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Introducing myself, needing a bit of motivation

Good afternoon fellow My Fitness Palers,

I've been using My Fitness Pal on and off for a bit now. I'm eating healthy and lowering my portions, but I'm finding it difficult to stick to any sort of exercise plan.

Exercise has been the hardest part about losing weight. I work all day, come home, then eat dinner. After dinner, I just don't have the energy to exercise. I work at a desk all day long and I make sure to go for a walk a couple times a day while I'm at work, but in all actuality I'm not burning many calories that way.

Is there anyone out there that can offer any advice or motivation on how to get myself kick started into a healthy exercise routine?

Thanks so much!


  • litatura
    litatura Posts: 569 Member
    I also work a desk job, so what I do is eat a late lunch around 2:00pm and then eat an apple or banana around 4:30pm so that I'm not hungry, and then hit the treadmill as soon as I get home (before I eat supper). I've managed to keep up this routine since July and once I got into the habit after a few weeks, it became second nature to me.
  • Metrotide
    Metrotide Posts: 17
    Hello Josh,

    I have a desk job of sorts as well. I spend a lot of time writing reports. But I make those same statements, "just too tired when I get done." So now I force myself to go for a walk after work or during my lunch hour. Now that my energy is slowly building, I make sure to make time in my day. I started getting up earlier to go for walks before work, that boosted my energy. And since I am not a coffee or energy drinking type of person, this has really helped raise my energy level. Also, the weekends can become your friend, but just remember try not to make an excuse for not doing something and just tell yourself, let's do it! And as that energy builds so will that enthusiasm. Hope this helps and keep up the good work!

  • litatura
    litatura Posts: 569 Member
    Oh, and I forgot to mention that I do meal-planning and prepare all of my suppers ahead of time so that I can eat very soon after I get off the treadmill.
  • AnnaMaus
    AnnaMaus Posts: 167 Member
    I work a lot, and I had to figure out how to make time to hit the gym three times a week in addition to taking walks.

    Paying the money sure motivated me at first (I couldn't bear the thought of shelling out and never making it over there).

    Now that I'm habituated to it, I exercise in order to feel good--I have more energy, better quality sleep, less anxiety, and more muscles.

    Make the time-- before work, during lunch, before dinner, or after--in your home, or at the gym. You deserve it.
  • Hello Josh!

    I used to spend the entire day behind a desk and found myself far too tired to do any type of exercise. It wasn't until I left that job and found another one, not behind a desk, that I found that I was never really as tired as I thought. All that sitting was making me tired.

    Thes best advice that I can tell you is GET UP! Lol, even if you just walk through your hallway in your home a few times, walk outside to the mailbox, just get up and do it. You will see that you do have the energy to exercise. You dont have to get up and run your entire neighborhood, just move!

    Do you have children or nieces or nephews? Go spend time with them, take them to the park. The energy is in you, you just haven't tapped into it yet!
  • kmjenkins
    kmjenkins Posts: 396 Member
    Hi Josh,

    I've had the same problem--I work at a desk sometimes for 10 hours/day and find it hard to get in workouts. I've found that it takes very calculated planning and ALOT of motivation/willpower to make myself do it--even when I don't want to. Sometimes I don't get to the gym until 10 or 11 o'clock at night, which is hard, but every night I have to ask myself why I'm doing it, and if sitting on the couch or going to bed is going to get me where I want to be--the answer iseasily that need to work out. So my advice would be planning, and really challenging yourself to find the motivation. Try to make a workout schedule, be realistic, stick to it, then once you start feeling good and have a routine, add in one more thing, build upon your success--and stick to your schedule that way you know exactly what needs to be done in and out of the gym, act with purpose and be determined.

    Good luck!
  • DeeRicc
    DeeRicc Posts: 3
    HI, I find exercising easier than dieting! You can either wake up an hour earlier (which I do when I work late) to get your exercise in , or do it right when you get home (which I do when I work early and get out early)..I tend to exercise in the middle of the day on my days off from work..so I guess it is about being flexible and finding the time, I have a quote for you"The only work out you will ever regret is the one you didn't do.." You will always feel better after ward! Also, I work out at home to save time, I like to do DVDs I love Billy Blanks..being a guy you might like him too, Tae Bo is fun, or maybe P90X with Tony Horton or Sean T's Insanity, ...
  • mville38
    mville38 Posts: 1
    I'm 39 yrs old & I decided its time to get healthy... I was at da gym today & a lady told me to try dis out for some support & motivation. I have lost a lot a weight on my own but she said jus try it u may like it so I said y not. Can someone please tell me wat made you want to get healthy & how is it going so far..
  • smkafka
    smkafka Posts: 134 Member
    Hi Josh,
    Have you tried exercising before you go to work? I know that can be hard. I am not a morning person but sometimes going early gives me more energy for the day. Otherwise, is it possible for you to exercise before going home? I know once I am at home I do not want to leave the house again to go to the gym. Maybe change your dinner time to be a little later so you can exercise before eating. Hey, man I wish you the best. Determination is what it will take!
  • jaric01
    jaric01 Posts: 132 Member
    I also hate working out after work. If you can break away during the day, that might make it easier. I've started doing that a couple times a week, and it's a nice feeling to not have that hanging over you in the evening. Ideally, I like to go in the morning, but I'm just not a morning person.
  • asbonita3
    asbonita3 Posts: 29 Member
    Gotta have the mindset to do it right after work. That's what i do and if i'm off i do it in the morning to get it done and out the way. Not to say it that way, but sometimes that how you feel, but once you're done you feel so much better and hopefully smaller :)
  • smithhm12
    smithhm12 Posts: 23
    I am not a fan of exercising either. I work with kids with emotional and behavioral problems and i often work 11 - 12 hour days. I am the same way once i leave work. I just wanna go home, eat and relax. It has helped me to tell myself that i need to work out... do something.. 5 days a week, and i want my weekends free. I usually take a 2 mile walk 3 days a week. I don't speed walk, i just do it at a comfortable pace. Then twice a week i do something more vigorous. I also gave myself a dollar in a jar every time i did work out that i could spend on anything i wanted. Eventually this pattern has just become a habit! If you need someone to talk to just let me know! I would love to help you get started. It always helps to have someone to talk too! Good Luck!
  • babsriley
    babsriley Posts: 18 Member
    Hello Josh,....I parked my treadmill and spin bike next to my bed...they are the first thing I see in the mornings..I can knock out a 300 calorie burn on my spin bike in less than 20 minutes. At first, I had to drag my butt out of bed and convince myself to exercise..now, its a routine I look forward to doing. Spin bikes are great for a person without a lot of time to excercise.
  • cmarshel
    cmarshel Posts: 46 Member
    I had a similar problem and the way I resolved it was to move it to the start of my day. Yes I had to get up slightly earlier. But no longer did I have it hanging over me as a "need to do" all day long and I felt much better all day long with more energy than ever. I started out just walking, around 20 minutes each morning. Now I run between 45-60 minutes each morning weekdays and hike about 3 hours on Saturdays with Sundays off. Never would have imagined I'd ever be doing this when I started my journey but I'm work in progress and like my results. If you need any friends to push you on or offer advice feel free to add me. Otherwise good luck on your journey...you CAN do it!
  • Jshrade
    Jshrade Posts: 8
    Thanks for all the tips and the motivation everyone! I worked out last night and this morning. Now to just keep that trend up! :)

    Thank you!