I need to be honest.

I don't think I've been honest with myself or my MFP friends when it's come to my weight loss journey. I haven't been putting forth my best effort.

I have cheated. I have eaten things and not logged them. I have tried to make excuses and come up with "reasons" why I couldn't work out or why I didn't eat well.

Truth is I need to hold myself accountable!

Tomorrow I'm going out with my husband for a date. It will be my last hoo-rah, so to speak. After tomorrow I'm going to crack down and make this happen! Even if I have to wake up at 4am every morning to get my excercise in!


  • Natty0506
    Natty0506 Posts: 103 Member
    I've done that too. It's hard to hold yourself accountable. You have to get to that point where you really want it. You can do it!!!
  • mandamama
    mandamama Posts: 250
    Tomorrow is a new day. Even if you eat something not ideal... just log it! I like to think that I am trying to do this as a life time thing... I am not going to go my life time never having a little slice of pie, or ice cream, or what have you. I always try to save my calories, but the nights I can't ... then... I just a little extra the next day :)
  • chachadiva150
    chachadiva150 Posts: 453 Member
    The first step to accountability is to just log everything. By logging it, you are forced to see the choices you are making. Remember there are no bad food. There are just foods you want to eat infrequently.
  • Don't see it as your last Hoo-rah or you will feel like you are being punished. Why not plan a next Hoo-rah when you have lost say 6lbs, or whatever you want to choose...........then you have something to look forward too. I find that by logging everything if I have not lost weight at the end of a week I can look back and go "oh yes" that is why and then next time I am tempted to eat that bag of crisps it triggers my brain to remember what happened last time and I go and find something healthier to eat................or jump on the exercise bike for 15 mins and then eat the crisps :smile:
    Enjoy your Hoo-rah and plan for the next one.:flowerforyou:
  • I agree, don't count is as your last. Reward yourself when you reach a mini - goal and it has taken a lot to admit that to everyone! I have done the same there where I log early in the day and don't log my cheats. My SO just joined mpf and I think that will help me hold myself more accountable. I give you major props for even still working on your weight loss with everything you are going through. You are a strong woman and you can do this :)
  • melsinct
    melsinct Posts: 3,512 Member
    The first step to accountability is to just log everything. By logging it, you are forced to see the choices you are making. Remember there are no bad food. There are just foods you want to eat infrequently.

    Exactly! Even on my worst day while losing, I logged it which made me own it. In order for me to keep on the right track I had to be able to see where I was screwing up. We all have bad days (sometimes weeks!) where we go off track. I doubt there is anyone on MFP who hasn't been there, most of us have been there many times over. :wink:

    Taking it 10 pounds at a time is what worked for me. The big picture was too overwhelming but when you are looking at the next set of numbers (e.g., going from 180s to 170s, 170s to 160s, etc.) it makes it more manageable.