New to this

thebigcb Posts: 2,210 Member
Hi all

My first week is up tomorrow. Targeting a 20lbs weight lost(not in the first week). Have 1350 calories a day, finding it tough to change my diet/habits to hit it, who knew a coffee had so many calories.

Weighed 210lbd friday the 6th so hopefully tomorrow there will be some weight loss. Big 35 in 2 weeks so need to get back in shape.

All advice/help gladly accepted


  • thebigcb
    thebigcb Posts: 2,210 Member
    Whats Insanity and 30day Shread?
  • sparkle2011
    sparkle2011 Posts: 12 Member
    Hi! I have just joined the site on Tuesday, doing ok so far. If anyone would like to add as a friend that would be nice. I went to the gym today and earned 400 calories am I suppose to eat these? Will I still loose weight? Thank you xxx
  • thebigcb
    thebigcb Posts: 2,210 Member
    Im new to it as well

    I think you can eat up to your daily target. So if you have 1000 calories a day, do 400 calories of exercise you can eat in total for the day 1400 calories.

    I have 1350 a day(starving) so doing plenty of exercise to increase my food allowance
  • sparkle2011
    sparkle2011 Posts: 12 Member
    Brilliant thank you, thats gonna make me go to the gym I can eat lots more lol Im on 1490 only aiming for 1 pound a week as 2pound is 1200 and I dont think I'd cope lol. Thanks xxx
  • nukebhs83
    nukebhs83 Posts: 158
    hi--friend request sent. insanity is a 90 day intense cardio workout----LOVE, LOVE LOVE IT. 30 day shred is a jillian michaels exercise dvd---i think. havent done it. have done insanity 3 times---i have to modify it due to still being really heavy but all the moves can be modified. no weights or special equipment needed. BE FOREWARNED---SHAUN T WILL KICK YOUR BUTT and you will enjoy ALMOST every minute of it.
  • trekkietaz
    I have been on here since jan 1st of this year and I started out at 345 and now I am at 272 I work out at the gym 3 days a week and I use mfp to watch my calories and it is working I did not think I would have been sucessful but I have just keep going and you will get there.
  • thebigcb
    thebigcb Posts: 2,210 Member
    Had a quick look at youtube for insanity. You would want to be pretty fit to start that. I'll leave off it for a while.
  • nukebhs83
    nukebhs83 Posts: 158
    i wasnt fit at all (and am still not considered fit right now) when i started it. i could barely do a pushup on my knees but now i can do pushups from my toes and even do about 20 of the jack pushups (jumping jacks while in the pushup position--not realy jumping jack--but you do jump out with your feet while doing a pushup--had to claify that ) i couldnt even make it thru the warmup the first month and sometimes still have trouble. it is a great cardio workout though and when you feel ready--i highly recommend it.
  • thebigcb
    thebigcb Posts: 2,210 Member
    I would consider myself to be fit for my age(35), in relative terms. Maybe I'll give it a go so, thanks for the advise
  • lurky05
    lurky05 Posts: 2
    hi im new to fitness pal and would like some new friends :) to give me motivation and keep me on the straight and narrow x
  • thebigcb
    thebigcb Posts: 2,210 Member
    Request sent