10 day detox

Mary24 Posts: 398
edited September 18 in Health and Weight Loss
Is it healthy to go on a 10 day detox?

My friend Anna is planing on going on a 10 day detox were you drink a mix of somthing for 10 days
and only drink that no food.

Is it healthy?



  • Mary24
    Mary24 Posts: 398
    Is it healthy to go on a 10 day detox?

    My friend Anna is planing on going on a 10 day detox were you drink a mix of somthing for 10 days
    and only drink that no food.

    Is it healthy?

    DETERMINED2Drop Posts: 285 Member
    A Fast or Cleanse is HEALTHY, But they take months to complete and it's more like a colon cleanse to rid the toxins in your body... Not 10 days! The mix you are probably talking about is the "Lemonade Diet" and it's unhealthy and dangerous. It's basically a colon cleanse and you will gain the weight back most likely.

    Be careful.
  • jakspak
    jakspak Posts: 260 Member
    mmm i would say be careful on that one. im currently on a 10 day detox and trim but you must eat food and just be calorie aware and you mix it with water 1 lt which has made me drink it and even found i go further and drink at least another 1lt oh thats 4 glass' of water per lt oh sorry lt = litre (just in case you weren't sure i don't know what you use there) its all healthy natural products and there is a maintanince program after the 10 days you can do which is drinking it still but not as much in the lt . they call that a 15 day mantanince plan and after 45 days of it you can do the detox again so far i have heard all good things about it. but im guessing you probably wont have it over there its called 4321 detox and trim looks to be an Australian product. really have to be careful with these things and check it out well even go talk to a doctor or pharmacist good luck but they are right the old fashion way is the healthy way im just doing this to have a clean out and kick start to my plateau
  • rheston
    rheston Posts: 638
    I think you should check the facts about the hokie solutions from the various on-line reviews and not the ones published by those marketing the solution.

    To me the colon cleanse is no different than the pre-op prep you do for a colonoscopy and it doesn't do anything functional for your body but to remove the waste temporarily. The body actually needs those bacteria hiding in the colon to process things properly.

    Most of these "cleanses" have been around for about 100 years and they're no different in effect than bleeding a patient using leaches and knives to rid the body of "bad blood" over the centuries.
  • banks1850
    banks1850 Posts: 3,475 Member
    Restricting ANY food group from your diet for 10 days can have severe consequences, if it isn't done under the care of a licensed, practicing MD then I would say run away from it. My wife did a liquid diet for 2 weeks when she was in college, ended up shutting down her gall bladder for good and having to have it removed. Now she has serious trouble processing extra fat in her system.

    Look Mary, again I won't tell you how to live. But Seriously, our bodies have evolved over millions of years, in that time they have learned the hard way, how to fight off infection, cleanse itself of toxins, and fuel itself efficiently. YOU DON'T NEED TO HELP IT! The body does just fine on it's own. If you eat a healthy, nutritious diet, and exercise regularly, your body will do all the work for you, it may not be as fast as a crash diet, but it will work for the rest of your life.

    This is just my opinion, but I really hope you take it to heart, these things can be dangerous!
    GIGINATOR Posts: 355 Member
    Wouldnt' do it if I were you. Really the only safe way is like banks said. Exercise and eating the right foods is the safest way to do your body right!!!!
  • banks1850
    banks1850 Posts: 3,475 Member
    Wouldnt' do it if I were you. Really the only safe way is like banks said. Exercise and eating the right foods is the safest way to do your body right!!!!

    thanks GIG. BTW, I LOVE that picture of your kid, the one where he looks like the heat miser with his hair all sticking up. I LOL'ed!
    GIGINATOR Posts: 355 Member
    Thanks banks,
    I like your new profile pic! I just want to say thanks for all the advice and posts you have given all of us. This site has definitely helped me tremendously and I recommend it all the time to everyone I know!!!!!
  • msarro
    msarro Posts: 2,748 Member
    This is going to sound gross, but after looking into it, you can get the same effects of a cleanse/detox by either taking fiber tablets or getting an enema.
  • :laugh: I was having a tough time getting to sleep because my wife snores and I prob. do too, but it's her snoring that kept me from getting sleep, I have quit eating two hrs before I goto sleep and I wear those foam earplugs, which work great and I exercise more, which allows me to get better sleep..rico.:heart::blushing: l
  • Phatmomma
    Phatmomma Posts: 204 Member
    Cleanse for weight loss NOPE. I do several cleanses a year for various reasons. I always consult with my DR before and after a cleanse. It isn't a fast process to go into our out of and that is without knowing the cleanse your friend is doing. There are hundreds of NATURAL ways to cleanse everything from parasites to build up in the colon. This topic os close to me because my mom who has the physical age of a 43 year old (yup they can do that now lol) just went through a scary trip with her colon and intestines. She was placed on a medically supervised 7 day cleanse (yup they do that now as well) in order to allow her intestines to heal, to balance the healthy bacteria, and to literally shut down the hardworking digestive system in part so that it could heal only digesting liquids.
    Most health conscious and most vegetarians and most Muslims and Catholics, Bhuddist, and so on do some form of cleansing and fasting. You can do a cleanse that leads into a fast for health reasons but it isn't something you can do without medical guidance and maybe that you can do at all depending on your health. I have done parasite cleanses (ooh don't ask and most importanly DON'T LOOK) the reason these concepts have existed since the dawn of time is because before we had drugs people got sick. There is some heck a LOT of validity to hollistic medicine and finally the medical profession has begun to embrace it AGAIN. One common thing is that a fast or a cleanse should NEVER be used for weight loss. Spiritual, health, or to prepare for surgery or testing yup.
    The way say a parasite cleanse/detox works is it introduces natural foods that create an unfriendly environment for tape worms, anal (yup gross) parasites, and all the other creepy crawlers that live in and on our bodies to thrive. Ergo they exit stage left...
    There are also high fiber detoxes for those impacted (don't think I need to explain that one lol) and others. There are prescription detox too, like as someone posted used to prepare for colon exams or pre-surgery.
  • Mary24
    Mary24 Posts: 398
    Well you know what they say if its to good to be true than it probley is! so thanks everyone you have been a big help.
    And I do tack every thing to heart , it means a lote to me to get a seconed opinion.

  • icandoit
    icandoit Posts: 4,163 Member
    Do you want to do a detox? Do the ultrametabolism cookbook detox. You eat all your meals. It tells not to do the juice thing. It teaches you how to detox by not eating chemicals and cooking healthy.
    I have been doing it and love it. You need food.
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