To new beginnings and for the future

Hello, My name is Gloria. I am 23 years old and a workaholic. I work as a supervisor for a family owned Answering Service in a small town of Western Massachusetts. I sit all day and barely get to work out so my eating habits have also become really poor.

I have recently become engaged to my wonderful boyfriend of almost 6 years while on a recent trip to Paris. On our way to and from Paris, France when I noticed that my jeans were getting tighter and forming the "muffin" top, and sitting in the airline seats felt uncomfortable. When we returned home I stepped on the scale and to my surprise it said in bright numbers 213lbs. For my age and my height of 5' 4" I am considered obese. Knowing that I am obese at a young age has really made me think about the choices i've been making the past 6-7 years. In High school I used to run every night 5 miles and now I can't even keep up with my 1 year old niece without feeling out of breath or my legs burning. I do NOT want to be obese but most of all I do not want to begin having health problems. I have two parents who have passed away of cancer and the knowledge of cancer in my gene's is enough for my to worry about, I do not want to worry about any other health issues.

My main reasons of wanting to be healthy and slim down is because I want to be healthy for my fiance, my niece and myself. I want to have a family of my own one day without worrying about my weight. I would rather be pregnant at the slim size of 145lbs than 213lbs. I want to fit into a gown for my wedding that I feel like i'm on top of the world and not because I settled for a figure flattering dress. I want to do this all for ME.

This summer my Fiance and I will be moving and I would like to start the trip and our future on a more positive note. Our neighbor from a few years ago (hopelynn on MFP) has reached out to me about MFP and how it's changed her life around and how much better she feels. She has given me hope and strength to do this and so far from being a member for a short period of one week I have already felt amazing and feel great but I want to find more strengths and more support.

If you can relate or need some support yourself and want to help each other out please reach out to me and be my friend. It's easier when you have support in numbers!


  • emlopezc
    emlopezc Posts: 9
    Hey there!
    Good for you to want to change for yourself! Its a big step to take and definitely not easy! I am here if you want support :) Keep your chin up and be nothing but optimistic and good things will come :)