Do you let people know when you're watching your diet?



  • mommy1126
    mommy1126 Posts: 146 Member
    There are a few people I have told. My husband knows. A few people at work know. However, for the most part I don't tell people. One, I don't think it is their business. Two, most of the people I know always say, "You don't need to lose weight", or something like that which just works against me!!
  • gurganuss
    gurganuss Posts: 78 Member
    I share with some people. My boyfriend knows and he is very supportive. My daughter knows so that she keeps her candy in her room. Some of my co workers know because they are also on MFP and we all work as a team to support one another.

    If people ask me if I have lost weight I will share, but I dont generally just tell unless people start to ask questions.
  • wickedcricket
    wickedcricket Posts: 1,246 Member
    let people know? No. Actually, I've announced diets that didn't last so many times that I didn't even expect to succeed when I started this time.
    Honestly, I signed up here as an 'experiment' just to see what would happen. NOW everyone asks me what I'm 'doing' and 'how did I do it' I tell them this site is VITAL and I could never have done it without MFP. I am surprised nearly every day by the over-weight people I know who see me, know about MFP but still won't even try it. It's taken this experience for me to realize that most all overweight people don't want or intend to be healthy and have NO intention of doing the work neccessary. I am also appalled at people who want to be 'thin' but care nothing at all about being healthy.
    I've come to the conclusion that most people are idiots and lazy to boot
  • lisalis626
    lisalis626 Posts: 19 Member
    I've always been a very private person. I choose not to let EVERYONE know --only a select few. I feel like I'll be judged if I fall off the wagon or make an "unhealthy" choice in front of them. The people who know are my supporters. Maybe I don't want all of my friends/family to know because there's a slim chance I won't accomplish goals I've set out for myself. (I'm more dedicated to this than ever before so I KNOW my goals WILL be met). I feel like it's my personal journey, I don't need anyone to judge me.
  • mensa810
    mensa810 Posts: 10 Member
    When I got to the office this morning, 3 different people had brought doughnuts. It looks like a Krispy Kreme truck tipped over. Thanks to tools like MFP, I know that I don't have enough room in my budget for doughnuts today, so I'm not having one. I don't feel the need to share my reasoning unless I'm asked directly. Its the 21st century, and people should know that there are many reasons not to have doughnuts for breakfast.

    Before I made this life change, I would feel that I was crapping all over someones birthday if I didn't partake of their birthday treats. Now, I realize that a can lose my man-boobs AND celebrate at the same time.
  • BeautyFromPain
    BeautyFromPain Posts: 4,952 Member
    I don't tell them but after awhile they all noticed, and started trying to sabotage my efforts :noway:
  • Ann1ka87
    Ann1ka87 Posts: 12 Member
    I didnt tell anyone when I started because I am doing this for me so they didn't need to know... but I couldnt keep it a secret when I was all happy about having lost a stone.
    I plan my own meals so I dont really have anyone else trying to encourage or discourage me from eating certain things that they may or may not see as suitable "diet food".
    My mum did buy me a step machine for home once I told her I was trying to lose weight and get abit fitter :-D
  • Tucuxi
    Tucuxi Posts: 1
    I'd like to tell more people, but I suffer from a pretty unfortunate lack of support. I'm only about 15-20lbs overweight, so rather than being supportive of my goals people tend to act like I'm crazy for wanting to lose weight. Now I just keep my mouth shut. The reason I would tell people in the first place is so they don't offer me junk food.
  • michellelhartwig
    michellelhartwig Posts: 486 Member
    I didn't say much at first, but it's becoming very obvious. When I explain to people that I'm calorie counting, and that I actually CAN eat whatever I want, in moderation, they seem kind of impressed that I can be satisfied with that. When I say that there's nothing I CAN'T eat, people look genuinely confused for a minute. But then I get to educate them a little. :)

    ^^^This...except, I told everyone I was starting over with my health! A new journey, if you will!
  • Amandajp79
    Amandajp79 Posts: 165 Member
    Nope. Just my 'friends' on MFP :) I don't really talk about it to anyone. I have been on here for fifty some days now and down 9lbs (I actually think I hit 10 yesterday) but no one even says anything. I think with losing it slowly you don't notice as much. I guess my husband knows because I don't eat the crap I use to and now make healthier versions of the 'norm'. But he has never said "wow, have you lost weight?" and I don't need him too :) I can tell by the way my cloths fit me and how I feel on the inside. :smooched:
  • Elzecat
    Elzecat Posts: 2,916 Member
    I'm not on a "Diet" - I changed the way I eat. They bring donuts (or bagels) to work all the time. If I choose to join them, they ask if that will ruin my diet. I let them know the difference.

