The new journey

Hello everyone! I am excited to be on this journey of weight loss, although I have been excited about this before. After many attempts at weight loss I have been referred by my primary care physician to have weight loss surgery. I am scared of the surgery but excited on a second chance at life. I am looking for weight loss buddies to give and receive feedback, support, and advice!


  • 7funnygirl7
    7funnygirl7 Posts: 1,176
    Welcome! Try MFP first before surgery, I know you will be sucessful! ~ Let's rock the journey together! Need all the help I can get too. :smile:
  • Thank you for the support and I am ready to rock :o)
  • christina_1011
    christina_1011 Posts: 44 Member
    hi there .....i had gastric bypass surgery about 8 yrs ago ...i had lost about 106 lbs ...i slowly put about half of the weight back on over the years i am about 30lbs from my lowest weight is a great tool but can lead to lots of other issues ..we can do this together !! good luck on your journey