Megclark37 Posts: 111
edited December 17 in Chit-Chat
I recently got a cat a couple months ago. Just the sweetest little thing- he's more spoiled than my boyfriend! buuut I CANNOT get him to use the litter box. Any suggestions? If I have ANYTHING on the ground, like a shoe, sock, etc. he'll pee on it. No matter how often I clean his litter box- he's destroying our house! People tell me I should get rid of him but if you're a cat lover too you knowww how hard that would be! Suggestions?


  • JoolieW68
    JoolieW68 Posts: 1,879 Member
    That does sound odd that he won't go in the litter box. What type of litter do you have in the box - maybe he doesn't like walking on it.

    This may sound odd, but maybe put one of your (already peed on, and you don't want) sox IN the litter box and see if he will go in there then....
  • Megclark37
    Megclark37 Posts: 111
    hmmm I'll have to try that- and I've tried 3 different kinds of litter- and I bought a whole new litter box as well
  • the_journeyman
    the_journeyman Posts: 1,877 Member
    1. How old? If he's an adult cat, it will be a lot more difficult than a kitten. You're going to have to catch him in the act and move him to the litter box.

    2. Where is the litter box? I had an older male cat that was going in a corner on a regular basis. Solution? I put a litter box in that corner. Problem solved.

    3. What type of litter box? Same cat as in above question WILL NOT use a covered box. It must be uncovered.

  • SnakeDarling
    SnakeDarling Posts: 352 Member
    I am a cat lover and I love to run...

    But I would try moving the litter box where he tends to go.
    Also, if it's old enough, get it fixed c:

    Sorry I'm thinking about cats again :sad:
  • the_journeyman
    the_journeyman Posts: 1,877 Member
    Also, if it's old enough, get it fixed c:

    I meant to mention this too. It's pretty important.

  • Behavior_Modification
    Behavior_Modification Posts: 24,482 Member
    Spray bottle with water - works like a charm to tell them "no!" - also good for when they scratch stuff they're not supposed to, or when they climb on stuff they're not supposed to be on.

    And I agree with all of the other suggestions.

    Tidy Cat now makes a few upgraded litters and IMO they are worth every cent. The dark blue one is the one I use for my little furballs and it is awesome for them and for me. .
  • NocturnalGirl
    NocturnalGirl Posts: 1,762
    Read this:

    Also, whenever my cat did something that I disapproved of, I would show her that what she is doing is wrong. She usually understands what a firm NO means. Otherwise they generally continue doing it. Also, as soon as you see him/her pee somewhere, bring him/her straight to the litter box and put him/her inside it. Keep doing that till he/she gets the point.

    Good luck!
  • Alexstrasza
    Alexstrasza Posts: 619 Member
    Is the cat fixed? Some cats will pee/spray all over the place until you get them fixed.
  • Megclark37
    Megclark37 Posts: 111
    Thanks for the suggestions! He's 14 months old and fixed. I catch him in the act about 8 times a day.. and I yell no and carry him into his litter box where he "pretends" to pee and runs out. such a little monster. lol-

    And I have a covered litter box, I tried having an uncovered one as well which didn't work.
    As far as putting it in a certain spot he always pees- he has about 5 "special" spots.

    HERE'S DOOBERT! :) Please agree with me that he's too cute to get rid of. haha

  • Aviation21
    Aviation21 Posts: 154 Member
    All of these suggestion are good, is it a kitting versus an older cat, fixed or not fixed, litter box easy to get too, right kind of litter but to tell you the truth this shouldn't be such a struggle. I have raised many cats, kittens and full grown cats. It usually only takes a day or so to get them to use the litter box. However a male cat that wasn't fixed early and sometime even when fixed early maybe sparying their turf. Unfortunately, I have never been able to break a cat of spraying. You can tell when a male is spraying he will be standing tall, tail up, and usually doing a little dance with his back feet. The good thing is they rarely spray.

    If that isn't what's going on... be firm. When you find something or a place where he has peed grab him, rub his nose in it and march him down to the litter box - thow him in making it clear this is where you go pee. Talk to him in a firm upset tone. If this doesn't work add locking him in with the ltter box a few times after rubbing his nose in it -for a half hour at most.

    Last thing take him to the vet and make sure he doesn't have something physical going on. After doing all of that I can't imagine keeping any animal around that randomly pees whereever in the house.

    Good luck!
  • landorki
    landorki Posts: 93 Member
    omg! he is just the cutest thing!!!

    I have 4 cats, and foster and work for the local shelter. I have seen this before... with fosters and my own cats. Something is troubling him.... and he is trying to tell you.

    He might not like a certain smell... or WHERE his litter box is. The only thing I can think of is to keep trying to fix what bothers him.

