Irish Canadian, living in the USA, looking for friends

Greetings, everyone.
This is Stephen. My parents were both born in Ireland, and I was born in Toronto. I met my wife over the internet, way back in 1998. And, in 1999 I moved to West Virginia and we got married in 2000.
Since the 1990's I have lived a sedentary lifestyle. I have Crohns, and have had a left hip replacement, and two subsequent revisions. It has given me many set backs, but I move on.
But, I hold my chin up high, and don't dwell on it, just telling you so you know where I'm coming from. But, believe me, I could give you a real whine and cheese party. lol
I heard about MFP from my doctor, and have loved it ever since; over a month now.
I started eating poorly very early in my life (I'm 53 now); not knowing what nutrients to eat regularly, proteins, carbohydrates, etc, and I still don't know this.
So, if you would like to be friends, have some articulate pointers, aren't cynical, or condescending, or maybe even sarcastic, haha, please come on over. I'd love to have you.


  • mwestmount
    mwestmount Posts: 40 Member
    Hello fellow Canadian!

    I don't know if I can be friends with you though..........are you a Leafs fan? LOL
    I am a Montrealer (actually I live on the south shore, but have always considered myself a city girl). I use the term girl losely (48 at present)
    I have lived the rollercoaster of weight gain/loss all my life. Sux! but no whining allowed here! If we are to be friends you must agree to smack me when I whine and shall reciprocate when needed.
    If you accept this challenge, accept my friend request. I will send it shortly. TTFN
  • steveman99
    Hello fellow Canadian!

    I don't know if I can be friends with you though..........are you a Leafs fan? LOL
    I am a Montrealer (actually I live on the south shore, but have always considered myself a city girl). I use the term girl losely (48 at present)
    I have lived the rollercoaster of weight gain/loss all my life. Sux! but no whining allowed here! If we are to be friends you must agree to smack me when I whine and shall reciprocate when needed.
    If you accept this challenge, accept my friend request. I will send it shortly. TTFN
    I have to admit, yes, I AM A LEAFS FAN!!! It's a tough admission, given the shape of the history of the Leafs. I can remember back when they won their last Stanley Cup, 1966-67 season. They won 4 in the 1960's, and they have done nothing since.
    The Habs, on the other hand, have had an illustrious and storied career. You don't need me to write down all their accomplishments, and I can hear you saying right now, "Oh yes I do". Huh! Not gonna do it. lol
  • mwestmount
    mwestmount Posts: 40 Member
    Hello fellow Canadian!

    I don't know if I can be friends with you though..........are you a Leafs fan? LOL
    I am a Montrealer (actually I live on the south shore, but have always considered myself a city girl). I use the term girl losely (48 at present)
    I have lived the rollercoaster of weight gain/loss all my life. Sux! but no whining allowed here! If we are to be friends you must agree to smack me when I whine and shall reciprocate when needed.
    If you accept this challenge, accept my friend request. I will send it shortly. TTFN
    I have to admit, yes, I AM A LEAFS FAN!!! It's a tough admission, given the shape of the history of the Leafs. I can remember back when they won their last Stanley Cup, 1966-67 season. They won 4 in the 1960's, and they have done nothing since.
    The Habs, on the other hand, have had an illustrious and storied career. You don't need me to write down all their accomplishments, and I can hear you saying right now, "Oh yes I do". Huh! Not gonna do it. lol

    Sad to say though, this year was a right off for the Habs, so who am I to throw stones. We'll see next year buddy!