women over forty...



  • thepanttherlady
    thepanttherlady Posts: 258 Member
    41 here with 5 kids, and firmly believe you need to be netting VERY close to the calories MFP has set for you. If you eat 1200 calories but burn 500 in exercise, you're only netting 700 calories for the day. You should be eating more than 1200 (or whatever MFP set for you) including the exercise calories.

    Are you able to open your diary for us to peek at? We may be able to provide you with suggestions.
  • SouthernCountryGirl
    SouthernCountryGirl Posts: 195 Member
    I'm 49 and just started back with MFP two weeks ago. I'm on 1200 calorie intake, workout at the gym (cardio and weights roughly 2 hours/4 days a week). I've lost a little over 6 pounds but I've changed my eating habits drastically. No more: eat what I want when I want. My sister told me the same thing about protein. Can someone explain about this to me? She said don't worry so much about the calories, increase the protein, you can eat more and still lose weight. What/where can I get the best protein with least calories, if there's such a thing :) Thanks you. PS what is HRM? or is it HMR?
  • Skye259
    Skye259 Posts: 18 Member
    Way to go with your weight loss, that is awesome, I am now 56 but started putting on weight when I hit perimenopause which was in my early 40; I had to really work at it, lots of exercise, low carb intake, lots of protein and good veggies/fruit. It was slower than I was used to but still managed ~ now that I am in full blown menopause the hormones have stopped acting up so much and have leveled out, it is easier , not like before 40 but easier, don't give up and please don't do that diet you mentioned, sounds dangerous. Add me if you like, take care and keep up tracking and accomplishing your goals, we can all encourage you!!
  • cynthials
    cynthials Posts: 213 Member
    thank you all...good to know i am not "alone" in this fight. I do eat mostly organic foods and avoid most dairy (I even use almond milk in my coffee).
    I will look up the eat more to weigh less group...I have been looking at the metabolic effect, too. Their next women's session starts in june...so I may do that as well. It's an online program.
    I keep plugging along knowing I am at least getting stronger... I quit tennis and started back with weights and cardio five days a week. I feel a little thinner, but not much. Not losing many inches and it's been two months :( I really am frustrated.
    Metabolic Effect has a book that includes the whole nutrition and workout program, you can get it from Amazon for roughly $12. I am doing their workout and diet now. I learned SO much reading that book and as a previous poster said, I believe I am insulin resistant and working on getting my hormones back in balance so that I can start burning fat properly again. Low sugar/low carb is what I am doing. I thought it would be difficult but cutting back on coffee has been a lot harder than cutting back on sugar. :laugh:
  • BeeSunny
    BeeSunny Posts: 172 Member
    yes, and I found that if I measure instead of weighing myself I have great results.
  • kravmom
    kravmom Posts: 23 Member
    If my endocrinologist told me that, I'd fire her and find a different one. That's really scary. Starving yourself won't help your situation.
  • I agree with what the others have said. Due to my apparently increased health risks my crazy doctor put me on medication, extremely limited diet and reduced caloric intake, few years ago. I did manage to lose about 30 lbs but got ill in the process. After about 6 months I went off the doc's plan and have since lost another 65 lbs. It was a slow learning process for me, but I am just saying it can be done.
  • cbcw1964
    cbcw1964 Posts: 43 Member
    I am 48 and hypothyroid, have been for five years....you can do this....I do not think that the diet your endo suggested would be healthy by any means (I am not a doctor) but thats just my opinion. Be disciplined in portion control...don't deprive yourself of an occassional treat and work out 6 days a week...it will come...and you may actually gain weight at first but then it will come off...hang in there...feel free to friend me if you need support....I never thought I could do it either...but I am...one day at a time...thats all!