A Cheery Hello

Hi. My sister introduced this website to me. Both her and I are looking to lose weight. Just thought I would say Hello and that I've got 90 lbs. to go but got to start somewhere. :happy:

As the night slips down, hope you all reached your goals today, for tomorrow is another day to closer to your goal.


  • rach22m
    rach22m Posts: 15 Member
    welcome aboard lady !!
  • Robin_Bin
    Robin_Bin Posts: 1,046 Member
    Welcome! As you say, you have to start somewhere, and I think deciding to start and following through is often the hardest part. Congratulations, you've done that!
    As the night slips down, hope you all reached your goals today, for tomorrow is another day to closer to your goal.

    What a nice thing to say and beautifully put! Thank you! Best wishes on your path to your goals!
  • temair13
    temair13 Posts: 4 Member
    Hello! Welcome to the family! :D If you're on facebook, I started a group yesterday for motivation in losing weight and getting healthy. If you would like to join it's https://www.facebook.com/groups/sweatlikeapig/ There are a lot of us on this website and this place is awesome!
  • jamiem1102
    jamiem1102 Posts: 1,196 Member
    Good luck!!! :) You're going to do great. :wink:
  • davidpacheco
    davidpacheco Posts: 1 Member