Workouts for 300+ lbs



  • Inclined walking. Find a hill, walk up, repeat.
  • sherri85
    sherri85 Posts: 148 Member
    I started out at 377 lbs. I'm on oxygen so I was always worried about that too. When I started out I would just "dance" for 3 minutes and then need to rest. My dancing was really just moving my feet a bit to music while standing. Then after a bit I added in arm movement. Then moving my whole body. I also use the Walk at Home dvds. Once I got used to that I added in hula and belly dancing. You don't need fancy equipment just turn on some music and move the best you can! :flowerforyou:

    It's been about 7 months and I'm down to 300.8 and I can now walk a mile or do 20 minutes of active dancing without any issues.
    Wow that is impressive!!! 77 lbs in 7 months!! You go girl!! I too have the same issue with exercising, my knees and hips are bad due to my obesity, so I have been doing walk away the pounds 1 mile walk but it is still VERY difficult and I don't use the weights. I am anxious for it to be alot easier and move on to the 2 mile..
  • themommie
    themommie Posts: 5,033 Member
    I was 287 at my heaviest and when i started I just did swimming and walking everyday until i lost the first 55lbs then i added in the wii fit plus, resistance bands, and some dvds I would reccommend leslie sansome her dvds are easy. Remember any movement helps and is better then no movement. I would suggest just doing what you are doing, if you want to burn more calories walk several times a day. I have a pedometer and aim for at least 10,000 steps a day. Remember it is better to get in a little exercise everyday then to over do it and hurt yourself or burn out and then not be able to exercise at all for awhile. Keep up the good work, you will get there if you just dont give up and remember that your diet is 80% of the equation.
  • cbeutler
    cbeutler Posts: 667 Member
    I was close to 400 lbs. Now down to 329.

    First I found my diet controlled about 80% of my weight loss. So I would really suggest you put your focus there. That said there is no reason not to exercise (unless your doctor tells you differently)

    I would suggest walking (go to the mall if you can't walk outside). You might try a fitbit. I have one and have recently walked 4 miles without a break.

    Some of the dvd's that have been recommended are good to.

    As far a quality of life, getting up and down from chairs, just moving around you can't beat some kind of strength training. A trainer would be great, but until you get there I'd suggest fitness bands and a swiss ball.

    You can also do a lot with just body weight and some small dumbbells. I'd try and incorporate some compound movements. Squats and upright rows, Squats and curls, Squats and presses. Not all in the same workout.

    My workout with my trainer today was.

    Bench Press/Tricep Push down/ Squat and Lateral Raise three sets 1,2,3
    10 minute walk
    Dead Lift and upright rows/ Lunges/ seated Lat pull downs three sets 1,2,3
    10 minute walk
    1/2 bicycle/ modified bridge/ Crunches three sets 1,2,3

    I'll walk later and try to get my daily total over 10,000

    Now I have been working out for about 2 years so make sure this workout is appropriate for you.

    As a word of warning, you are better off to go slow and not get hurt. Getting hurt can derail you for a long time.

    Feel free to friend me and I'll be happy to pass my workouts on to you.


    Good Luck
  • bellygoaway
    bellygoaway Posts: 441 Member
    There are many great suggestions here. One thing I would add is to track EVERYTHING that you eat. That is the reason I started using MFP. Once I saw how many calories I was eating, it was pretty easy to cut back/change what I eat. I know calories are not the end all/be all of health, but when you weigh as much as I do, they are huge. Set your goal easy, I would suggest just 1 pound a week (better to be under your goal and gain some confidence). Just remember to adjust your goal as you loose weight.

    Walking is great exercise. As you loose weight increase duration or speed of the walk. Also, try rearranging your house or a specific room. Good luck on your journey. I know you can do it.
  • diamondtransform
    diamondtransform Posts: 22 Member
  • bekkaL85
    bekkaL85 Posts: 133 Member
    I started at 412 and now im at 308. So I totally get what your saying. I do contribute walking to my losing weight because it was the 1 thing my body could do. I agree with alot of what people have already said. Just do what you can. Walk EVERY DAY not just when you feel like it. Blare music and dance around when you're cleaning. You can also get a dance dvd or an exercise dvd with the boc thingy you step up and down on.
  • debpre16
    debpre16 Posts: 5 Member
    I tried the videos - they were fun and so upbeat. Thanks for sharing.