Should I up my calories?

I know this might sound a little odd on a weight loss site, but I feel I have to ask since I am a little concerned.

So for the past few weeks I've been losing about 1/2 a pound every couple of days resulting in about 2-3 pounds per week--which I know is ok but I feel like it still might be too fast (worried it might go faster down the road)--especially since my allowance for calories is 1520. My goal was to lose half a pound a week, so my yet I'm losing more weight.

So should I up my calories, if so would 1600 be reasonable or should I had more?

***I should explain I am in no way complaining of the weight I've lost! However I am paranoid (seriously) about losing too fast because I know it can cause me to lose more muscle mass instead of fat and of course that it's easier for the weight to come back when it comes off faster.


  • runningfromzombies
    runningfromzombies Posts: 386 Member
    Did you just start losing weight a few weeks ago? If so, then a bit quicker pace than usual is sort of expected--some of it is probably water weight. The rate of loss will probably slow down soon. (The first week on MFP for me, I lost three pounds. A month later the rate of loss had slowed down considerably.)

    Another question--do you exercise? And if so, do you eat your exercise calories? If you don't, this may be contributing to the faster-than-expected weight loss.

    If you opened up your diary we'd be able to provide some more feedback. :flowerforyou:
  • MehiraDeOro
    MehiraDeOro Posts: 117 Member
    Did you just start losing weight a few weeks ago? If so, then a bit quicker pace than usual is sort of expected--some of it is probably water weight. The rate of loss will probably slow down soon. (The first week on MFP for me, I lost three pounds. A month later the rate of loss had slowed down considerably.)

    Another question--do you exercise? And if so, do you eat your exercise calories? If you don't, this may be contributing to the faster-than-expected weight loss.

    If you opened up your diary we'd be able to provide some more feedback. :flowerforyou:

    OK, I'll make it public (Just for a couple of days)

    And yes I do exercise!
  • mmapags
    mmapags Posts: 8,934 Member
    Your diary looks fine, If I were you, I move my calories up to about 1750 or 1800 for a week or 2 and see what happens. The MFP formulas are based on averages and some BMRs and TDEEs are higher or lower. Sounds like yours is higher. BTW, what did you select as your activity level? that could make a difference. To move your calories up to only 1600 is not really different than where you are. If moving it up stops your weight loss, drop it down 100 and see fro a week or 2. I woudl agree that losing 3 pound or more per week is not optimum.
  • MehiraDeOro
    MehiraDeOro Posts: 117 Member
    Your diary looks fine, If I were you, I move my calories up to about 1750 or 1800 for a week or 2 and see what happens. The MFP formulas are based on averages and some BMRs and TDEEs are higher or lower. Sounds like yours is higher. BTW, what did you select as your activity level? that could make a difference. To move your calories up to only 1600 is not really different than where you are. If moving it up stops your weight loss, drop it down 100 and see fro a week or 2. I woudl agree that losing 3 pound or more per week is not optimum.

    It's sedentary--I really wasn't sure whether to put sedentary or lightly active because I'm really between the two.

    I have 2 jobs, one is a desk job (lots of sitting), the other is at a gas station (lots of standing, some days lifting and other movements) I work 3 days at each job, so 6 days a week. The Lightly active says "Spend a good part of the day on your feet (e.g. nurse, salesman)" which could apply but it depends on the day of the week.

    As for exercise, I'm going at least 3 times a week for 45min to an hour and fifteen minutes.

    Also I just checked my BMR and it came up as 1,410 per day.
  • crudd123
    crudd123 Posts: 244 Member
    Search under groups on here for a group called Eat More to Weigh Less! They have some great information! Good luck to you!
  • Lusciousss
    Wow! I'm so jealous. I've just been moaning how slow my weight loss is...wish I was having your results. I do understand where you're coming from though.