stopping sugar today!

loria508 Posts: 41 Member
Hi , well today is the day, cold turkey no sugar! I know its my downfall from reaching my goal! Need support and any advice would be great..... thanks


  • mjn18
    mjn18 Posts: 74 Member
    I am beginning to think I need to do the same thing although I have no idea how. It is really the one thing I truly struggle with.
  • SSGCoopsCutiePie
    SSGCoopsCutiePie Posts: 4 Member
    It's hard to stop sugar!! My body CRAVES it...and carbs...stick it out tho!! I dont know how long it takes for it to completely leave your system, but once it does, it wont taste right to ya anymore...a bite of something sweet will make ya feel ill. Good luck!!:wink:
  • formersec
    formersec Posts: 233 Member
    What kind of sugar? Ok to give up cake, pies, cookies and other processed foods. But don't give up foods that have sugar naturally such as fruit or milk.
  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    If you start getting headaches or dizzy, eat some beans. That's what got me through when I gave up sugar and white flour 10 yeas ago.

    Good luck!
  • If you can get through 5 days of no sugar and/or carbs you will feel soooo much better and the cravings go away. It's hard, but it's so worth it.
  • regina2063
    regina2063 Posts: 203 Member
    good luck. i havent conquered that world yet...:wink:
  • MaryMangan31
    MaryMangan31 Posts: 7 Member
    It's hard to stop sugar!! My body CRAVES it...and carbs...stick it out tho!! I dont know how long it takes for it to completely leave your system, but once it does, it wont taste right to ya anymore...a bite of something sweet will make ya feel ill. Good luck!!:wink:

    I agree. I've realized that sugar has an addictive quality to it.
    What kind of sugar? Ok to give up cake, pies, cookies and other processed foods. But don't give up foods that have sugar naturally such as fruit or milk.

  • JimandLin
    JimandLin Posts: 76 Member
    You can track your sugar on here along with everything else. I do, and it's amazing how it adds up. Just change your food tracker to track sugar intake. Seems like there is sugar in everything.
  • theartichoke
    theartichoke Posts: 816 Member
    Good luck to you! The first 3 days were difficult but once I made it to day 4 I was great. I truly felt better than I had in a long time. I hope you find that the carb cravings leave and like other posters have mentioned replacing sugar with fruit, milk, beans or grains is a great thing to do for yourself. Hang in there, it's completely worth it!
  • mawmawandlovingit
    mawmawandlovingit Posts: 45 Member
    I am also trying to give up "bad" sugar, it is extremely hard and my body has been screaming for it. Gonna be tough but I know it is better for me.
  • The first week is the hardest! Xylitol really helped me! It tastes just like sugar and is so good in tea. I drink a lot of sweet tea when I stop sugar. It really helps to have a replacement that tastes just like the real thing.

    I get the Xyla brand because it is not made from corn like many of the cheaper products out there.
  • lstarr07
    lstarr07 Posts: 14 Member
    Sticking with 15 grams or less a day is a great way to start....including the things that naturally have sugar...for example usinf fat free half and half instead of milk in coffee or having nuts without the fruit for a snack. Once your body gets used to having very little sugar (only what may come from veggies) might be much easier to stick with your goal.... blessings on your mission!!
  • rachaela06
    rachaela06 Posts: 167
    Good luck, I recently gave up the "extra sugar", from cakes, candy, etc. The first few days were horrible, I had a headache the whole time. Whenever I felt the craving for it, I drank lots of water. That really helped, and ate more fruit. It's really tough, but it is so worth it, I've never felt better and my body has toned up so much. Just keep in mind how you want to look and feel. Keep us posted.
  • italiabella
    italiabella Posts: 19 Member
    I'm on day 5 of no sugar! Its been quite easy this time around. I only eat natural sugar from fruits. I have been making sure I eat protein at each meal w/ a carb. I don't crave the sweets and breads or cereals like before. I also have cut milk from my diet since it was upsetting my son's stomach.

    I decided to cut the sugar because I ate the 42oz huge bag of M&Ms in one week... its the $12 bag! I would wake in the middle of the night while nursing and that was my snack and of course throughout the day.

    I have no tips... just stay strong.
  • loria508
    loria508 Posts: 41 Member
    thanks , will do!
  • BodyRockerVT
    BodyRockerVT Posts: 323 Member
    Like others have said the first few days are really rough.

    Try to come up with a "substitute" for when you are craving it. I used herbal tea.

    You will likely have a headache and potentially be really achy for a few days. Drink a LOT of water.

    It is hard, very hard....but you can do it. I have done it a couple times but I tend to relapse because sugar is one of those things I can't have "in moderation". If there is a birthday or something coming up and I have a piece of cake...that's it...I fall off the wagon.
  • Nanaof04
    Nanaof04 Posts: 1
    there is a good book called Sugar Busters that may help you with the 'no' sugar thing. Hope this helps!!
  • karenwill2
    karenwill2 Posts: 604 Member
    I will join you. I caved yesterday but I will not cave today. Nothing but real nature made sugar for this girl for at least 5 days. We can do this!
  • loria508
    loria508 Posts: 41 Member
    I will continue with fruit and milk..... thanks
  • loria508
    loria508 Posts: 41 Member
    Sounds good, it's nice to have someone starting with me today!