sore body after workout doesnt keep me motivated

:sad: Hi I joined in April trying to lose 50 lbs , have joined Zumba and doing elliptical circuit training but after I finish this I dont feel like going next day..till now manage to lose 4lbs and controlling diets also


  • econut2000
    econut2000 Posts: 395 Member
    Workouts do get easier as you do them but if you're SUPER sore than I would say you're probably doing too hard a workout. Start off a little slower maybe. If it's just normal "workout" sore than stick with it - in a week you will be happy you did.
  • Hoakiebs
    Hoakiebs Posts: 430 Member
    No pain, no loss!
  • robynj88
    robynj88 Posts: 104 Member
    I was sore after my first zumba class, but literally never again after that and I only do it twice a week. If you're doing it every day then you'll get used to the burn really quickly. same with the elliptical, it takes a bit of powering through the first time you get back on it but the more you do it, the easier it gets. start off on the lowest resistance level and gradually build up when you feel its getting too easy.
  • jpfost
    jpfost Posts: 194 Member
    I was sore after my first zumba class, but literally never again after that and I only do it twice a week. If you're doing it every day then you'll get used to the burn really quickly. same with the elliptical, it takes a bit of powering through the first time you get back on it but the more you do it, the easier it gets. start off on the lowest resistance level and gradually build up when you feel its getting too easy.

    this is true! if it still doesnt get any better after a couple weeks, make sure your hydrated and take a post workout supplement to help your muscles repair themselves
  • connectannie
    Thanks friends..m working out fom last 2 -3 weeks 3-4 times a week same day either 2 sessions of zumba 2 hrs or circuit traing 1 hr zumba 1 hr or Piloxing 1hr zumba 1 hr and elliptical 45 minutes after thz sessions..but body gets sore every time ...
    Jpfost- which post supplemets r good ..

    Hopefully wont get sore in another weeks times
  • jaysonhijinx
    jaysonhijinx Posts: 663 Member
    You'll be sore quite regularly after if just starting out, I know I was to the point where I could barely walk a few hours after! But a post work out supplement and sticking with it and all is sweet, hehe.
  • ihateroses
    ihateroses Posts: 893 Member
    Learn to love the pain! I know I hated being sore at first, but now when I'm sore I know I put in 100% and I am getting stronger.
  • robynj88
    robynj88 Posts: 104 Member
    2 hours on an elliptical is too much in my opinion. that'll be why you're so sore! variety is the spice of life, and also helps your muscles get over the burn. 2 hours on the elliptical is like a half marathon almost, of course you're going to be sore!
  • stetienne
    stetienne Posts: 560 Member
    I feel ya! I just started back in the gym with weights last night and my upper body is SCREAMING. But you have to power through it (unless it's an unnatural pain).
  • bigdogc23
    bigdogc23 Posts: 66
    If I understand your second post on here you are doing 2 hrs of workout when you do work out 1 hr in two different sessions. That is going to make anyone that is no a refined athelete sore especially since you are putting all your workouts in cardio. If it's just a natural soreness then sooner or later you will get ot the point of not being sore. Sometimes taking a little ibuprofren will releive some of the soreness but don't do it for long term because it can eventually eat a hole in your stomach and mess the liver/kindeys up but I'm talking long term as in everyday for a year kinda long term. 400 to 800 miligrams depending on your weight. I know you hear it tons but it stands so true, drink water water water to help flush out some of the acids built up in your muscles.
  • mygrl4meee
    mygrl4meee Posts: 943 Member
    I did cardio for about 50 minutes on wed and then a little strength training and a water class. I have been very sore since. I still did my cardio yesterday and my water class. I am wondering when my legs are going to quit hurting. Gonna push the water and hoping it gets better. I haven't experienced soreness in a long time so maybe I haven't been doing enough. Good luck to you.
  • dwtimeoutt
    dwtimeoutt Posts: 107 Member
    I have back issues and will be really sore after any kind of workout so I walk and once I work up to 3 miles then I will add swimming. You have to do something you enjoy that won't hurt your body.
  • thebigcb
    thebigcb Posts: 2,210 Member
    Eat something post training, rehydrate.

    Cool down and stretch out

    And if you can, have a cold shower, bath, not very pleasent but works wonders.
  • HipsBreastsandMore
    HipsBreastsandMore Posts: 51 Member
    Having pain is a sign that you are doing your exercises right! Hydrate yourself every two exercises...cold water helps you burn more!!
  • lovely78
    lovely78 Posts: 8
    Its normal to be somewhat sore after a workout, but you shouldn't be in pain. If you're in pain, your body is in trouble so stop working out.

    If you are sore, then you may need to do some things:
    1) Decrease the time you take to workout. You may be exercising for too long
    2) Decrease the intensity of your workout. You may be working your body too hard
    3) Stretch more
  • KimInsanityP
    The more you workout, the stronger you'll get and your body will get used to it. You should probably be taking a post workout drink that helps replenish you and help prevent sore muscles. Drink tons of water!
  • myfitnessnmhoy
    myfitnessnmhoy Posts: 2,105 Member
    I use an elliptical and I started out getting sore on it. It happens with any new exercise because semi-dormant muscles are starting to build lactic acid from being overworked.

    I found that the real key was in doing a good-quality stretch routine afterward and drinking plenty of water to help wash the lactic acid away. It takes a day or two after the first few hard workouts. After that, the muscles are starting to actually build and can tolerate it better, and the soreness should go away. If it persists, you are pushing your body too hard and the muscle is not being formed efficiently. Back off a bit and let your body prepare itself.

    Try doing the elliptical trainer twice a week and switch out to something else the rest of the days of the week. You don't want to burn out on your exercise. Boredom is your enemy, as is frustration. You should complete your workouts feeling good about them (especially the ones you work up a good sweat on).

    Also, you might want to try easing into it a little. The difference between an extremely intense workout and a moderate workout is not all that much in terms of calories. Unless (like me) you have very limited time to work out and need to make the most of every second, you can afford to lower the intensity and increase the time. You'll burn MORE calories and hurt a whole lot less that way.
  • mcasprin
    mcasprin Posts: 14
    sore day after workouts = you worked your muscle to the max its trying to repair its self get some protein and go for a walk so that your blood pushes out the damaged tissue and get fresh blood in your muscles
  • GottaRideMN
    Start out slow and work up to it. Don't kill yourself. I have bad knees so I started just walking every day. Then walking faster and longer. Then walking fast with hand weights. Recently I started biking every other day. Same thing. Started at 5 miles avg 8mph. Built up. Today was 9.8 miles at 13.2mph. I hop off the bike, grab the dog, and do my power walk. Slow, steady build. No pain and slow progress at first but now the results are really starting to show. Modivation is easier when not in pain and each day I try to go just a little faster and further. (All tracked on my e-Trex) And as other have said; long cool down and lots of water.
  • connectannie
    hey M going 45 mins elliptical rest sessions twice 2 hrs in total