Anyone else working the PACE program

I would love to hear from you. This is just an outstanding workout and I love all I get to eat, LOL!!! Denise

I'd really like to find out if there is anyone around here that tried the exercise and eating style and actually gained weight? I admit to being a little concerned that I might but what I read from folks that are using PACE they are losing and losing fast.


  • April0815
    April0815 Posts: 780 Member
    What is the PACE program
  • PinkDog
    PinkDog Posts: 68 Member
    I wondered the same thing.

  • NWCountryGal
    NWCountryGal Posts: 1,992 Member
    that is weird, i usually am notified when I get replies here, or I thought I was. Sorry not to have seen the replies til today:)

    The PACE program is b Dr. Al Sears and I will put what info I can to give you a basic understanding of the program. It's low to no carbs and lots and lots of protein though, that I know. Also, the exercise is based on something like wind-sprints, only I use the stationary bike for example. 3 min warmup, 1 min go like heck, rest for 1 min. Repeat the "go like heck min" and the resting min 5 times in a row. That is just a start. You do that for 1 week and then there are various amounts of time. The actual program is in 2 books, I think only 2. And they cost 60 bucks but my friend edie bought them. I love the program, it's really amazing the more I do it and the more I read. Heres a link that might help some:

    Check this link too for more info:

    I am just learning about this so I feel it is a good program but I am not telling anyone it is for sure. I think it is worth looking into but some folks might have negative info about it that we should be open to reading also;) denise
  • NWCountryGal
    NWCountryGal Posts: 1,992 Member
    Hi all, I plan to stay on top of this now, my posting. I just restarted my PACE program and I love the workouts. I also like not counting calories but rather eating according to a sort of pyramid chart. 1 or less servings of simple carbs a day(grains and tubors)1-2 servings of dairy, 1-2 servings of nuts and plant oils, 1-2 servings of fruit, 3 servings of "above" ground vegetables and high quality(as high as I can afford)proteins(red meats, poultry, fish and eggs).

    My exercise routine for this starting week, which started day before yesterday, is a 10 minute workout on a stationery bike. I start out for 3 minutes casual peddling, then the 4th min I go as hard as I can, rest/stop for 1 min, go hard another min and so on until I have done 10 minutes. It will change next week and I will give you the routine on Sunday. I didn't want to do a whole 7 days because my first day would start in the middle of the week. Too hard to remember for me, LOL!

    I have read the info and I do not know if this will work or not. But I will keep you all posted. If it doesn't work I will go back to my 1200 calories a day and eat all the multi grains etc. I sure hope it works because I have never been into long, boring workouts. I know some people love that and more power to them. I just think this program is going to be more suited to me personally;) denise PS I'll get my weight scale back up and hopefully something to show inches lost as well. I had gotten down to 127 from 137 and gained it all back after hurting my knee from a combination of overuse, repetition, and walking surface(I was walking 4.2 miles about 5 days a week for 5 months). I am 56 and this could have had a lot to do with it as I know others that do that mush and more and don't get hurt:)