What are some of the best ways to burn fat quickly?

Hi everyone,

I was just wondering what exercises you guys do...I am kind of tired of the walking/jogging and treadmills...I need something new! Feel free to share your exercise routines!

Thanks! Happy Exercising!


  • chachadiva150
    chachadiva150 Posts: 482 Member
    Check out the Fitness Blender or Be Fit channels on YouTube.

    I do a lot of DVDs. I have a lot and I switch them up often.
  • chasityspencer
    Workout videos are nice because they tell you everything you need to do. There's plenty of variety and ones at different fitness levels and you can do them with someone, or without and in the privacy of your own home. I like going for walks and jogs outside to enjoy the sun, nature, and to mix things up.
  • gimmegimmemoar
    gimmegimmemoar Posts: 213 Member
    Have you tried a dance type exercise like Zumba?? I just started it and I LOVE IT!!!! Personally, I don't like to weigh myself because I feel it can fluctuate so much from day to day, but after doing Zumba for a week I noticed a difference in how my clothes fit, especially in my waist. Its a great way to burn calories and its a blast!
  • juliexiuu
    juliexiuu Posts: 118
    Strength / Circuit training and eating enough protein!
  • runfatmanrun
    runfatmanrun Posts: 1,090 Member
    I have found that strength and core training have been the most effective at burning fat. Squats, lunges, pushups, and any variance of them have really helped me burn that fat away.
  • cramernh
    cramernh Posts: 3,335 Member
    Hi everyone,

    I was just wondering what exercises you guys do...I am kind of tired of the walking/jogging and treadmills...I need something new! Feel free to share your exercise routines!

    Thanks! Happy Exercising!

    Well.. to be honest, you really should have your mindset on "effective" and not 'quickly'. The faster you lose the weight, the easier it is to put it back on, and then some. It also creates a mental misconception thus resulting in unrealistic results.

    Effective fat burning would be an individualistic approach. Some people can lose with just cardio, others just strength training, others a combination of both.

    Same goes for their dietary intakes.

    For me, Im at the half-way mark of my weight loss: I only eat fresh foods, never processed. I avoid all foods that cause my allergies and sensitivities (moderation does not apply), and through tons of cardio, I dropped 60+lbs.

    Now, I need to kick things up and include strength/weights because Im in a plateau. My eating is still the same and calculated with the anticipation of a 400-600 caloric burn per workout. My calories get adjusted back to my doctor's guideline on the days I dont workout.

    You cant.. absolutely ***cant*** go into this thinking 'quickly'... think "effective"....
  • heath6420
    beware of the dvd workouts....what people don't realize is that they are bad on you joints. they are made for people who already have a good routine going and are in good physical condition. don't stay in one workout for too long. the body has a way of getting use to the workouts. for example if all you do is run then eventually the body will get tired of the same old thing and it will not be as effective. switch it up. add weights to your training. keep this in mind. for every 1 pound of muscle you put on you will burn 50 calories at rest. when i say rest i mean while you sleep. sleep is key in any weight loss plan. if you don't get enough rest your body doesn't work efficiently and will not burn the weight that it needs to burn. don't be afraid to eat. people think that they can't loose weight and still eat. this is bogus. keep your meals small and clean. try to have at lease one fruit, two veggies, and one protein per meal. snack. nuts are perfect fillers between meal time. set goals. goals are the perfect way to keep you in check. enter yourself into a 5K run. enjoy yourself and don't worry about every little pound. if you go over your goal today don't think that you have to short yourself tomorrow. and above all remember one simple rule, cause this is the one that matters....calories in versus calories out. if you aren't burning more calories than you take in, then you won't lose anyway. be creative and have fun with it. people stick with things that are fun and enjoyable, so make your journey a fun one. do that and you will be where you wanna be before you know it.
  • nmdZOOM
    nmdZOOM Posts: 6
    Thanks for all of your insight everyone!! It's great to know that we can all support each other now and then!! :)
  • shaycat
    shaycat Posts: 980
    I started with Zumba, it is a lot of fun and burns a good amount of calories.