
ok i need help i eat very healthy i chart it measure it etc. i have been doing that p90x work out. todays actuallly week 7 yes ive lost weight an am getting tone everywhere but my belly i still have this huge fatroll i focus on core an cardio plus toning an building why am i not losing my belly i just wanna give up :( im trying so hard to what still look like a 4 month pregnant woman it just dont seem fair! advice,tips something please help me


  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,318 Member
    Are you serious? You have six pounds to lose and you're this stressed? Relax. I'm sure you don't have a huge fatroll. Keep doing what you're doing.
  • Srmmelson
    Srmmelson Posts: 31
    I understand! I have been working out and eating healthy and it still feels like I'm not getting any where! I think the first thing to do is enjoy how far you have come. It's not easy to lose weight, or do the p90x program. You have lost weight, you are getting toned, and you have lasted longer than a lot of people. How have your charts measured up? Have you been losing inches? Also take a look at pictures from before and check out how your body has changed. As long as you are being honest with your self, you should be happy with the progress that you have made. My belly has been the hardest thing to lose although people tell me it's like the first thing to go! I can tell that I have lost weight in the belly, it's just hard to see sometimes. Good Luck! Hopefully someone out there has better advice than I do!
  • i am serious just beause im small framed doesnt mean im fit i have cellulite an fat just as wel as a bigger person all i was trying to get was tips on how to lose stomach fat.... such a sterotype just to think cause someones skinny their not jiggly just wanna get toned not necessarly lose more weight i have had 2 sections so im struggling with the abdominal area .not freaking out
  • I have found the best thing for getting rid of the fat around the mid section is 2 TBLS honey and 1/2 cup of non-fat yogurt. Sounds a little wierd but the honey is to stabilize your blood sugar so your liver can effectively repair your body and the yogurt is for the protein so your body doesn't go anabolic over night and will burn fat dureing the night for the repair of your body. Sounds great what ur doing keep it up!!
  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    i am serious just beause im small framed doesnt mean im fit i have cellulite an fat just as wel as a bigger person all i was trying to get was tips on how to lose stomach fat.... such a sterotype just to think cause someones skinny their not jiggly just wanna get toned not necessarly lose more weight i have had 2 sections so im struggling with the abdominal area .not freaking out
    You had 2 C-sections?
  • RoseRoiz
    RoseRoiz Posts: 95
  • Helloitsdan
    Helloitsdan Posts: 5,564 Member
    start cycling calories/carbs.
    On Workout days, 3 times a week, carb up with the good stuff and get the calories up close or even over TDEE.
    Since you are still cutting cals 4 days a week you are still in a deficit but the over carbing and feeding will trigger better leptin levels and allow your body to burn off more fat.
    You can also enter the world of Intermittent Fasting but thats not for everyone.