How do I get this next 10 off?

I started with MFP a few weeks ago. I'm hoping calorie counting will help me out. Although when I did this on Livestrong I lost the initial 7 pounds and then when I get to around 168-170 I'm stuck as I am now. I'm on a 1200 cal a day goal and it's not easy but with exercise it's not bad. I weigh around 170 and I"m 5.8. I want to get down to 160 or the 150's but for years since I had my kids I have been struggling. I've lost a lot of the weight I gained since then but it's tough to get below 168 for me. My thyroid disease doesn't help (Hypothyroid). Before kids I hit 170 due to an uncontrollable appetite and that's when I realized it was due to my thyroid and I had this disease. I've been on a low dose of meds since and my thyroid is functioning perfectly on the meds. I've incorporated more ground flax seed, chia seeds, eating less bread/bad carbs, etc. as a helper too. Now I'm just over 40 so it may be even tougher. I've rotated with Strength and cardio for years. Any advice on how to lose this 10! How much time should I be spending on strength vs cardio? How much carbs vs fat should I be eating each day? I'm thinking I may need to customize these settings on my fitness pal instead of going with what is automatically set for me. I can't run outside any longer due to leg/hip issue and that seemed to burn the most for me the fastest in the past. I do spin in a class sometimes, elliptical, weights, etc. I'm growing impatient. The belly and thigh bulge is the worst. What worked for you?


  • jctabbutt
    There is this book that I am reading called Eat your way to Happiness by Elizabeth Somer. It explains alot about the the right foods and wrong foods and their is also an exercise section. I find it really helpful and really interesting. Since I've been following its advice the inches are melting away. You could also ask a trainer or your spin instructor to help you find exercises that will help you loose the weight while not hurting you hip. I hope that helps. Good Luck!!
  • fitjen1
    fitjen1 Posts: 4
    Thank you. I will check out the book you mentioned.
  • Actually_Mike
    Actually_Mike Posts: 61 Member
    I'm 5'9 175LBS, I am guy also, but I personally think that 1200 calories is super low! I eat 2080 per day and I'm losing weight just fine. Make sure you are taking in at least (I drink 64 oz) 32 ounces or so of water per day. Water is your friend for losing weight. Also, sometimes when you're stuck, increasing your calories slightly can greatly keep the weight dropping. For exercise purposes, I do cardio 5 times a week with 2-3 days of HIIT on treadmill. I also strength train 3 days a week. My schedule is MWF Strength training with TTH for rest days. I do full body workouts on those days starting with arms, legs, then core in a circuit style of working out. HIIT also burns fat quicker than traditional cardio because you're constantly raising and lowering your heart rate. Hope some of this helps, good luck!