    I always tell them how great MFP is, too. It's been a major factor in my success!

    This sums it up nicely for me. If someone offers me a treat or invites me to eat out at, it's up to me to decide how I want to fit that into my day, or I will politely say "no thanks." The only person who's asked if there are certain things I can't eat is my mother because I go to her house for meals on occasion. Once I explained how I was counting calories and wasn't actually cutting foods out of my life, she makes the same things she did before (she is a very health-conscious cook) but just gives us slightly smaller portions :)
  • I have been doing this for so long that pretty much everyone knows that I choose to eat healthier. It is annoying sometimes when I do decide to splurge to have the comments about what I'm eating but then again, sometimes it's helpful!

  • neverstray
    neverstray Posts: 3,845 Member
    I don't know if it's been said, but I never say "I'm on a diet". I just say that I watch what I eat. And, it's obvious when they see me in action.

    This has it's benefits too, because if I decide to pig out or something, no one thinks twice about it, they just think I'm normal. So, it's a win-win.

    One of the downsides of annoucing that you are dieting is when they see you eating a cheeseburger, it doesn't matter why you are eating it (maybe it's your spike/cheat day, maybe you ran 20 miles that morning), they are going to say something snide. It's just easier to not say anything and just do your thing.

    Plus, for me, it's true that I am not on a diet. Everyone in the world is on a diet, actually. I'm just watching what I am eating. It makes it more simple for people to understand.
  • allisonrozsa
    allisonrozsa Posts: 178 Member
    No. I don't mention my "diet" or any words that refer to watching what I eat, I simply say:

    "I'm changing my habits."

    It seems to work. No one bothers me about it. No one has even tried to "help" me abstain from any kinds of foods, because I'm already doing that on my own.
  • the_great_unknown
    the_great_unknown Posts: 194 Member
    I don't tell people, but they can figure it out, I'm sure. I have always tried to eat fairly healthfully, with the occasional junk food treat. My issue was portion control, I think. I did tell my mom, because she tries to be a good hostess when I visit and in my family that means Paula Deen style, Y'all! We're not even Southern.
  • neverstray
    neverstray Posts: 3,845 Member
    I don't tell people, but they can figure it out, I'm sure. I have always tried to eat fairly healthfully, with the occasional junk food treat. My issue was portion control, I think. I did tell my mom, because she tries to be a good hostess when I visit and in my family that means Paula Deen style, Y'all! We're not even Southern.

    Ya! I don't have that in my life anymore. All the Southerners are gone. From a food perspective, it's awesome. Not so much from most other perspectives. But, when a recipe starts with lard or butter, you know you're in trouble. LOL.
  • 911chell
    911chell Posts: 26
    For me I think that it is important to tell people, however my husbands family know that I watch what I eat and that I am very vulnerable to reverting to eating badly again they still shove a plate of food in my face the minute I walk in the door. My husband is very supportive and he just takes it and says I'll eat it and then I just will pick a few things (healthy) and stay away from the kitchen area. People at work know and it helps because I have some good friends that are also watching what they eat and we support each other.
  • Ilovejacks
    Ilovejacks Posts: 153 Member
    Normally i only have told family & close friends but, this time i'm really just trying to change all my eating habits and live healthy for now on.I have actually posted on Facebook how much i lose every Tuesday(thats all just 16 lbs down) i want to be accountable and now some friends are waiting for tuesday to see how i'm doing.I find myself less likely to stumble if more people are watching.My kids were already health nuts so they just think"it's about time"
  • Valtishia
    Valtishia Posts: 811 Member
    Most know just by watching me eat. I do occasionally have something that would not normally fit in my diet but generally the only one I am pushy with is saying no to high sodium foods that are offered. The bloating and water retention can get so bad.... thats reason enough for me. Nobody really bothers me about what I say no to. Nobody should.... You eat when you are hungry and have a treat when you want one. Its your body you are listening to.
  • Aeriesified
    Aeriesified Posts: 206 Member
    I have a co-worker that I love to death. She's also on the big side, and tried to lose the weight through Herbal Magic and gave up -really- early on. Whenever I start adding everything up on my phone or talking about my small successes, she looks at me and rolls her eyes like I'm stupid for being excited about it. What I'm trying to do is show her that it really is really easy to lose the weight without paying any money for programs and such. You just need diet and exercise.

    Everyone knows, and lots of people are happy for me, but I think I might end up not telling anyone else, because that reaction really gets on my nerves.