New and injured!

Hello all!

I just started working out exactly 2 weeks ago. Ive lost almost 4 lbs on a 1200 calorie diet and working out 5x a week for an hour. ive been trying to go everyday but something comes up. Im a mom of 2 and I currently weigh 161.6 and my goal weight is 130-135.

I recently was able to run faster and bike harder. My stamina still has gone up pretty well and I feel great BUT I think i injured my knees! I have this pain on the inner side of my knee, to the of the right of the knee cap (opposite for left knee) . all this google research is freaking me out. The only thing that keeps the pain at bay is 3 advils. Should I Not go to the gym until I figure out the problem? I went to the gym yesterday and still tan for 15 minutes at 4.6 speed and biked for 30 minutes and level 7-8 resistance! It didn't hurt while i was doing it.


  • supertracylynn
    supertracylynn Posts: 1,338 Member
    Start doing squats and lunges to strengthen the muscles around your knees and outter/inner thighs.
    The imbalance of muscle strength can cause pain.
  • jeanie_ca
    jeanie_ca Posts: 38 Member
    I second the strength training. Try biking and running on the elliptical instead of the treadmill; less impact on the knees. And icing the knee after workouts. I've had a multitude of joint injuries from tennis and the icing helps a lot. I recommend and old fashioned ice bag (Walmart $7) since they don't drip condensation.