What are some healthy filling snacks to eat throughout the d

Hi I am a junkfood junkie and Have been on MFP for about 3 months i think. I was wondering if I can get any tips on some healthy eating snacks throughout the day instead of snacking on crackers, chips, candy, sweets ect.........when I do get hungry thats normally what I like to snack on. So is there anything you guys can recommend something that is also filling toooo. Thanks Pals


  • I like carrots and hummus also non-fat Greek yogurt (Fage is the best!) with a variety of toppings - grape nuts, fruits, nuts etc. Another favorite is apples and cheese (just watch the portion size of cheese :tongue: ) or triscuits and cheese. Good luck on your weight loss journey!
  • BryGuy2
    BryGuy2 Posts: 244
    I like avacados, I dont eat them everyday, but they are healthy carbs, but I mostly have carrots, light string cheese, protein bars, a whey protein shake fills me up for a couple hours. Greek yogurt with berries, celery with a little ranch or PB.
  • willis84
    willis84 Posts: 86 Member
    I like non fat cottage cheese. Very low calories and a serving is packed with protein.
  • omotomi
    omotomi Posts: 11
    skinny cow 100 calorie bites are good i think
  • Acliff510
    Acliff510 Posts: 122 Member
    I like Kettle Cooked Popcorn (Orville Redenbacher Pop up bags - 35 cals per serving) - great for sweet
    & the Orville Light Butter & Salt is only 15 cals per serving I believe.

    Low cals, Very Filling, & great for salty or sweet cravings