
  • mzkezh
    mzkezh Posts: 74
    I'm looking to lose 60 pounds, its not going to be easy but I am up to the challenge
  • msmotivated86
    msmotivated86 Posts: 130 Member
    I have 30 more lbs to lose in about 2 1/2 months (anywhere close to that would be great too!) I'll be glad to add you!
  • dansls1
    dansls1 Posts: 309 Member
    Down almost 30 of 60 here.
  • maeroo
    maeroo Posts: 5
    i am trying to lose 40-50lbs and looking for a friend too.....
  • maeroo
    maeroo Posts: 5
    how much did you lose uptill now in how much time?can i add you...i need a motivating friend
  • hojoni84
    hojoni84 Posts: 3
    Looks like you have all kinds of new potential support buddies. But I too am willing to work as a team on this weightloss goal. I want to lose 87 pounds total I have about 72 Pounds to go :)
  • I also am new to MFP and am hoping that I can lose atleast 30 lbs by Oct. Things are starting off really slow and I am wondering if I should be eating more calories?
  • WVHeather
    WVHeather Posts: 53
    I am trying to lose at least 60 pounds. The more support, the better. I'll add you. :)
  • fantastic job. i'm new here too. & i wish i only need to lose 40 pounds. but i am trying to make a change in my life & i've always "dieted" on my own. which is probably one of the reason why I fail every time. if you need anything, here for you. keep it up.
  • Kalona388
    Kalona388 Posts: 82
    I'm looking to lose 50lbs, maybe more. Feel free to add me! :)
  • ejechols
    ejechols Posts: 98 Member
    Feel free to add me. I am an involved friend.
  • Ozzyzmommy
    Ozzyzmommy Posts: 142 Member
    I need to lose 35 - 40 lbs
    At one time last year I only had 20 to go... but while I wasn't paying attention I noticed some came back to me :(
    I would love to have more support on here... :)
  • christina_1011
    christina_1011 Posts: 44 Member
    i need to lose about 30 more ...always looking for support... i feel it helps so much to have a good support system :D
  • 18 lost out of 56 total for me! 38 to go! :D
  • BCorsino
    BCorsino Posts: 3
    I have 52 lbs to lose. I lost 17 already. I'm new and would like some friends for mutual support. :)

    Edit to say new to Myfitnesspal not trying to lose weight :wink:
  • Trying to lose 30 more before my wedding in October!
  • I requested you as a friend as well.

    I am trying to loose 40 pounds by June....Going on a trip to Niagra falls and want to look sexy on my motorcycle.

    I have more than 40 to loose but I figured start with a small goal first.
  • GabuChanDesu
    GabuChanDesu Posts: 14 Member
    I've lost 38 pounds so far on this program and it's a life saver. The best part about it is that my wife and daughter are working on it as well, they too have lost over 18 + each so far and this is only in the past 3 months since we've been on it. It's all about portion control and knowing what you are eating. In true reality you are almost eating as if you were a diabetic. You watch all your sugars and grains.
  • BeMyBest2012
    BeMyBest2012 Posts: 9 Member
    HI There! I just signed up for MFP today! Trying to lose about 43 lbs. I joined a challenge at my gym that runs from April 16, 2012 to June 2, 2012. Adding you!
  • BeMyBest2012
    BeMyBest2012 Posts: 9 Member
    By the way, I'm am hoping to drop 23.6 pounds by my birthday (June 29th).