Please help - I am not loosing any more :(

shalinik78 Posts: 82
edited September 20 in Health and Weight Loss
All is going well- I am managing well on my calorie intake ( 1200 - 1400 ) thats what MFP asks me. I am working out like 4 days a week for 1.5 hrs , taking enough sleep ........ why am I not loosing anymore ?

Please give me some tips - I am really getting irritated now grrrrrrrrrrrr

Am I doing something wrong here ?

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  • diegelman
    diegelman Posts: 55 Member
    Try splurging and eating one fatty meal. That usually helps when you hit a platue.
  • Really ?
  • astridfeline
    astridfeline Posts: 1,200 Member
    yes, sometimes it does help to have a splurge. Also, are you routinely eating your exercise cals? You should be!
  • I have to agree.. it helps me too when I'm at a stand still.
  • actually I was doing it untill I hit this bump in loosing - now I am not eating all those calories that I burn at GYM like 400-550 ..... so according to you guys I should be eating those and wait for a while to see the weight to loose again :)

    I am happy to know I can eat - but what if I gain again ?
  • LeeiaL
    LeeiaL Posts: 40
    Looks like you've hit a plateau...what to do to break it depends on your body..sometimes it takes awhile.

    It would help to know how much you weigh, what your goal is, how long you've been doing your current diet/exercise program and what you're eating.
  • kabrams
    kabrams Posts: 1
    Try increasing you water intake. In some instances, you body will retain fluids and thereby plateau because it is ensuring that is has what it needs. Remember that the human bady is an archaic design, it does not share your goals of weight and shape; it only wants to know that it has everything it needs in the event of a famine or drought. It is used to your former weight and secure with that; so it will hold on to water in an effort to maintain a what it believes it needs. By drinking more water, you will ensure it that it has enough and will begin releasing rather than hoarding.

    Additionally stop, if you haven't already, eating processed foods. All those awful chemicals that are man-made are foreign to your body and it doesn't know how to process them (again an archaic design) so it will just hold them, thereby not allowing you to lose weight. Anything you can not pronounce, you should not eat. Read lables! High Fructose Corn Syrup (HFCS), modified anything, and artificial colors and flavors will not allow you to reach your goals. These products are DESIGNED by the companies that make them to get you to eat more, so they can sell more. HFCS is a leptin inhibitor which means that it prohibits the body from releasing the hormone leptin, which is the hormone that tells your brain that you are full and should not eat anymore. HFCS can make you feel hungry for up to 24 hours after you eat it!

    Here is a simple rule: If it doesn't have a mother, don't eat it.

    This change will jolt your metabolism, get it out of the sluggish mode it is stuck in and get you losing weight again. You also will not regain the weight, because you are losing it correctly.

    Good luck!!
  • Looks like you've hit a plateau...what to do to break it depends on your body..sometimes it takes awhile.

    It would help to know how much you weigh, what your goal is, how long you've been doing your current diet/exercise program and what you're eating.

    Well thanks for your efforts in hearing my issues.
    I weight 152 now and was 172 5 months back. I am a mother to a 2.4 yrs old and am on the run always. I do all my house chores by myself ..... I am a vegetarian and I take milk once a day. I do not take alcohol or smoke. I do cardio 50 mins 4 times a week and stretching and resistance 30 min each on 4 days. right now I am eating about 1400 Calories a day .... does that help ?
  • Thanks again - but I am a indian - means I mostly rely on eating fresh home cooked vegetarian meals - infact I cannot eat any stuff outside as I am picky !
  • Wecandothis
    Wecandothis Posts: 1,083 Member
    This may be normal and to be expected. It helped me a great deal to read this:
  • cesayre
    cesayre Posts: 2 Member
    maybe it would help if you changed your exercise routine a little. Do you do the same thing everyday? Change your cardio... bump a weight or add more reps to the weight you do. Start doing a water aerobic class once or twice a week instead of walking on the treadmill (don't know your routine... just a suggestion of a different type of workout).
    i found in the past for me it helped just changing my monday/wed/fri routine to tues/thurs and vise-versa.
    hope this helps...
  • LeeiaL
    LeeiaL Posts: 40
    Well, looks like you've definitely hit a plateau. If you've been doing your current routine for a long time, then your body has gotten used to it. It happens to everyone eventually, you just have to stay calm and not freak out.

    If you're doing 50 minutes of cardio daily at the frequency you described, then I am assuming you are doing steady-state cardio (i.e., running on treadmill, same cardio DVD, or something similar). If I were you I would try intervals. I hit a plateau that I stayed on for quite some time and that's how I broke mine.

    HIIT is High Intensity Interval Training. It is the opposite of steady-state cardio. With HIIT you can do shorter sessions at a much higher intensity and still see results. I did Jillian Michaels' 30-day shred DVDs. They are about 20 minutes or so long, but mix up cardio, strength training and abs. Doing exercise this way will really shock your body and may jolt it out of the plateau. IF you have never done Intervals - it is harder, but you just have to gut it out. Try this for a few weeks, then work in some other DVDs (I used Jillian Michaels' 'No more trouble zones' and 'Banish Fat Boost Metabolism' ) that utilize FULL BODY MOVEMENTS - which are more efficient at burning fat than movements in isolation (like dumbbell curls).

    With your weight training - make sure you're progressing (e.g, if you've been using 5 pound weights for awhile and it seems easy - those last few reps aren't hard - then it's probably time to graduate to a heavier weight, like 8 pounds), which can also help you break a plateau.

    Also, I don't know what you're eating, but you may have to increase your protein and water intake.

    When you're on a plateau, it makes sense to NOT weigh yourself any more frequently than every 2 weeks, in the A.M., after using the bathroom, without clothes on and before eating. You should also keep track of your measurements, since you can see no changes on the scale but changes in the # of inches you're carrying.

    When you're on a plateau, it may take awhile to break. Just try to stay patient and focused on your workouts and diet. Eventually, you will push past it.
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