    Where did you get him from? Ask them what kind of litter they used... or if he did this there... I might also help to take him to the vet and give him the once over... Male cats can have alot of urinary problems. Do you feed him wet food? It could be something simple as an infection... to something like diabetes. In any case, a vet visit is ideal. Good luck!
  • rouleaux
    rouleaux Posts: 31
    He is a cutie!

    Definitely need to distinguish spraying (behavioural) from urinating (behavioural or medical) as a previous poster said. Male cats are especially prone to urinary tract infections/crystals/inflammation, so a trip to the vet is worthwhile just to rule this out. Also, if you have a bathroom with no carpet, shut him into the bathroom with his litterbox for a week, with nothing soft/absorbent on the floor.... and make sure that you clean up previously peed on areas with a cleaner specifically designed to remove cat urine - if not completely cleaned, the smell can draw them back to the same spot. But take him to the vet first! Perhaps the poor guy is just living with an untreated bladder infection or urinary crystals that are making things uncomfortable for him. Your vet will also have other suggestions to help with the issue too... good luck!
  • Marillian
    Marillian Posts: 3,892 Member
    Rubbing a cat's nose in pee won't do a darn thing so please don't abuse your cat that way.

    Take your cat to the vet! It could have a urinary track infection or something else going on. You cat could be stressed out and peeing outside the litter box could be a symptom of this.

    Be sure the litter box is cleaned every day. A cat's sense of smell is far superior to human's and a cat won't use a litter box that stinks, even if you don't smell it.

    If you have other cats in the house, be sure you have separate litter boxes for each of them.

    Change the type of litter you are using.

    Above all else, take your cat to the vet!
  • jenlarz
    jenlarz Posts: 813 Member
    Along the lines with a urinary infection, I've been told that often when they have one there is pain when peeing and they associate with the litter box so thats why they won't go in one.
  • craigers13
    craigers13 Posts: 241 Member
    I am a cat lover and I love to run...

    But I would try moving the litter box where he tends to go.
    Also, if it's old enough, get it fixed c:

    Sorry I'm thinking about cats again :sad:

    ahhhhh I've watched that video more times than I care to admit LOL
  • Megclark37
    Megclark37 Posts: 111
    I'm going to take him to the vet next week- because I've tried everything so it must be a UTI or something..

    Also- a spray bottle does nothing because he LOVES water (he showers with me) honestly the weirdest cat you will ever meet
  • coliema
    coliema Posts: 7,646 Member
    He is WAYYYYY TOO CUTE to get rid of!

    My cat, Hank, had the same problem. I moved his litter box to a new spot and he started going in it again. Maybe move the litter box? Or get new litter? I had the chunky litter and he didn't like it, now I have the sand type litter and he loves it!

    He might have a UTI? Maybe take him for a check up? Or he could have crystals in his urine.
  • anglyn97
    anglyn97 Posts: 13
    I would also make sure you are cleaning the spots he is going in with enzyme cleaner.
  • coliema
    coliema Posts: 7,646 Member
    I'm going to take him to the vet next week- because I've tried everything so it must be a UTI or something..

    Also- a spray bottle does nothing because he LOVES water (he showers with me) honestly the weirdest cat you will ever meet

    It's funny you say that, because I have a picture of my cat laying on a binder EXACTLY like your cat, and my cat loves showering with me too!!
  • Jules2Be
    Jules2Be Posts: 2,238 Member
    Im glad you want to help your cat...a lot of these suggestions sound great... except spraying with my opinion.
  • sollyn
    sollyn Posts: 179
    Your cat sounds hilarious! I have an 18 year old cat that is a bit hap hazard and won't pee or poop in a tray that has been used once. I therefore have 3 litter trays in one room and have to shut her in that single room when we are not in the house. Then the only thing we generally have to collect of the floor is poop! The joys of cat ownership, but I love her dearly and will so miss her when she is gone!
    I am thinking of fostering cats when she is gone. For people who have to go into hospital, or a home or suddenly get called away. But not if they will start spraying all over my house!

    But I could love your cat!

    I hope it is something that you can sort out.
  • Lauren8239
    Lauren8239 Posts: 1,039 Member
    Does your litter box have a canopy/lid on it? My cat won/t use it without the top on, I guess wanting to feel secure and private.
  • hillary124
    hillary124 Posts: 112
    We got kitty litter called something like Kitty Attract. And it worked! We also put a litter box upstairs and downstairs. My vet told us that sometimes kittens forget where they are and just go potty wherever, but if theyre near a litter box upstairs AND downstairs then theyll be able to remember to go in a box! Also, get shallow boxes for now, so he can easily jump in!
  • sandrinamsilva
    sandrinamsilva Posts: 651 Member
    My cats didn't like it when I would clean there litter boxes with strong chemicals. So I started using Tide and letting them air dry completely. Also try taking kitty to the vet could be an infection.

    Cats are funny, the big one would go on my husband's pants/chair if he took to long to clean his litter.
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