fell off the wagon, but trying again... add me : )

Hey, I'm turning 30, and becoming a little porkie.
I'm 5 foot, so being 119 pounds on 5 feet, not so great.

I have to get fit. I've never been "FIT" though, always been kind of doughy.. but I think it's time to do this up, and do it right - with all of you too!

I'm not a diet guru, I am still learning about fitness, foods and calories. but I'm optimistic. and summer is coming, i want to be able to wear shorts and tanks without self consciousness.

Let's do it!!


  • Added you! I'm turning 30 this year too :) I'm like your tall twin - I'm 6'0''!
  • Almost 28 but I feel like 30 is catching up quick! I'm in the middle of you two at 5'8 and have always felt doughy too LOL. Although when I look at old pictures I would love to go back to that. Anyway, I too am looking for a few friends, ad me if you like!
  • jpfost
    jpfost Posts: 192 Member
    You can add me, help all I can.
  • mum32008
    mum32008 Posts: 37 Member
    Adding you, turning 30 this year as well:ohwell:
  • tanayar
    tanayar Posts: 6 Member
    only 25 i have always been a happy/sexy big girl but the past few years have gotten bigger :blushing: trying to get healthy and back down to a weight where i feel and look the best :happy:
  • You can add me. I'm on the other side of 30 (and still moping about it) and I also fell off the wagon. In fact, it kind of dragged me behind it for a couple of months. :laugh:
  • Shannonlastname
    Shannonlastname Posts: 48 Member
    I'm 5ft too! (I say I'm 5'1 but that is a lie). I've been doing mfp for a while off and on but vie just joined the community and I love it!
  • tamerkins2
    tamerkins2 Posts: 212
    I am sending a request! I am 28 and a shorty too (5'2)!
  • Wow, I'm 5' also and after losing close to 50 lbs, I was *just* feeling fit and trim at 118...

    seems I have so far to go before I'm no longer porky

    [POOF! ] there goes MY self-esteem........
  • I turn 32 this year...been watching what I eat since I was turning 30 and have recently started to embrace fitness! It's been an amazing journey losing 58lbs and I still have a way to go (maybe another 20 or 30lbs) but I love MFP and all it offers :)
    Feel free to add me :)
  • sharonlouiset
    sharonlouiset Posts: 85 Member
    I've battled with my weight ever since I was 13. I'm going to be 39 this yr and I am determined I am not going to be fat and 40.
  • You can add me. although I say I am training for disney I'm really doing it to be example for my family.

  • jennifer_417
    jennifer_417 Posts: 12,344 Member
    We all fail. The key is simply to keep trying. You can do it!
  • ladynica
    ladynica Posts: 329 Member
    I'm 32 and I lost 30 lbs after having my son almost 3 years ago and I have gained it all back and then some. So i'm way off the wagon too! :) I'll be adding you. Anyone else can feel free to add me as well. I need all the friends I can get. :)
  • MandaJean83
    MandaJean83 Posts: 671 Member
    I'll add you! I'm 5'3" (barely) and was up to 144 lbs! I was looking very porky. Now I'm down to 120, and while I probably could stand to lose 5 more lbs I am also relatively happy with my current body shape! Hope we can support each other! :)