stopping sugar today!



  • mjn18
    mjn18 Posts: 74 Member
    There seems to be conflicting ideas all around these boards on sugar, natural sugar, and no sugar. One of the things I did when I started this new lifestyle was started eating a lot more fruit. I like fruit and I find much more portable than veggies by in large (doesn't require the fridge, don't need to cut it up before I leave the house or use special storage containers, etc). I make sure I incorporate veggies into lunch and dinner when home but when I work fruit is just easier. However eating an apple and an orange put me over my sugar for the entire day! This week has been bad for processed sugar b/c of Easter although I have been trying to be moderate in what I am eating. Should I really worry about the natural sugar I am getting from fruits? Most days if I subtract that sugar I am well within the range that MFP allots.
  • khrys1
    khrys1 Posts: 444 Member
    I'm a sugar addict also- the only thing I've found that works is to go cold turkey- if I can make it past 4 days with no sugar, I find I don't crave it anymore and can have it once in a while. However, if I then have sugar again two days in a row, I'm back to the starting point. Good luck!
  • meeulk
    meeulk Posts: 246 Member
    I was eating sugar like it was the last food on earth. I finally stopped indulging... and now I'm focused more on what foods and how much of those foods make sugar cravings kick in. I eat dark chocolate almost everyday... the good stuff... 70% and up. I eat Fage yogurt every morning (with cherries!) and I eat a Lara Bar every day. There's enough protein and good stuff in these foods that I don't feel like I need 2 Hershey's Bars 30 minutes later. If I eat white bread, rice, etc. for lunch, I want sweets as soon as I get back to my desk at work, though!
  • slimlady2012
    Have healthy snacks available; that way you are not tempted by the sugar around you. After 3 days your desire will be gone. You can do it. :smile:
  • lej0213
    lej0213 Posts: 10
    I am having the same issue! I have a jar and any day that I don't have anything but natural sugar, I put a dollar into it. This way I can motivate myself to stay away and save money for new outfits in a few months!
  • prplangl4
    prplangl4 Posts: 488 Member
    the reason sugar is so hard to kick is because (1) it affects our brain in the same way crack or coke does! (2) its in EV-EVERY-THING! all processed foods and low-fat foods are substittuted with sugars and sugar alochols, or high fructose corn syrup...its how they keep us all buying JUNK food and not sticking to natural plant-based foods...

    One thing that is good for you and when I'm craving sugar I eat is dark chocolate OVER first 70 or 72% tastes real bitter, but after a while you can move up in darkness and anything below 73% will taste so sweet its disgusting/makes you feel sick...sugar is toxic so great for you for cutting it out!

    Here's a great resource for those wanting to know more:

    And within the link is the full video from 60 minutes with Dr. Sanjay Gupta!
  • lionempress
    lionempress Posts: 126 Member
    I also use Xylitol in my coffee it doesn't have any aftertaste like stevia and tastes the same as sugar but much milder. I use a little Stevia in my tea, because I don't notice the aftertaste as much and for some reason prefer it over the xylitol in my tea (with Stevia a little goes a long way, too much and the aftertaste is just way too strong). You can also substitute xylitol in baking. I try to avoid sugar or anything that contains sugar (except for fruits), but it seems very difficult to eliminate it all together (so I'm happy with minimizing it). Just remember you can do anything you set your mind to do, and good luck!
  • theartichoke
    theartichoke Posts: 816 Member
    There seems to be conflicting ideas all around these boards on sugar, natural sugar, and no sugar. One of the things I did when I started this new lifestyle was started eating a lot more fruit. I like fruit and I find much more portable than veggies by in large (doesn't require the fridge, don't need to cut it up before I leave the house or use special storage containers, etc). I make sure I incorporate veggies into lunch and dinner when home but when I work fruit is just easier. However eating an apple and an orange put me over my sugar for the entire day! This week has been bad for processed sugar b/c of Easter although I have been trying to be moderate in what I am eating. Should I really worry about the natural sugar I am getting from fruits? Most days if I subtract that sugar I am well within the range that MFP allots.

    The sugar measurement only counts for added sugars. Added means it didn't grow with it. Coke is added, apples are not. MFP can't differentiate between the two. If you are diabetic the sugar in fruit has to be monitored but it's still healthy. If not, it's absolutely fine.
  • loria508
    loria508 Posts: 41 Member
    Like others have said the first few days are really rough.

    Try to come up with a "substitute" for when you are craving it. I used herbal tea.

    You will likely have a headache and potentially be really achy for a few days. Drink a LOT of water.

    It is hard, very hard....but you can do it. I have done it a couple times but I tend to relapse because sugar is one of those things I can't have "in moderation". If there is a birthday or something coming up and I have a piece of cake...that's it...I fall off the wagon.

    Same here! I am addicted to sugar, I cant have just a little piece of cake. Todays the day!
  • TinaCleg_cancel
    OK, me too, I am in. No sugar unless it comes from fruit starting right this moment. I did use a little aguave nectar in my Greek yogurt this morning which is natural but has carbs. I will try to nix that also. I have had a headache for two days straight I swear.
  • shaypearl
    shaypearl Posts: 307 Member
    I have tried and failed on many occasions. Me and sugar is like crack to a crack head. 'It just keeps calling me'. I would have to enroll myself in a Sugar Anonymous class to over come my craving at this point. Good luck.
  • loria508
    loria508 Posts: 41 Member
    the reason sugar is so hard to kick is because (1) it affects our brain in the same way crack or coke does! (2) its in EV-EVERY-THING! all processed foods and low-fat foods are substittuted with sugars and sugar alochols, or high fructose corn syrup...its how they keep us all buying JUNK food and not sticking to natural plant-based foods...

    One thing that is good for you and when I'm craving sugar I eat is dark chocolate OVER first 70 or 72% tastes real bitter, but after a while you can move up in darkness and anything below 73% will taste so sweet its disgusting/makes you feel sick...sugar is toxic so great for you for cutting it out!

    Here's a great resource for those wanting to know more:

    And within the link is the full video from 60 minutes with Dr. Sanjay Gupta!
  • lolabluola
    lolabluola Posts: 212 Member
    it's so hard at first but stick with it! Strawberries are amazing once you don't have sugar for a long time! Peppers (red bell and green) taste amazing too to me now! I've been losing a ton of weight by cutting sugar! good luck!!!! (it was not fun though the first two weeks working in an office with constant birthday parties and goodies)

    p.s. be careful of 'sugar free' those sugar alcohol really mess with my tummy! Especially the sugar free cough drops I tried when I was sick!
  • loria508
    loria508 Posts: 41 Member
    OK, me too, I am in. No sugar unless it comes from fruit starting right this moment. I did use a little aguave nectar in my Greek yogurt this morning which is natural but has carbs. I will try to nix that also. I have had a headache for two days straight I swear.
    Sound good, please have aguave if you need it, splenda,etc. I'm starting with no sweets, cookies,candy etc. Good luck!
  • loria508
    loria508 Posts: 41 Member
    it's so hard at first but stick with it! Strawberries are amazing once you don't have sugar for a long time! Peppers (red bell and green) taste amazing too to me now! I've been losing a ton of weight by cutting sugar! good luck!!!! (it was not fun though the first two weeks working in an office with constant birthday parties and goodies)

    p.s. be careful of 'sugar free' those sugar alcohol really mess with my tummy! Especially the sugar free cough drops I tried when I was sick!
    Thanks for the strawberry tip!
  • Mhousenga
    Mhousenga Posts: 16 Member
    My sisters and I have only allowing natural sugars for the month of April as a way to get our food in check. We also cut out carbs from rice, potatoes, bread, pasta, corn, etc. It has been really good. I feel good. We have had discussions about sustainability of eating this way and the reality is that I don't want to give up chocolate forever, but I want to be in a place where having a small piece is so fulfilling and sweet that it is all I need to be satisfied. I have been eating unsweetened natural peanut butter and almonds with fruit for snacks and it has been wonderful. You can do it and feel better.
  • loria508
    loria508 Posts: 41 Member
    Thank you everyone for the support!!!!!! If you are serious about "no sugar" feel free to friend me :smile:
  • prplangl4
    prplangl4 Posts: 488 Member
    AND in that report I noted, I've read and seen a lot of Dr. Lustig's work, and since the 1980s when they pushed for low-fat foods, that's when rates of cardiovascular disease, hypertension, diabetes, cancers, etc. have increased...because low fat foods all have added sugars...and since everything we eat has sugars, just like a drug, we grow a "resistance" to it and want more...not to mention the way foods with carbs/sugar in it affect our metabolism and insulin levels, we eat a bunch of it, then within an hour or so we're starving again...because it continually spikes our insulin levels and crashes it, causing us to over eat as well.

    Cutting sugar, and processed "frankenfoods" is definitely the way to go! Great for you!!!

    I came across a post in Jan. (for the new year I wanted to bump up my health habits) and came across the 100th posting about "good sugar vs bad sugar" and a MFP member posted about how his wife died suddenly from cardiovascular disease and that led him to healthy habits and he lost 185 lbs not from exercising, but over time changing how he ate and researching...and I read through all of his blogs (from oldest to newest) and did hours of my own research and even met with one of the professors he quoted who works at the university I work at, and it was all very eye opening! His blog is here:

    And I just watched a great documentary on how MDs don't have nutrition as part of their curriculum so they prescribe drugs that don't necessarily get rid of the diseases, but then holistics docs who gave people with diseases like diabetes and cancer a plant-based diet and cutting our processed junk reversed the diseases, including cancer. It was called Forks Over touches on sugar too. Definitely worth it to watch, it's on netflix now if you have it.
  • LaMarisg
    LaMarisg Posts: 3
    Im so glad Im not the only one struggling with this. The funny thing is I dont care for sweets like cake, ice cream, or chocolate. But candy like jolly ranchers or an ice cold Pepsi! OMG!!! If I can give up at least the soda for a week, it may help. I did a couple of years ago and when I first tasted it again, it was horrible but then I got use to it again.

    Think I will try with you girls on this sugar thing!!! Wish everyone luck!:wink:
  • signgrrrl
    signgrrrl Posts: 74 Member
    If you need to put sugar on things like coffee berries etc. try the estivia sweetner. All natural ...comes from the leaf of the estevia plant. I use it in my coffee and on my strawberries. Truvia brand and Hy-Vee makes it.