  • Denjo060
    Denjo060 Posts: 1,008
    That would be me I actually had one of my co workers take of new picture of me to put up on the sight LOL:bigsmile: :yawn:
  • ambrwaves27
    ambrwaves27 Posts: 206
  • iFeelBrandNew
    iFeelBrandNew Posts: 263 Member
    ME~~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And I actually have some stuff I could be doing but am avoiding like the plague!!!!!

    THIS ^^ ugh, i have no motivation at all... well... to do work that is... lol
  • CardiacNP
    CardiacNP Posts: 554 Member
    well lets entertain each other on here. lets get some fun chat going. no lies nor boundaries.

    just honest fun. not judgmental.

    not about work, not about food, not about weight

    lets let lose and have FUN!!
  • kimimila86
    kimimila86 Posts: 399 Member
    very omg i just want 2 eat

    ^^^ this!!!
  • muppetsbear
    muppetsbear Posts: 80 Member
    3 1/2 hours to go I think I'll loose my mind. I need the poop to hit the fan or something.
  • classycouture
    classycouture Posts: 888 Member
    I need a 5 Hour Energy, because I definitely have that 2:30 feeling :yawn:
  • ethompso0105
    ethompso0105 Posts: 418 Member
    anyone else bored at work and not in a working "mood"?

    Good LORD yes (knowing I have a vacation day tomorrow isn't helping). Is it time to go home, yet?
  • CardiacNP
    CardiacNP Posts: 554 Member
    i was on call last night not much sleep and still got patients to see,,,,but.....its dragging. ;(
  • twisted88
    twisted88 Posts: 294 Member
    Yep, I'm not in a working mood, but it's more because I'm exhausted (and I don't know why...).
  • AshleyRKnutson
    AshleyRKnutson Posts: 98 Member
    ME ME ME ME!! I am super bored at work today! :laugh: