3 Meals a day plus 2 snacks....

I started this journey completely commited in February of this month, i've been doing good consistently. Breakfast, lunch, and dinner and two snacks within my calorie intake so i feel good sometimes and then there are days like today.

I guess i should say i've always struggled with a little bit of an eating disorder, when i started college i would skip my meals for days i could go on for 2 to 3 days without eating (bad i know) but i found that i could lose weight really fast and i thought "hey! this is doable!" well my parents and bf found out and they have helped me a lot, my bf has been a huge help.

Like i mentioned before i have been doing good with my food intake, today i overslept a little for work and all i could grab was a yogurt while i was eating it, one of the girls in my staff said "and this is how you plan to lose weight?" i wanted to cry and throw my yogurt away, i suddenly felt all my feelings crumble, i felt fat, and ugly and i wanted to run to the bathroom and throw it up, to be honest i still feel that way tears want to come out just by me thinking about it =( I didnt throw it away though i ate it. i did not succumb to ignorant thinking. But you cant say that to someone who struggles with eating disorders that is rude and mean! =(


  • AshleyRKnutson
    AshleyRKnutson Posts: 98 Member
    You've got great support and try to keep your head up and ignore the ignorance and hateful people. Not everyone gets it. Keep doing what you are doing and always remember that you are not fat and are a beautiful person!! :smile:
  • comparingapples
    what is so wrong with yogurt? what a rude person, as i don't condone eating disorders, it shouldn't be her business "how you plan to lose weight" you'll do better. WE will do better!
  • Andie_loops
    Thanks guys! i really dnt want to fall back into my old ways and being on here has helped a lot on staying on track! thank you for the kind words! =)