Can someone tell me the name of this exercise?!



  • steadk
    steadk Posts: 334 Member
    seated leg lift??
  • micdonkem
    micdonkem Posts: 3 Member
    Raised leg crunches are a popular variation on the standard abdominal crunch that involves keeping your legs elevated as you exercise.
  • cbeutler
    cbeutler Posts: 667 Member
    Core crunches is what my trainer calls them.
  • sma83
    sma83 Posts: 479 Member
    Just sounds plain painful to me no matter what ya call it! lol
  • I personally would call them either 'Tucked V-sits' or 'Ins & Outs'.
  • Crystal0827
    Crystal0827 Posts: 244 Member
    I am going to try this on the floor of my cubicle....ha....the youtube video I watched says it is a very good core exercise
  • ldytaz
    ldytaz Posts: 37 Member
    Sounds like a V Up to me
  • Sounds like the "pure evil hurts like all hell" move. Ya that has a ring to it.

    ^^YEP! Pretty much! :(
  • withervein
    withervein Posts: 224 Member
    In rowing we called them Sit-Jacks.

    If you straighten your legs out and start from laying flat, we called em V-ups.
  • you guys rock!!! thanks for the info... im trying to explain it to someone over the phone and it wasnt working. now i can just tell them to google it haha
  • bubbles1212
    bubbles1212 Posts: 206 Member
    P90X Crunchy Frogs.... LOVE THEM!!!!
  • drmryder
    drmryder Posts: 181 Member
    They're working hard so I know you are!!! :bigsmile: