Major losses and gallbladder problems?

Anyone else lost over 100 and then your gallbladder craps out?

I consider my diet nearly fat-less, and my gallbladder needs an exorcist!! Anyone else with similar problems, let me hear your story please!?


  • freckledrats
    freckledrats Posts: 251 Member
    I've never lost that much, but yes, I have a friend who lost quite a lot and rapidly by undereating. He wasn't obese, he is a young male, and he started having horrible abdominal pains. Docs couldn't figure it out because none of them would even check his gallbladder because he was thin, male, and under 30. Took them a while to get it diagnosed.

    Anyway, I've also read that losing a lot of weight rapidly can have adverse effects on the gallbladder. So be careful out there!
  • Simona38
    Simona38 Posts: 66 Member
    Gallbladder issues are common with people who've lost a lot of weight rapidly. I've lost 90lbs and my gallbladder is coming out soon [I hope!]. I'm having gallstone attacks about every 2 weeks. I take Buscopan for it and it works fairly well but it's temporary - it needs to come out.
  • I lost a lot of weight about 4 years ago and I started having this pain on my right side. I went through many tests and finally they took out my gallbladder hoping it would help. Unfortunately, I still got the pain on my right side after the surgery. When I ate worse and gained the weight back, I hardly ever had that mysterious pain. Now, that I am trying to lose again, I have the mysterious pain again. It feels like someone is sticking a knife in my right side where the gallbladder is located and turning it. If I move at all, it is the most intense pain. It lasts between 2 and 5 hours and then goes away. Anyone else encountered anything like this?
  • Anyone else lost over 100 and then your gallbladder craps out?

    I consider my diet nearly fat-less, and my gallbladder needs an exorcist!! Anyone else with similar problems, let me hear your story please!?

    i am actually going through gallbladder issues now, according to my the drs women are more prone to gallstones, if you are overweight, have had multiple pregnancies (elevated estrogen slows dn the gallbladder almost until it stops working= gallstones) i did mention that i have lost 26 lbs since january but no one seemed to have any issues or even linked it. hope this helped
  • kelleybelly35
    kelleybelly35 Posts: 73 Member
    i had to have my gallbladder out in '99 while i was 5 months pregnant...i hadnt lost a huge amount maybe 50lbs prior to this. i had trigger foods that would set mine off. i have since lost 125lbs and kept it off since 2003, but if i eat really fatty or fried foods i still get a stabbing pain just like an attack and i will be sick for a couple of days that fact has actually kept me on track for the most part :)
  • kelley that's great to know thanks! i notice that my attacks are also triggered by greasy and fatty foods! so i am taking that as a blessing as well! : 0 )