my diary, help please :)

I feel like I must be doing something wrong because I am never losing anything...

Any advice after looking at my food diary?

I want to lose about 7 lbs. I am 5'8". I want to get to be about 148-150. I exercise for at least 40 minutes 6-7 days a week.




  • frankiesats
    frankiesats Posts: 114 Member
    You need to open your diary up hun we can't see it!
  • ablykins
    ablykins Posts: 200 Member
    Just some quick suggestions after having a quick look- you might want to reconsider how much sugar you are taking in- you have to really be careful of stuff like yogurts, Cliff bars, breakfast cereals and other hidden sugar, you may not realize how much sugar you are getting. If you eat a banana with breakfast- balance it with a sugar free lean protein like egg whites or even a piece of Ezekial sprouted grain toast (which has no sugar). I would also suggest going for a half banana in the morning or instead switch it out for a a lower glycemic fruit such as berries.

    Make your morning meal and PWO meal your carb meals- but be mindful of your carbs after 6pm when you are less likely to be active and need the carbs for fuel.
  • lucky312
    lucky312 Posts: 22 Member
    fixed it... thanks
  • lucky312
    lucky312 Posts: 22 Member
    Just some quick suggestions after having a quick look- you might want to reconsider how much sugar you are taking in- you have to really be careful of stuff like yogurts, Cliff bars, breakfast cereals and other hidden sugar, you may not realize how much sugar you are getting. If you eat a banana with breakfast- balance it with a sugar free lean protein like egg whites or even a piece of Ezekial sprouted grain toast (which has no sugar). I would also suggest going for a half banana in the morning or instead switch it out for a a lower glycemic fruit such as berries.

    Make your morning meal and PWO meal your carb meals- but be mindful of your carbs after 6pm when you are less likely to be active and need the carbs for fuel.

    thanks for the advice!
  • Trampus94
    I'm no expert, but you might try upping your protein slightly and reducing your carbs by the same amount. I notice that you have missed your protein target once or twice. You need to get them in.
  • lucky312
    lucky312 Posts: 22 Member
    I'm no expert, but you might try upping your protein slightly and reducing your carbs by the same amount. I notice that you have missed your protein target once or twice. You need to get them in.

    What do you suggest I add to my diet?
  • creature275
    creature275 Posts: 348 Member
    right lucky, I agree with ablykins, I reviewed your diary on APR 11 and I noticed your carb intake was about 60 percent of your diet and fats and proteins made up about 20 percent each of your remaining macros. for someone trying to cut down your protein intake needs to be a lot higher, keep the fat content around 20 percent in healthy fats...good choice on the avacado for that, peanut butters, almonds, ect. also I agree with the sugar content tip she gave you, keep the carbs complex, vegetables are the best example, or plain oatmeal in the mornings with no sugar added, that will keep your blood glycogen levels more stable. sugars are only beneficial immediately before and after workouts...especially post workout if you read up about how insulin works.
  • Gwoman2012
    Gwoman2012 Posts: 163 Member
    How are you calculating your exercise calories?
  • lucky312
    lucky312 Posts: 22 Member
    How are you calculating your exercise calories?

    I just use the options on mfp for most exercise unless I am on a machine at the gym. I estimate with mfp for the classes I take and when I run, I use an app.
  • lucky312
    lucky312 Posts: 22 Member
    right lucky, I agree with ablykins, I reviewed your diary on APR 11 and I noticed your carb intake was about 60 percent of your diet and fats and proteins made up about 20 percent each of your remaining macros. for someone trying to cut down your protein intake needs to be a lot higher, keep the fat content around 20 percent in healthy fats...good choice on the avacado for that, peanut butters, almonds, ect. also I agree with the sugar content tip she gave you, keep the carbs complex, vegetables are the best example, or plain oatmeal in the mornings with no sugar added, that will keep your blood glycogen levels more stable. sugars are only beneficial immediately before and after workouts...especially post workout if you read up about how insulin works.

    yeah, thanks for this advice. I need to stop with the unwanted sugar!!!!!
  • lucky312
    lucky312 Posts: 22 Member
  • Gwoman2012
    Gwoman2012 Posts: 163 Member
    How are you calculating your exercise calories?

    I just use the options on mfp for most exercise unless I am on a machine at the gym. I estimate with mfp for the classes I take and when I run, I use an app.

    The estimates here are high. I wouldn't eat all of the calories back, probably about half.
  • aprilgicker
    aprilgicker Posts: 395 Member
    If you like your sweet stuff try some adkins stuff. They use the not real sugar to help in the morning and are packed with protein.

    Egg white are good to up your protein. You can add them to casseroles and scrambled eggs.

    I went walmart and got the knock off version of protein shake, I use that with fruit and a tablespoon on sugar free instant pudding mix to make a smoothie. again low sugar high protein. cheap too!
  • erickirb
    erickirb Posts: 12,293 Member
    How are you calculating calories burned from exercise? If you are not using a HRM I would suggest eating only 60-75% of them back as most machines and MFP tend to overestimate caloric burn.
  • Sarasari
    Sarasari Posts: 139 Member
    I would add sodium to my diary to check. It may be high.( The turkey meat, and chips one day, asian food and chips another,etc.) Also you seem to have a lot of calories left at the end of the day. Are you sure you are eating enough?