I need help and a kick up the butt!

c20rle Posts: 2 Member
Please help, I've lost my Mojo, I lost some weight and since the end of Feb I just can't seem to get it going again! What do others do when they get like this?


  • kimmieey
    kimmieey Posts: 87
    Honestly, I look at my sister who is 25 and 325 lbs, my mom who has diabetes and can't do a lot of walking 375, and my aunt who has diabetes and her legs have scabs where the skin has been stretched so much that it breaks open. Then I look at my other sister who 29, 140 lbs and getting in shape.

    I realize that I can go either way.
  • lburnisky
    Hi everyone,
    I have also lost the drive to continue. When i first started I was all into dieting and exercising. Now two years into it, I am losing my drive to continue.

    There is nobody at my house or my friends that feels the same as me about dieting and exercising so I have lost the umph to keep going. I would love to have some people to just talk about the ups and downs of doing this to get my umph back.
  • c20rle
    c20rle Posts: 2 Member

    When you put it like that, what can I say! I shouldn't be feeling sorry for myself, I should be feeling sory for those who can't help themselves or won't!
  • Srmmelson
    Srmmelson Posts: 31
    I agree...it can be super rough to keep up a healthy life style when no one else supports you. I have been lucky in that my wife is the one that got me excited about it, but it seems as if everyone else could care less about diets or workingout. It's been nice to have this site that has people that can support you, even if they live far away. There are people out there like you, and you really have to do it for yourself. Get friends on here to help keep you motivated!
  • princessruthiebelle
    princessruthiebelle Posts: 165 Member
    think about the reason you want to do this!!!
    set yourself small goals to reach with an incentive to reach them so ever 10lbs you can buy a new book or every month you have consistently lost weight you can download an itunes album

    also maybe set goals such as trying to drink an extra cup of water than the day before or walking 10 mins more than you did last weekend??

    non food or drink rewards

    also maybe make a list of all the reasons you want to do this, really go into detail. some of mine are i want to buy a dress from certain stores and i have a ring that is to small and i want to be able run around with being self concious. then everyday pick one as your drive for that day?

    try making a mood board? pictures of you looking slim, you in picture you don't like, pictures of celebs you want to look like or clothes you would like to wear when you reach your goal. pictures of interesting foods or recipes that inspire you. whether you do this on paper, pintrest or just have a folder on you computer of images

    set your desk top back ground as a mood board or a inspirational picture or the screensaver/backgroun on your fone. so you see it on a regular basis.

    try new foods? calorie control can be very boring if your doing the same thing over and over? aim to try something ne daily/weekly exotic fruits or different things for breakfast?? if you dont make smoothies try! or if u skip break fast buy some fruit or cereal bars you can eat on the go?

    if you have trouble snacking try to reasearch or invent super low snacks.

    see if you can find some inspirational quotes on the web??

    and if you struggle with support use MFP!!! i have made 11 friends today alone, just by chatting to people getting involved in discussions!! Maybe some of your friends are trying to loose weight talk to them about it??

    make this your new project? become creative? pretend someone is analysing you or that you need to set an example?? what ever drives you in other parts of life apply it to this!!

    money struggles?? an apple is cheaper than box of cupcakes!!!!

    and if all that fails add me n ill drag you along with me!!!!!

    good luck! dont give up!! be a sucess story and inspire others!!! xoxoxoxox
  • princessruthiebelle
    princessruthiebelle Posts: 165 Member
  • princessruthiebelle
    princessruthiebelle Posts: 165 Member